Posts by gkinfinity

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    If push comes to shove, you could probably do it without a shader if you had to (other than the one you'll use to zoom in to your smaller resolution). I added the ability to my internal level editor to zoom out so that I can see a more macro view of the level. The principle is simple enough: you just shrink every object and reposition it proportionally. With the right maths, you could probably achieve this for rotation too. Once you rotate all of your objects, I assume you could use trigonometry to figure out where they all should go. For each object, I guess the 3 points (a) current location (b) desired location (c) centre of the screen would form a right angle triangle, so it would be a matter of applying the right trig functions to figure it all out. It would probably be tricky and tedious, but then making a new shader probably would be as well.

    Yeah, if you want to zoom out in your game this is definitely the way to go about it, but setting this up can be a real pain to deal with. Depending on the type of movement your objects use in your project, this can get really complex.

    With that said, I've seen Peeblo talking on Discord, and ButterMun provided a great example here, so it may not be needed anymore, but I created a custom Shader for my project and wanted to share it here. I also made an example MFA that I think a lot of people would appreciate checking out.

    Please login to see this attachment.

    Using the method Peeblo was talking about, you can have your game zoomed in to 2x or 3x scale normally, and zoom out to 1x scale for specific scenes.

    Yeah there are entire websites dedicated to fan games, and the projects posted there rarely get hit with cease and desists. Unless your game gets popular enough to start appearing in news articles, it's incredibly unlikely that it will ever be noticed by the legal team of the company. That being said, definitely don't try to sell it haha.

    I think a lot of people start their game design journeys by making a fan game though. I've definitely worked on several (including a mario bros game :))

    Not sure if this is what you are trying to do or not, but it has no shaders.

    You can do a bunch with this example. If you link a counter or use Internal Values. You can stop the zoom out at 1.0. This will be the original size of the graphic.
    You can also link Hotspots to it by doubling it and linking the rotation. This can be used for platforms that tilt.

    LINK TO MFA: Please login to see this link.

    The example you linked is just rotating and scaling one object, which I assume is not quite what Peeblo is looking for. Scaling and rotating individual objects is very different from rotating and scaling every object in relation to one another.

    Ironically Peeblo, I've been working on a new project, and around two days ago I determined that I was going to try the EXACT SAME THING you just mentioned (Basically the same resolution and everything). I didn't look into what shaders were available because I assumed that I had it already, but after seeing this thread I looked through my shader library didn't have any luck finding one.

    With that said, I want to try this, so if a shader can't be found, I'm going to try to make my own. I can probably figure it out by referencing shaders that do sub-pixel positioning, scaling, and rotations, and if I get it working, I'll post it here.

    Does anyone have a current working example of the Get object? Everything I've been able to find so far references a website that no longer exists, or the mfa itself doesn't appear to work anymore with the associated website. When I've tried to use it myself, I'm able to get information from my php script, but my attempts to send data via POST request have failed. Thanks!

    There are different ways to do this, but an array would work fine! I'm guessing you probably don't know about the 'Global to this application' option that exists for all kinds of objects within CTF.

    Please login to see this attachment.

    If you click on an array (or a counter, or active object, etc.) you'll see the 'Global to this application' option at the bottom of the Settings tab. By clicking this box, that object will retain changes made to it across Frames (both in the editor, and in game). You can save the X and Y coordinates of the player in the array, go to the battle Frame, and then return to the previous Frame when the battle is over. When the Frame starts, just set the X and Y coordinates of the player to the values saved in the Array. Of course, it will get a little more complicated since you may not always want to load that position, but hopefully you get the idea. Making objects Global helps with a lot of other things as well, so definitely consider using that for objects that you want to be able to edit and change on multiple Frames at once.

    I created a radio button and unchecked the 'System colors' option. I tried changing the text color several times, but it always appears as black in game.

    Note: I found a thread from 2007 where Yves said "The text color of the radio button and check boxes can't be modified if the property Enable Visual Themes is selected in your application. The color property should be disabled in this case (it's somewhere in my TODO list...)."

    I actually don't see an 'Enable Visual Themes' option anywhere (I either missed it or it doesn't exist anymore), but this seems like a bug to me. Does anyone have a workaround for this?


    Hey everyone! So I had an active object in game that was invisible, and I simply COULD NOT get it to appear after an hour of trying everything I could think of. When testing it, I eventually discovered that active objects larger than 16384px (2^14) in one dimension are just automatically invisible at runtime. They also do not register as being invisible as far as event testing goes.

    The object I was using was only 1px tall and is supposed to be invisible in game, so it was an easy fix (I just split it into multiple objects). It was just really frustrating when I was bug testing because I couldn't figure out what was going on.

    Is there a good place to see a list of restrictions like this? I'm sure there are many other similar things that I'm not familiar with, and I feel like it's important to have information similar to this available in one place if possible.

    Thanks in advance!

    This is just a guess, but it might be because you're using a font that's installed on your Windows 8 computer that isn't installed on your Windows 7 computer. I'm pretty sure resizing the screen can also cause this kind of issue. If you turn the strings into active objects, you won't have this problem (as you mentioned). That's not an option if you plan to have the text change of course. If you need variable text, you can alternatively use Text Blitting.

    It depends what you want to do exactly.

    For instance, you could do:

    +User clicks on button
    +No Music is playing
    -Play Music


    +User clicks on button
    +Specific Music isn't playing
    -Play Music

    To have a button deactivate for a set period of time, you could do something simple like:

    +User clicks on button
    +Alterable Value A of button = 0
    -Play Music
    -Set Alterable Value A of button to 100 (or whatever you want)

    +Alterable Value A of button > 0
    -Subtract 1 from Alterable Value A of button

    This will set the Alt Value A of the button when the button is clicked, and it will count back down to 0 so that the button can be pressed again.

    If you're new, I highly recommend checking out some tutorials:
    Please login to see this link.
    Please login to see this link.
    There are tons of other resources out there to help you get started too.

    Yeah, if you're making this for mobile devices you'll have to make multiple actives that are different colors. You can't use shaders or the replace color option. Multiple actives is also kind of nice because you can edit what each sprite looks like if you decide you want to go that route. Regardless of whether or not the sprites look different or if they're just palette swaps, when I use this option I typically have the player controlled character be an invisible object, then I just create the appropriate colored version and set its position to match the invisible object. By doing it that way you won't have a bunch of unnecessary invisible objects on screen.

    If you're making this for PC and can use shaders, there's a color replacer shader that Looki made which can swap up to 9 colors in an image (and you could modify it to do more). Not sure how great performance would be with that though. It depends how many colors are in your image really. You could also use a shader to adjust the hue of the entire sprite, but you don't have any control over specific colors in that case.