Posts by AyreGuitar

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Kritter - I rebuilt my Xcode Paper Face project using Xcode 8.2.1 and it works fine on my iPad Air running iOS 10.1.1 using deployment target iOS 6.1 and also tried with deployment target 10.1, so I doubt it's the extension's Xcode files.
    I'll try re-exporting from Fusion on my PC later this weekend. I've never tried it with the Steam version, so maybe that's a factor?

    Kritter - I've just tried my app, Paper Face, on an iPad Air running iOS 10.1.1 that uses this extension, and it works fine. I doubt iOS 10.2 would have made such a significant change.
    Maybe it's something in a newer version of Xcode or Fusion? If you can tell me which versions of these you're using it may help.

    Sorry I can't be of more help at the moment, I'll try to have a more in depth look at the weekend.

    Kritter - Sounds like you haven't tweaked the Xcode files as stated at the start of this post and in the documentation:

    Unfortunately it still needs a tweak to CRunView.m in Xcode to work properly for iOS 6 and above
    (thanks to DTownTony for this fix):
    "In xCode open CRunView.m and change the "NO" in -

    eaglLayer.drawableProperties = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
    [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO],
    kEAGLDrawablePropertyColorFormat, nil];

    into a "YES" and it'll work."

    gazraet - Thanks for showing an interest. Unfortunately Fusion doesn't handle javascript callbacks like onMessage, so you'll have to find a workaround. It's been a while since I looked into this, but I wrote some simple javascript to add to the index.html file that Fusion generates. This handles AirConsoles onMessage callback and stores the value for retrieval later. Then there's my own javascript function to read this stored value which I call from Fusion on an Always event. You should be able to view the javascript from these links in your browser using View Source:

    Please login to see this link.
    Please login to see this link.

    If there's enough interest I could write some widgets to handle all this as a sort of AirConsole plugin (but it wouldn't be free I'm afraid!)
    Hope that helps!

    I haven't noticed any SFX problems on Mac or iOS and HTML5 myself. I assume they play fine on other devices. Have you tried using a different browser than Safari on Mac and iOS and does this solve the problem?

    Could be:
    The SFX file type (.wav, .ogg, etc)
    The bitrate of the SFX (there's a thread about this on iOS somewhere, although there isn;t a solution of just use this bitrate, you could try changing it and see if that fixes your problem)
    Maybe the SFX files are missing from the build - double check they exist.

    Try putting the offending sound files in a small test program, just to make sure it's the sounds themselves and not something else in your code (eg channel conflicts)

    Adnihil & mobichan - You're welcome!

    mobichan - Yep, same goes for the Active System Box too (I just didn't need the button behaviour that Active System Boxes have). Unfortunately it only works from Top Left, which is why it's the Empty part of the health bar that's a System Box.

    You could also display text for the health percentage just above the fill level by setting the text of the System Boxes to the percentage value.

    Yes, it would be nice for Actives to have this feature as well as:
    1. Pattern/tiling of System Box
    2. Offsetting of Active Picture (so you can scroll patterns/tiles)
    3. Flipping of Active Picture (horizontally and vertically so no need to duplicate characters for platform/fighting/etc games)
    4. Change Hot Spot position like Active Picture
    5. Load frames across all exporters (not just windows exe)

    Adnihil - Tried your example and still works if I set virtual height to 500 HOWEVER if I set virtual height to 600 it shows the bug you mentioned.

    Tried to eliminate the layers (since your original is on Layer 3 and you're creating on Layer 1) but bug still shows.
    I added a counter to display the Total number of objects, to see if the newly created objects were getting destroyed, but they weren't!
    This suggested that they were being made inactive, so I change the 'inactive if too far from window' from automatic to No and it fixes the bug!

    So it would seem that the default 'inactive if too far from window' automatic setting does different things for objects already in the frame and those that are created with actions, which sounds like a bug that needs reporting on the Bug Tracker for fixing in future versions.
    Good find!

    It's a bit challenging, since you need an object that can be resized in Y without scaling the image, cropping it instead.

    The Active and Background System Boxes can do this (might be Developer only, can't remember! But looks like you have the Developer version of Fusion 2.5 so should be OK)

    I've done a quick example for you using your images.
    Unfortunately, since they don'y have animations, I've had to us 6 of them and cycle their position so only one is on screen at any one time.
    They form the Empty bar and I use a normal animated Active for the health bar itself.

    Just enter new values for the Current and Max health in the edit boxes.

    Hope it helps!

    Hard to tell the problem without seeing your code.
    Should work fine if you're using a create object action and the object is the same as your other objects.
    It could be that you're using the action 'shoot an object' to create your objects when clicking or that they're different objects and so need their own events?
    Try uploading a simple example .mfa file that demonstrates the problem.