Posts by Slaz

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    can you please explain more with details? step by step?

    Open the Launchpad, click System folder, then Disk Utility. Then select your Mac boot disk, and in the upper options there should be something like Disk First Aid or health check, I forgot what it’s called. But you can safely let it do that check to see if it fixes permission errors caused by an upgrade of an earlier version of High Sierra.

    Keep in mind though, first thing you should check in regards to Fusion is what was suggested earlier in this thread. So browse into Fusion’s .app package using Finder and open Wineskin, then tick the settings posted earlier as shown in the screenshots.

    And lastly, do you have any additional antivirus, internet security, or VPN software running on your Mac? I’ve been hearing lately that somehow security software running in background may mess with the way Wine processes work and thus also crash Fusion on startup.

    I’m not good at explaining but I hope you’ll get it working! Good luck!

    Sorry, but isn't there a Mac version out there? Why use Wine?...
    I ask this because I would like take a Mac version of MMF 2.5

    MMF 2.5 for Mac comes wrapped using Wineskin and pretty much works like a Native app performance-wise. There’s no need to manually install Wine.

    Fusion 3 will be natively built for Mac, but for now Fusion 2.5 and the Mac Exporter are really fast and powerful already, even on older Mac’s!

    Internal Samsung SSD 840 PRO Series 256GB (SATA)
    File System: APFS
    macOS High Sierra version 10.13.1 (17B48)

    Hmm strange.. I’m still getting kernel panics starting any Wine app on my MacBook Air on 10.13.1 yet it’s still working totally fine on my Mac Mini. Seems like APFS couldn’t be responsible then.

    It does work when starting the MacBook Air in safe mode, suggesting it’s a higher level feature or driver. But it’s very hard to troubleshoot.

    Try that and see if it works

    I’ve tried doing this with Winetricks but it hangs right after Wine is launched to apply the setting.

    After trying 2 other apps using other iterations of Wine (Winebottler bundled), I found that those don’t work either. In each case, several processes related to Wine get started (such as wineserver) but no GUI stuff gets created whatsoever.

    Using ‘Command Line Wine Test’ from the Wineskin menu, I can definitely confirm the Wine process is responding to Terminal commands, even Winetricks is open to commands. Yet I don’t know if it’s even possible to set videomemorysize from there. I have tried looking it up but couldn’t find any clear info. I could only get it to list the Winetricks settings.

    Anyway, it seems like the problem is likely at the Wine engine itself rather than the wrapper like Wineskin, as at least anything GUI related on any iteration of Wine will hang. Still I really wonder why that doesn’t happen on the Mac Mini. Video RAM is the same on both systems, it’s just the GPU model number is a slightly newer version on the Macbook Air. Software is the same, as well as most accounts and settings on the OS.

    I’ve been thinking, maybe the difference is with the screen initialization? The Mac Mini’s monitor is connected through a DVI interface while the MacBook’s internal screen uses the DisplayPort protocol. Maybe Apple changed the DisplayPort protocol in a way that Wine doesn’t understand? It’s just an idea, and I don’t have a Thunderbolt to HDMI adapter or AirPlay compatible TV to test this with an external screen.

    Maybe someone else with a MacBook, or especially the MacBook Air from 2015, could test Fusion or any other Wine app? I doubt that I’m the only person with this persisting problem.

    And lastly, after I try to start any GUI Wine process that hangs, I can’t properly restart or shutdown the Mac during that session, even after manually force quitting all processes created by the Wine app. The shutdown screen will show the grey ‘circle’ spinning forever until I hold the power button. Seems like that MacBook hasn’t got a taste for Wine.. :p

    That seemed to work getting back into Wineskin, yet the same problems still persist: the empty screen without content.

    I tried loading something else into Wineskin to see if that gave me a window (Notepad.exe), but nothing.

    Next I tried to straight up copy the working Fusion 2.5 .app package from the Mac Mini to the MacBook Air with the Winetricks applied, and again the same problems.

    I'm afraid I have to give up on this for now, until more information and research is available on the case.

    I can do stuff like sprite work, and if I have to test things in Fusion I can do so regularly on the Mac Mini. Not by far a permanent solution for me, and I might consider downgrading the MacBook Air to regular Sierra.

    I'll wait this one out for a bit, but thanks for all the help AND, really appreciate the deep troubleshooting! ;)

    I primarily use a MacBook Air at the moment (2015) with Intel HD Graphics 6000 (1536MB).

    My household also has a Mac Mini (2014) just upgraded to High Sierra, so I tried Fusion on there with the recommended settings (fullscreen, etc) and guess what: it works. I didn't even have to use Winetricks to spoof video memory like suggested in the video.

    However, it's more important to me that Fusion works on that MacBook. So, I tried applying those Winetricks on there and the commands don't even execute. Wineskin gets stuck before any text is seen on the Winetricks status screen. Trying to refresh or rebuild the Wrapper will also crash it.

    Next I tried unzipping another Fusion .app to a different location (my user/downloads folder) instead of the usual /applications. Now it gets stuck on the 'Winetricks is currently busy, please wait' screen right after starting. I tried running it through the Open command in the Terminal, but it does the same thing.

    What did you do/enter in the Terminal to get it to open properly?

    Thanks in advance!

    I've got no problem starting up Wineskin using Finder, haven't used the Terminal. However, whenever I try to do a Test Run, it'll say 'A tool is running' forever without anything visible happening. Only thing I could do then is to 'Kill all Wineskin processes' by clicking that button and it'll show some log files. The log file for X11 says no apparent errors and will initiate OpenGL. The Wine log however says: wineserver: Can't check in server_mach_port. wine: for some mysterious reason, the wine server failed to run.

    Selecting fullscreen will give me a black screen with just a mouse cursor.

    Deselecting fullscreen will open up the program, with a 'Clickteam Fusion 2.5' title present in the menu bar, but no visible windows or anything.

    Selecting 'Use Mac Driver instead of X11' will never give me anything visible. It definitely tries to run something but hangs as my Mac can't properly shut down or restart after trying this. At least 3 processes with .exe names originating from Clickteam Fusion will keep running and have to be quit from Terminal or Activity monitor.

    I've also tried the 'Open in 32-bit mode' option from both and Clickteam Fusion's Info menu but no success.

    Does CF2.5 store any information in other places than it's own app package? Could leftover data cause the problem of no windows appearing? I've tried opening the .app fresh from several locations including the user/applications folder.

    Please login to see this attachment.

    Hi Slaz, just to confirm - are you running the public version of High Sierra or a new beta version?

    I'm running the public version that was published on the Mac App Store.

    Setting 'Use Mac Driver instead of W11' to off does give me a process, but no indication or response of anything running inside it. I can only force quit it. I have tried all settings and combinations in there, but for the record here's what those windows currently look like for me:

    Please login to see this attachment.

    Please login to see this attachment.

    Are the versions of the Wrapper the same? My Mac version came from the Humble Bundle last year.

    I tried the options mentioned above and I still can't start Fusion 2.5 anymore. I even tried re-installing the whole app from the ZIP file including making the Wineskin changes on it again, but nothing will launch.

    Does anyone here have any suggestions?

    My Mac runs 2 other Windows apps through (Through Winebottler, not Wineskin) and those still work fine.

    Hey there,

    I just saw Fusion 2.5 Mac and Developer being formally released to the online store, and I was wondering if the Fusion 2.5 Mac Editor (standard) is any different from the one in the Humble Bundle last year.

    More specifically, is the .app packed any different? Using different Wine binaries? I know the Humble Bundle one used Wineskin binaries.

    Thanks in advance!

    It's indeed an issue caused by Valve and affects multiple Steam games/applications in the same manner. I don't think Clickteam can do anything about it, since Fusion is a program that can load external files and be opened from them (and it should be).

    If security is the reason they added this, best thing Valve could add would be a whitelist checkbox to this message, so that we can add Fusion to it and see the message only once.

    Hey there!

    Sorry for posting it here, but this thread reminded me.. Now that a new release of CF has been out and a new beta is in the works, do you guys have an estimated date when we can see the Mac Editor (and possibly the OSX exporters) available through the Clickteam Store?

    The Mac Editor (with Mac Exporter built-in) will be available on the site once the next update is released.

    The 287 RC had been revised and released as 287.9 so I'd expect the Mac Editor with it's exporters to be released through the site very soon now!

    Performance when exported as a native Mac app is definitely better than a Windows app with Wine wrappers, though I haven't done any benchmarking myself other than seeing the CPU increase on a Windows-Wine app through system properties.

    1: Remember that small details (such as the black lines in the maze picture you used) will always look weird when scaled down. Most often used icon sizes in Windows are 48x48 as default for desktop and 32x32 as default for start menu and explorer overviews. Try using those 2 sizes as a base for the other sizes, or try using an entirely different but related image for any icon size above 48x48.

    2: In CF, make sure your application's icon has all sizes and preferably all color bitsizes filled. It's better to provide a preset image for each size through your application than to let Windows upscale/downscale it, imo. If your icon has a transparent background, then be careful with alpha blending as that will be lost in the lower color images.