Posts by conceptgame

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Hi VBEinc,

    I thought I uploaded the source code of my extension PocketSphinx but it does not seem so.
    I will look to upload it on Github. The best would be to update PocketSphinx to the newest 3.5 version and get full power of it.

    Hi Matheus290,

    I paused the development of this extension. I think I made a mistake by making it with a monolitic architecture, so that I can't develop it 30 minutes per week. I did not abandon it but I made it open source from the beginning to allow people to fix things without waiting for me.

    IIRC the Binary Data tab allows you to import several files at the same time, am I wrong? I'll check.

    Adding more files is working. I mean a folder tree structure. For example:
    | |
    | backgrounds
    | | |
    | | background1.png
    | | background2.png
    | units
    | | |
    | | heroes
    | | | |
    | | | hero1.anm
    | | | hero2.anm
    | | enemies
    | | |
    | | enemy1.anm
    | | enemy2.anm
    | effects
    | |
    | effect1.anm
    | effect2.anm
    | |
    | movement
    | |
    | magic
    | |
    | weapons
    | |

    IIRC it will export all animation of one active at once. And when you import it, the hierarchy of target object's animation is changed to the origin object. Personally I recommend to at least have a dummy animation for fusion to retrieve animation name.

    I tried yesterday and I was confused by the export menu with "from"/"to" frame options. But I tried again today and it is exporting all animations. That is great thanks.

    Thank you very much for this "Export Animation" and "Load Animation" feature which avoids to export all frame files and corresponding hotspots and action points. It also spare the need to prepare a dummy object with the exact number of dummy frames as in the original animation.
    It made my ActiveObjectExporter extension obsolete which is actually great.
    I do not know if it was asked before but I have a few questions/suggestions:
    - I did not manage to export all animations at once, just the current selected animation. Would it be possible to have an option to export them all at once in different files (object_0.anm, object_1.anm, ...) or just one file for all?
    - Since these exported anm files needs to be imported at runtime, would it be possible to load all files from a folder and subfolders (typically a data folder with animation, sound and data files) in the binary data menu instead of adding them file per file. It will allow the developer to embed all the files at once when building the exe. If there is already another easy way to do the same thing, please tell me.

    There is an extension for Spriter. It has its limit but the core functionalities are working.
    The great advantage of Spriter is that there is no fee when publishing a game when the SDK is used.
    It is not the case for Live2D and Spine, that is why it is a no go for me.

    Hi all,

    I want to implement the possibility to batch the save of active object frames to files (with a metadata file for image properties).

    I managed to get code working but for some images, the images seem to loose quality or to be aliased although they should not be.

    WORD imageNumber = (WORD)adPtr->adFrame[nFrame];
    if (LockImageSurface(pObj->roHo.hoAdRunHeader->rhIdAppli, imageNumber, sprite))
    		CImageFilterMgr* pImgMgr = rhPtr->rh4.rh4Mv->mvImgFilterMgr;
    		bool res = ExportImage(pImgMgr, (fullName+".png").c_str(), &sprite, FILTERID_PNG);

    If I use the save image button in the image editor of the active object, it works without problem.

    Did I miss something?

    with extension:
    Please login to see this attachment.
    with image editor:
    Please login to see this attachment.

    Hi all,

    LB released a version 2.0.1 which is really working well:
    Please login to see this link.

    In order to replace the traditional list object, there is still something I am wondering: handling of binary files.
    It seems that Internal List Object does not have this trick to handle directly binary data without extracting and release actions (list or array objects have this feature for example).
    It is a time saving feature that I want to add in Internal List Object.

    Do some of you have a link to some existing c++ code or know how this is handled in array or list objects?