Well. I understand now. If the pixel speed is higher than the pushback, it can get deeper than the push out.
By the way, I activated my other enemies, and they buged out, even though they use the same movement system, and are slower than the enemy I was doing the testing with. And the bug is probably what I experienced the first time i tried on collision, and is why I left it at once..
I now tried it with the file I uploaded 2nd here, to test it for real, and well. It's not solid yet, they can still get past objects even with onCollision. I guess they are "phasing" over it. And this can be understandable if what you said is true, they will keep on doing their movement thingy instead of being pushed out. However, even if I fix that, for some reason my other 2 eemies are buging out, which is weird since I copied the movements from the 1st enemy on to the one I was testing with. I thought I had moved past this problem but nooope
Even if I add the pushout to 5 pixels (which is higher than any enemy speed) The new bug will remain.
I just realized, the pushout is the same as the speed so it shouldn't be able to move any further inside an object, especially since there's a delay on the movement, and not the pushout.
I have reproduced, er.. nevermind. this is different. On my main file they will walk left and right by the right edge. here, the other enemy will, well. u'll see.