Hi does anyone still have an example? The one posted in the forums is down.
Thanks a lot.
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Open a TicketHi does anyone still have an example? The one posted in the forums is down.
Thanks a lot.
I want to purchase, is it working already?
It's for sale on the store?
Link sends to a japanese website now
I just get a "fail" message from the example.
What's the actual situation?
I am triend to make this work using the example that came with CF2.5 and nothing.
Hi, how can I download this? cant find in owners lounge.
Anyone? Interested also
Ok but, At the same time I think that Google integration should be basic service to any Android Development platform.
This will be free for Dev?
Hi, I am in need of Surface Object examples,forsome reason I don't have then in my folder, and all the links are dead.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Hi I am in need of this.
The extension was released?
Oh thanks, i will try both ways.
Here it is!
Please login to see this link.
Hi everyone, I am really confused on how to use those screen shaders.
It seens I can only aply for each individual object, how to use for the whole screen?
I would create a different P.O for each object using create by name.
Just curious, my game just crashed and I am afraid that Android doesn't supports it, or it may be another issue?
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)