Posts by K1kk0z90

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    The bug shown in the mfa consists in the fact that multiple play of the same sound doesn't work, but it is a known bug, as you said in the Beta 6 remarks it is not implemented yet.
    Anyway, there are other things that don't work with this mfa, built with Beta 7 of the HTML5 exporter.
    Note: in this mfa I've used a wav sound. After building the project, I correctly got an aac and an ogg versions of that sound (I'm running MMF2 in Windows 7).

    Firefox 16 - WebGL enabled
    The sound doesn't play at all. Here's what I get to Console:

    [11:17:48.762] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information Please login to see this link. @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:17:48.820] Error: WebGL: Can't get a usable WebGL context @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:17:48.821] Failed to init WebGL; falling back to standard renderer @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:17:48.821] [Exception... 'Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMHTMLCanvasElement.getContext]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: Please login to see this link. :: WebGLRenderer :: line 13" data: no] @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:17:48.821] Error: WebGL: Can't get a usable WebGL context @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:17:48.821] Request for full-screen was denied because Element.mozRequestFullScreen() was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler. @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:17:48.872] Use of attributes' nodeName attribute is deprecated. Use name instead. @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:17:48.872] Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead. @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:17:48.889] HTTP "Content-Type" of "application/octet-stream" is not supported. Load of media resource Please login to see this link. failed. @ Please login to see this link.

    Firefox 16 - WebGL disabled
    Same behaviour as with WebGL enabled: the sound doesn't play at all. I get less errors to Console (just because there aren't the errors relative to WebGL):

    [11:25:13.618] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information Please login to see this link. @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:25:13.628] Request for full-screen was denied because Element.mozRequestFullScreen() was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler. @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:25:13.669] HTTP "Content-Type" of "application/octet-stream" is not supported. Load of media resource Please login to see this link. failed. @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:25:13.725] Use of attributes' nodeName attribute is deprecated. Use name instead. @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:25:13.725] Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead. @ Please login to see this link.

    Chrome 22 - WebGL enabled
    Works fine: the sample plays and I don't get anything to Console, except the error that appears for every MMF2 HTML5 app with WebGL enabled:

    WebGL: INVALID_ENUM: enable: invalid capabilityPlease login to see this link.

    Chrome 22 - WebGL disabled
    Works fine: the sample plays and I don't get anything to Console.

    IE9 - WebGL enabled
    Like in Firefox, the sound doesn't play at all. There is nothing relevant to Console, just these errors that appear for every MMF2 HTML5 app with WebGL enabled:

    Registry: Failed to init WebGL; falling back to standard renderer
    Registry: Error: WebGL not supported

    IE9 - WebGL disabled
    The same as with WebGL enabled: the sound does not play. Nothing to Console.

    Attached the mfa.

    Here I continue the report of trying my mfa's previously submitted in this thread, with the latest Beta (7).

    First of all, like I previously mentioned, any empty app, when built with "Enable WebGL" option ON, gives these errors in these browsers:

    Firefox 16
    [17:39:30.194] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information Please login to see this link. @ Please login to see this link.
    [17:39:30.205] Error: WebGL: Can't get a usable WebGL context @ Please login to see this link.
    [17:39:30.206] Failed to init WebGL; falling back to standard renderer @ Please login to see this link.
    [17:39:30.206] [Exception... 'Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMHTMLCanvasElement.getContext]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: Please login to see this link. :: WebGLRenderer :: line 13" data: no] @ Please login to see this link.
    [17:39:30.206] Request for full-screen was denied because Element.mozRequestFullScreen() was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler. @ Please login to see this link.

    Chrome 22
    WebGL: INVALID_ENUM: enable: invalid capabilityPlease login to see this link.

    Registry: Failed to init WebGL; falling back to standard renderer
    Registry: Error: WebGL not supported

    While when building an empty app with WebGL disabled, the only browser that gets something to console is Firefox:

    [17:45:00.546] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information Please login to see this link. @ Please login to see this link.
    [17:45:00.557] Request for full-screen was denied because Element.mozRequestFullScreen() was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler. @ Please login to see this link.

    So, in the following table, I will consider as working any app that loads, runs correctly, and has no errors to Console except from the ones I've just mentioned above.

    [TABLE='width: 800']

    [TD='align: center']mfa name
    [TD='align: center']Firefox 16
    [TD='align: center']Chrome 22
    [TD='align: center']IE9
    [TD='align: center']comments



    [tr][td]Please login to see this link.[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]





    [tr][td]Please login to see this link.[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]





    [tr][td]Please login to see this link.[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: NO
    WebGL disabled: NO[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: NO
    WebGL disabled: NO[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]The bug shown in the mfa consists in the fact that multiple play of the same sound doesn't work, but it is a known bug, as you said in the Beta 6 remarks it is not implemented yet.
    But apart from this, running this MMF2 HTML5 app, there are other problems related to the new sound system. I will make a specific post for this mfa.[/td][/tr]




    [tr][td]Please login to see this link.[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]On Firefox, both with WebGL ON and OFF, I get these warnings to Console:
    [18:22:26.002] Use of attributes' nodeName attribute is deprecated. Use name instead. @ Please login to see this link.
    [18:22:26.002] Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead. @ Please login to see this link.[/td][/tr]



    As I said, I'm going to make a specific post for SoundsInterrupt.mfa . :)

    In this post the details of what is wrong with the mfa sound-change-frame-beta5.mfa rebuilt using Beta 7 of the HTML5 exporter. The mfa is attached to this post: it's identical to the original, just renamed and built with Beta 7.

    Firefox 16 - WebGL enabled
    The HTML5 app doesn't load at all. In the Console I get this:

    [12:36:06.077] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information Please login to see this link. @ Please login to see this link.
    [12:36:06.093] Failed to init WebGL; falling back to standard renderer @ Please login to see this link.
    [12:36:06.093] [Exception... 'Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMHTMLCanvasElement.getContext]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: Please login to see this link. :: WebGLRenderer :: line 13" data: no] @ Please login to see this link.
    [12:36:06.093] Error: WebGL: Can't get a usable WebGL context @ Please login to see this link.
    [12:36:06.094] Request for full-screen was denied because Element.mozRequestFullScreen() was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler. @ Please login to see this link.
    [12:36:06.142] HTTP "Content-Type" of "application/octet-stream" is not supported. Load of media resource Please login to see this link. failed. @ Please login to see this link.

    With Beta 5, the app did load correctly, and simply didn't play the sound (because of the MP3 format). But now, with Beta 7, if I look in the HTML5 project directory I can see the MP3 sound has been correctly converted to ogg and mp3.
    The problem now is that the HTML5 app doesn't load.

    Firefox 16 - WebGL disabled
    Same behaviour as with WebGL enabled: the app does not load. Here is what I get to Console:

    [12:42:53.248] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information Please login to see this link. @ Please login to see this link.
    [12:42:53.260] Request for full-screen was denied because Element.mozRequestFullScreen() was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler. @ Please login to see this link.
    [12:42:53.282] HTTP "Content-Type" of "application/octet-stream" is not supported. Load of media resource Please login to see this link. failed. @ Please login to see this link.

    Chrome 22 - WebGL enabled
    The HTML5 app behaves like in Beta 5: it loads correctly but the bug shown in the mfa still happens. Later in this post you can read the bug description.
    Also, I get this error in the Console, as it appears in all MMF2 HTML5 apps with WebGL enabled:

    WebGL: INVALID_ENUM: enable: invalid capability Please login to see this link.

    Chrome 22 - WebGL disabled
    The same as with WebGL enabled, except there is nothing to Console.

    IE9 - WebGL enabled
    The behaviour is the same as in Beta 5: the app loads correctly, but the bug shown in the mfa still happens.
    I also get these errors to Console, like with all MMF2 HTML5 apps with WebGL enabled:

    Registry: Failed to init WebGL; falling back to standard renderer
    Registry: Error: WebGL not supported

    IE9 - WebGL disabled
    The same as with WebGL enabled, but no errors to Console.

    Description of the bug shown in the mfa:
    Have a MMF2 application with "Play sounds over frames" option ON.
    If a sound is playing, if the application goes to another frame and this contains a Backdrop object or an Active object, a little part of the sound is skipped.
    This bug happens on Chrome 22 and IE9. On IE9 it is very very difficult to notice, but also on this browser there is a (very little) part of the sound skipped. Anyway this is more than accetable on IE9, because we're talking about some milliseconds. But on Chrome 22 we're talking about 1 second.

    Attached the mfa.

    Here am I! :)

    In this post I report the errors I get running the mfa sound-bug-beta5.mfa, linked in the previous post, and attached to this post as well, with the new Beta 7 of the HTML5 exporter.

    Firefox 16 - WebGL enabled
    The HTML5 app does not load (nothing is visible). In the Console I get these errors:

    [11:52:15.732] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information Please login to see this link. @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:52:15.743] Error: WebGL: Can't get a usable WebGL context @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:52:15.744] Failed to init WebGL; falling back to standard renderer @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:52:15.744] [Exception... 'Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMHTMLCanvasElement.getContext]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: Please login to see this link. :: WebGLRenderer :: line 13" data: no] @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:52:15.744] Request for full-screen was denied because Element.mozRequestFullScreen() was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler. @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:52:15.790] HTTP "Content-Type" of "application/octet-stream" is not supported. Load of media resource Please login to see this link. failed. @ Please login to see this link.

    Firefox 16 - WebGL disabled
    The app does not load, exactly like with WebGL enabled. This is what I get to Console:

    [11:56:58.228] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information Please login to see this link. @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:56:58.238] Request for full-screen was denied because Element.mozRequestFullScreen() was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler. @ Please login to see this link.
    [11:56:58.281] HTTP "Content-Type" of "application/octet-stream" is not supported. Load of media resource Please login to see this link. failed. @ Please login to see this link.

    Chrome 22 - WebGL enabled
    Everything works perfectly! The app loads correctly and runs fine. Also, the bug reported in the mfa does not happen. Great! :D
    I only get this error to Console, but it appears for every MMF2 app with WebGL enabled:

    WebGL: INVALID_ENUM: enable: invalid capabilityPlease login to see this link.

    Chrome 22 - WebGL disabled
    Everything works perfectly like with WebGL enabled! No errors or warnings to Console.

    IE9 - WebGL enabled
    The app loads correctly, but no sounds are played. I've used 2 wav sounds in the app (that like you know IE9 does not support), and they have been correctly converted to ogg and aac (because I'm running MMF2 on Windows 7). So I don't know why IE9 does not play the sounds in this app.
    This is what I get to Console:

    Registry: Failed to init WebGL; falling back to standard renderer
    Registry: Error: WebGL not supported

    So it seems IE9 doesn't support WebGL, but it simply uses standard renderer.

    IE9 - WebGL disabled
    Nothing to Console, but the behaviour is the same as with WebGL enabled: no sounds are played. Again, in the HTML5 project directory I can see these sounds: 0002.aac, 0002.ogg, 0003.aac, 0003.ogg. So IE9 should play the aac versions of the sounds (if I understood correctly), but no sounds are played.

    Attached to this post the mfa: it's exactly the same I posted for Beta 5, I've just renamed it and used the Clone function of MMF2 to be sure the project has been recreated with Beta 7 of the exporter.

    Here is the revision of the mfa's in the second page of my thread. :)

    The last column of the table is just for quick descriptions of the problem. If an mfa doesn't work properly in a browser, I'll make a separate post with all details about what doesn't work.

    [TABLE='width: 800']

    [TD='align: center']mfa name
    [TD='align: center']Firefox 16
    [TD='align: center']Chrome 22
    [TD='align: center']IE9
    [TD='align: center']comments



    [tr][td]Please login to see this link.[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK





    [tr][td]Please login to see this link.[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: NO
    WebGL disabled: NO[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: NO
    WebGL disabled: NO


    [td][tr]Firefox doesn't load the app at all: in the Console there is an error that says it failed to load media resource 0002.ogg.[/tr][/td]


    [tr][td]In IE9 the app works, but no sounds are played.[/td][/tr]




    [tr][td]Please login to see this link.[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: NO
    WebGL disabled: NO[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: NO
    WebGL disabled: NO[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: NO
    WebGL disabled: NO[/td][/tr]


    [td][tr]Important: On Chrome and IE9 the app behaves exactly like with previous Beta. The problem is that the specific bug reported in that post (linked in the first column) is still present. But nothing changed from the previous Beta.[/tr][/td]


    [tr][td]On Firefox it's different. While in previous Beta the app run correctly, except for the fact that music was not played (because I used MP3, that Firefox can't play), in this new Beta the app doesn't load at all (exactly the same problem as with the mfa of the row above).[/td][/tr]




    [tr][td]Please login to see this link.[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]


    [tr][td]WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/td][/tr]




    I'm going to make specific posts for these 2 mfa's that have problems in this Beta.

    I've tested my sound test app I previously posted in this thread with the new Beta, and I found problems.

    General considerations on this app
    This app was made before you implemented the cross-browser sound system, so it included 2 samples: one in mp3 format (called short-mp3.mp3), and the other in wav format (short-wav.wav). So in Beta 6, short-mp3.mp3 becomes 0000.mp3 and 0000.ogg, and short-wav.wav becomes 0001.aac and 0001.ogg (I'm running MMF2 in Windows 7).
    The app consists in buttons that, when clicked, should play (or play and loop) one of the corresponding sounds.

    Firefox 16 - WebGL enabled
    Clicking any button of the app does not play any sample. When the app loads, I get these errors to the Console:

    [08:55:05.288] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information Please login to see this link. @ Please login to see this link.
    [08:55:05.300] Failed to init WebGL; falling back to standard renderer @ Please login to see this link.
    [08:55:05.300] Error: WebGL: Can't get a usable WebGL context @ Please login to see this link.
    [08:55:05.301] [Exception... 'Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMHTMLCanvasElement.getContext]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: Please login to see this link. :: WebGLRenderer :: line 13" data: no] @ Please login to see this link.
    [08:55:05.301] Request for full-screen was denied because Element.mozRequestFullScreen() was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler. @ Please login to see this link.
    [08:55:05.340] HTTP "Content-Type" of "application/octet-stream" is not supported. Load of media resource Please login to see this link. failed. @ Please login to see this link.
    [08:55:05.340] HTTP "Content-Type" of "application/octet-stream" is not supported. Load of media resource Please login to see this link. failed. @ Please login to see this link.
    [08:55:05.401] Use of attributes' nodeName attribute is deprecated. Use name instead. @ Please login to see this link.
    [08:55:05.401] Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead. @ Please login to see this link.

    Firefox 16 - WebGL disabled
    Same behaviour as with WebGL enabled, but there are less errors to the Console:

    [08:56:07.326] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information Please login to see this link. @ Please login to see this link.
    [08:56:07.337] Request for full-screen was denied because Element.mozRequestFullScreen() was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler. @ Please login to see this link.
    [08:56:07.370] HTTP "Content-Type" of "application/octet-stream" is not supported. Load of media resource Please login to see this link. failed. @ Please login to see this link.
    [08:56:07.371] HTTP "Content-Type" of "application/octet-stream" is not supported. Load of media resource Please login to see this link. failed. @ Please login to see this link.
    [08:56:07.426] Use of attributes' nodeName attribute is deprecated. Use name instead. @ Please login to see this link.
    [08:56:07.426] Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead. @ Please login to see this link.

    Chrome 22 - WebGL enabled
    Everything works, except looping the samples. I know you said that multiple play of the same sample at the same time not yet implemented, but looping a sample should already work.
    I also get this warning to Console, but it's related to WebGL:

    WebGL: INVALID_ENUM: enable: invalid capabilityPlease login to see this link.Please login to see this link.

    Chrome 22 - WebGL disabled
    The same as with WebGL enabled, obviously without the warning in the Console.

    IE9 - WebGL enabled
    Clicking on the buttons "Play MP3 once" and "Play and loop MP3" work perfectly (also the loop), and they should refer to the sounds 0000.mp3 and 0000.ogg (so as we are in IE9 that doesn't support ogg, it should play 0000.mp3).
    But Clicking on the buttons "Play WAV once" and "Play and loop WAV" don't work at all. They should refer to 0001.aac and 0001.ogg, so it's strange IE9 doesn't play the sample, because it should support aac.
    I also get these error to Console, but they are related to WebGL only.

    Registry: Failed to init WebGL; falling back to standard renderer
    Registry: Error: WebGL not supported

    IE9 - WebGL disabled
    The same as with WebGL enabled, obviously without the errors to the Console.

    Given the considerations done in my previous post, about what appears in the browsers' Consoles with a simple BouncingBall application with both WebGL enabled and disabled, I've started testing all my previously submitted mfa's of my previous posts starting from the beginning with the new beta. Note that I'm going to report, for both WebGL enabled and disabled options, if the application works, and if it does report in the Console something more than what I get with the simple app of the previous post.

    In this table the first column is the name of the mfa: clicking on it you get the link of my post in which I've attached the mfa to.
    The other columns report if the app is working correctly in that browser with WebGL enabled and disabled. The last column is for comments if the app doesn't work in one or more browsers, with what I get at Console.

    [TABLE='width: 1000, align: left']

    [TD='align: center']mfa name
    [TD='align: center']Firefox 16
    [TD='align: center']Chrome 22
    [TD='align: center']IE9
    [TD='align: center']Comments and errors to Console[/TD]


    [TD='align: center']Please login to see this link.
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']The same as the post above. From here after I give for implicit this if there isn't written anything in this column.[/TD]


    [TD='align: center']Please login to see this link.[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center'][/TD]


    [TD='align: center']Please login to see this link.[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center'][/TD]


    [TD='align: center']Please login to see this link.[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center'][/TD]


    [TD='align: center']Please login to see this link.[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: OK
    WebGL disabled: OK[/TD]
    [TD='align: center'][/TD]


    [TD='align: center']Please login to see this link.[/TD]
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: NO
    WebGL disabled: NO

    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: NO
    WebGL disabled: NO
    [TD='align: center']WebGL enabled: NO
    WebGL disabled: NO
    [TD='align: center']On Firefox I get these errors to Console:
    [14:30:55.794] HTTP "Content-Type" of "application/octet-stream" is not supported. Load of media resource Please login to see this link. failed. @ Please login to see this link.
    [14:30:55.794] HTTP "Content-Type" of "application/octet-stream" is not supported. Load of media resource Please login to see this link. failed. @ Please login to see this link.
    [14:30:55.843] Use of attributes' nodeName attribute is deprecated. Use name instead. @ Please login to see this link.
    [14:30:55.843] Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead. @ Please login to see this link.[/tr]


    [tr]I'm going to make a specific post for this mfa, in which I'll provide all details of what is wrong in every browser.


    Before starting to test all my previous mfa's with the new beta and with both WebGL enabled and disabled, I tried the simple application with an active object, with Bouncing Ball movement, that bounces against Frame boundaries.

    On Firefox 16, when WebGL is enabled, the app works with very bad performance (the object doesn't move smoothly), and in the Console I get these:

    [13:28:11.219] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information Please login to see this link. @ Please login to see this link.
    [13:28:11.230] Failed to init WebGL; falling back to standard renderer @ Please login to see this link.
    [13:28:11.230] [Exception... 'Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMHTMLCanvasElement.getContext]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: Please login to see this link. :: WebGLRenderer :: line 13" data: no] @ Please login to see this link.
    [13:28:11.230] Error: WebGL: Can't get a usable WebGL context @ Please login to see this link.
    [13:28:11.230] Request for full-screen was denied because Element.mozRequestFullScreen() was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler. @ Please login to see this link.

    When WebGL is disabled, the app works with the same low performance, but I get only these on the Console:
    [13:38:59.591] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information Please login to see this link. @ Please login to see this link.
    [13:38:59.602] Request for full-screen was denied because Element.mozRequestFullScreen() was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler. @ Please login to see this link.

    On Chrome 22, with WebGL enabled, the app works (with excellent performance), but in the Console I get this warning:
    WebGL: INVALID_ENUM: enable: invalid capabilityPlease login to see this link.

    With WebGL disabled, the app works with the same excellent performance, without anything in the Console.

    On IE9, with WebGL enabled, the app works (with not so good performance, but better than Firefox), and in the Console I get:

    Registry: Failed to init WebGL; falling back to standard renderer
    Registry: Error: WebGL not supported

    With WebGL disabled, the app works with the same performance, but I don't get anything to Console.

    Started testing the new Beta! :)

    BUG: Open an mfa and run it as an HTML5 app using the "Build and run" option of MMF2. The app will start correctly. Now, in MMF2, close this project and load another mfa. Run this as an HTML5 app using the "Build and run" option. When the browser opens, it will load a completely empty page. Copying the URL and pasting it to another browser will give the same result. If you close MMF2 and launch it again, if you load this last mfa and run it as an HTML5 app using the "Build and run" option, the app will start correctly.

    This bug is still present in the new beta.

    Hi all! :)
    Let's say I have 2 Active objects: a Diamond and a Block. I have many adjacent instances of Block. The Diamond moves with the mouse.
    I want the Block object to set its alpha-blending coefficient to 100 if the Diamond is overlapping with it, and I want to set it to 0 if it isn't overlapping with it.
    Here's my events:

    -Diamond: Set X position to XMouse
    -Diamond: Set Y position to YMouse

    Block is overlapping Diamond
    -Block: Set alpha-blending coefficient to 100

    NOT Block is overlapping Diamond
    -Block: Set alpha-blending coefficient to 0

    The problem is that while the Diamond is overlapping ANY Blocks, all blocks that are overlapping, or that previously overlapped with the Diamond, are semi-transparent, not only the ones that are currently overlapping with the Diamond!
    How can I do what I want?
    Attached the mfa showing this problem.

    Thank you in advanced for your help! :)