Posts by Matheus290

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Years of experience using Fusion 2.5 and predecessors, don't use Fusion thinking about creating 3D games. Focus on 2D. Years ago, an AMAZING proposal for 3D mechanics (OpenGL Bullets Physics) came out and died, then Firefly came and died too. A lot of disappointment with 3D in Fusion. Focus on 2D and be happy hahaha.

    Awesome!! I can't wait.. I would have also liked to have seen new built-in expressions
    Here are my suggestions

    Linear Interpolation and exponential functions already exist through the Easing Object. There are other curves like elastic, bounce and others.

    You can get the signal by doing a / Abs(a). But surely an internal function that indicates the signal would be welcome!

    And other suggestions would also be very welcome! I've been waiting for years for Fusion to provide these functions natively hahahaha.


    Will this tab system work with behaviors as well? Because one of the biggest problems in large projects is the events, which is necessary to organize in groups and folders, but still difficult to navigate the events. Even more considering that the events need to be in the Global Event Editor to avoid Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V the same code in every frame.

    The behaviors help a lot in this, but it is necessary to click on the objects, on the behaviors tab and access the behavior for each code change, which becomes tiring.

    One of the things I miss the most about Fusion, after reordering variables, is having "code sheets" in tabs in the editor, as we use in other software (like Visual Studio or Android Studio).

    Anyway, congratulations to Clickteam! These updates are awesome! Congratulations!

    Hey Algul, I saw that your last activity was in 2011, what a pity. I would like to know, is there any chance of porting Bullet to Firefly?

    Or, is there any chance that someone who is working on Firefly (if there is anyone still, as I understand, the project has been abandoned) will take advantage of Algul's work and port the Bullet to Firefly?

    Hello! First of all, I would like to thank you for creating this excellent extension for Clickteam Fusion. I'm using it in my personal project and the animations are much better!

    But I'm having some problems when there is a transition (blend) between the animations.

    The first of these problems is that some "parts" of the character in the animation end up "flying" (as in the image, ahead of the knee). I believe it is by calculating the positions of the body parts (where it was before and where it is going).

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    The second problem is that sometimes the transition doesn't work well. For example, if I am in the "idle" animation and want to transition to the "sword_swing_0" animation, if the "idle" is within the first 300 ms (for example), the transition is still going well, but if the "idle" "is in its 2000 ms, it is as if the transition was made to the end of the animation of" sword_swing_0 "(which already has a much shorter duration). As I understand it, the transition is occurring in proportion to the length and current position of the animation. As if going from 75% of the "idle" to 75% of the "sword_swing_0". I had to change the animation without transition to not have this bug, but then it broke the fluidity that the Spriter extension offers.

    The third problem is that the transition does not always occur and the animation is stuck. To get around this situation I had to do it as shown in the image below (for each animation).

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    That is, it was necessary to define my target animation (value), and ensure that if it is not running, force this animation. I had to repeat this event 3 times in different ways, if not, the animation stops.

    And this problem appeared when a new transition started during a transition.

    Example, before I was doing "jump_start" -> "jump_loop" -> "fall_start" -> "fall_loop". If, the character started to transition from "jump_loop" to "fall_start" and then touched the ground demanding a transition to "idle", one transition overlapped the other and then got stuck. If you create a test to blend between two animations and start a third one in between, you will see the bug occur.

    The fourth is that the animation is time-dependent and not frame-dependent. I needed to create a global variable to have the framerate / 60 value and control the speed of the animations. But that doesn't solve the problem of pausing the application (through the debugger) and looking at it frame by frame. As I understand it, the spriter's time count continues even if the application is paused, and when we unspause the application, the animation has already occurred (by counting).

    I also had problems with the bound box function (sorry if I used the incorrect term, I'm using a translator). In Spriter (software) I created a box only on the sword and only within the keyframes that the character is attacking, but within Fusion the box appears before and continues to exist after these keyframes, and is in a crazy position in the frame, as if it were getting some internal value from the Spriter. I corrected it by keeping this box in a tiny size and inside the character's "body" (in the Spriter), and just bound during the attack animation (and unbound as soon as it ends). But if there was a way to "disappear" with active when there is no box in the animation, it would be very interesting.

    Anyway, I really appreciate the extension! Excellent job! If you read this far, thank you very much!

    See these pictures:

    Object A Properties
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    Object B Properties
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    The Event
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    Before rotating
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    After rotating
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    And this rounding distorted the texture, see how it is originally
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    Look, the Fusion stopped rendering floats and rounded those values.

    I understand it's because of the Physics Engine, but it should not interfere in external objects.

    Maybe you did not understand. What is happening is that when a physical object is in the scene and there is a change in the angle, the other objects that have "sub-pixel", lose their characteristic. Fusion simply stops rendering floats.

    See the example, there are two objects, A and B.

    A) Static object, non-physical, without any action. It has sub-pixel.

    B) Physical object, will rotate.

    The moment Object B rotates, Object A loses the sub-pixel feature, Fusion rounds floats.

    I have an object that is being rendered in a position with float value (sub-pixel). It is working normally, but the instant a physical object rotates, any of the objects in the scene that has a sub-pixel will have the value rounded.

    The frame objects
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    Running application
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    The event
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    I'm using the XBOX Gamepad extension and I got a bug with the button numbers.

    The "Find Button" function gives the number 6 when Start is pressed, and number 7 when Back is pressed.

    But, if I use the "Button 6 is pressed" function, it gives the information when I press Back (which the "find button" function displayed the number 7).
    And if I use the "Button 7 is pressed" function, it gives the information when I press Start (which the "find button" function displayed the number 6).

    Checking the button value on Windows Gamepad and X360ce, Back button is 6 and Start is 7. The "Find Button" is giving the inverted number.

    Hello thank you for your answer. I do not like to convert 2D to 3D (as it is in Chocobreak), because if I need to do this, I prefer to continue only in 2D. I want to create everything in a 3D world, just like it is in Unity or it was in OpenGL Bullet extension.

    About the camera video, well, remember my camera made in OpenGL, so I prefer my camera hahahaha

    My 3rd person camera in OpenGL made in 2012:

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    My 3rd person camera in Firefly (in development)

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    I'm still working on it, and I really need the Raycast function. I saw the examples, when I have some doubts access them, however, the raycast I did not find there.

    The raycast I said is not the extension, because even if Firefly exists, the Raycaster Object becomes useless to me.

    This is the raycast I'm talking about:

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    It's not the line drawing, but a vector that comes from a source with a certain direction, informing the intersections between the ray and the objects, as in this video I teach to do it in 2D Fusion, but in my Video this system not optimized as it is in the case of Raycast.

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    Cool, I did not know this possibility of speaking directly to them by Discord! Too bad the invitation has expired :(

    Thanks! :D

    Hi, I bought Firefly recently and I'm really enjoying it. Congratulations! It's getting really incredible! I'm creating a third person camera + character movement (soon I'll post a video showing). I liked the interface, it's very simple to work, there are several options... However, I felt that several functions need to be implemented problems need to be fixed.

    1. Terrain. The rendering of the vertex has the same problem that existed on the Playstation 1, decimal values. It's 1, or it's 0. It does not render in 0.5 and that's a problem, it causes annoying visual effects. I did not explain very well, but I believe you have been understanded my point.

    2. Overlapping Collision. Creating the 3rd Person Camera I needed to use the Raycast feature, and I realized that it does not exist (or I did not find), so I had to improvise and create a raycast by fast loop, but I was surprised again because there is no overlapping collision function, the way I was going to create will not work either, I'll have to think of a third way (maybe with the Moving Node and fast loop).

    3. Raycast. If it is possible, please implement the raycast function, this would create many possibilities. I believe that with more study the algorithms and testing I can create something similar to raycast in Fusion, however, I have no idea how to start (maybe the Vector Math can help me).

    And this raises the question, is it difficult to implement a physics engine in Firefly? It would be great if you did that! The OpenGL-Bullet extension (discontinued and much older than Firefly, 2011) had Bullet Physics engine, open source, and made it possible to create amazing mechanics! Is it very difficult to implement Bullet Physics in Firefly? This would enhance Firefly even more, and would also solve item 2 and 3.

    Well, sorry for my bad english, Google Translator helps, but it's not perfect, and my english is not one of the best hahahaha. Thank you! And once again, congratulations!

    Thanks for your reply! :) But i need change the resolution, example: From 1280x720 to 1920x1080 in a frame, and 1920x1080 to 320x240 in another frame. Each frame has a different game. In Windows it's perfectly possible with Window Control extension, but it's not working on Android.

    Because i'm working on an app that has several mini-games inside, with different resolutions. I can't simply change the resolution because i would have to change the entire programming of each one of them. Stretching to fit in the screen would be the best option, but this function is not working in the Sub-App. See, rotating the screen worked, i can invert the resolution (960x540 to 540x960 and vice versa), but i can not change. Do i have an alternative?

    I need to change the resolution of my game on Android, but Window Control is not working as it should. I've tested several different configurations but none worked. My app has 960x540 resolution and I need to change the next frame to 540x960, in other words, flip the screen 90 degrees. Do I have an alternative without having to make two different apps?

    Creating an app with square resolution (960x960), changing the Display to "Fit outside" and using the Sub-Application worked, but when I needed to use another resolution like 1280x720 did not work, because the "strech frame to object size" function Sub-App did not work on Android.

    What do I do? Thanks!


    Estou precisando mudar a resolução do meu jogo no Android, porém o Window Control não está funcionando como deveria. Já testei várias configurações diferentes mas nenhuma funcionou. Meu app tem resolução de 960x540 e preciso mudar no próximo frame para 540x960, ou seja, virar a tela em 90 graus. Tenho alguma alternativa sem precisar ter que fazer dois apps diferentes?

    Criando um app com resolução quadrada (960x960), alterando o Display para "Fit outside" e usando o Sub-Application funcionou, mas quando precisei usar outra resolução como a 1280x720 não funcionou, pois a função de "strech frame to object size" do Sub-App não funcionou no Android.

    O que eu faço? Obrigado!

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