Posts by MattKapa

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Hey Jeff! I'm not sure if there's a large demand, but I definitely think that people will complain if my greenlit game will be missing the steam achievements :P. And I'm sure there will be more greenlit games made with MMF2 in the future. I've been debating hiring a programmer to make this extension for me, but I'd much rather just use/license one that's already made.

    Will Fusion 2.5 be able to open MMF2 projects? Maybe I will be able to open my project in 2.5 and add the extension there, then just save it again as a 2.5 project.

    Fano, is the old extension stable enough to handle simple achievements at least :)? That's all that I want to incorporate from Steamworks, just basic achievements.
    Thanks a lot guys! I'm hoping there is a way to add achievements!

    Hey guys, my game just got greenlit on Steam:
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    I have read snippets about a private Steamworks object, but I can't seem to find much information. Does anyone know anything about this elusive object, or could maybe point me in the right direction? You can PM me as well, if it's secret info :).

    I have the iOS exporter, but I'm working mainly with normal PC runtime :P.

    I guess for what I'd potentially need it for next year, your method will work perfectly. Thanks a lot :D. I don't want to externalize all the graphics, just the main character pretty much.
    It would be great if MMF had a feature in the regular active object animation editor, to link the frames to image files instead of containing the frames in the object/memory!

    Hey guys! Is it possible to store animation frames externally in any easy way?

    The one way I could think of, is using something like the text blitter, and making very tedious "IF hero's animation frame is 1, set Text Blitter alterable text to A", "IF hero's animation frame is 2, set Text Blitter alterable text to B", etc.
    It would be cool to make a game that's moddable by changing .png files or something like that.

    Renatos, you need to update your DirectX software :P. Just do a google search and you'll find a Microsoft page where you can download an updater, it's quick and painless

    Gustav, thanks for the feedback :). The Ctrl+Y window is the solution in the demo, but I've already implemented a full key config in game for the full version :D. The other aspects you listed, like being able to kill enemies through blocks and enemies respawning, these are deliberate design choices, because I'm trying to make it as close as possible to old NES games. For instance, a game like Castlevania (even the more recent 2D ones for DS and Playstation 1), you ARE able to attack through blocks, and the enemies respawn. In my game, there will be merchants that sell items, and for some of them, you have a choice to either grind to collect gold to buy an item, or just come back later once you find more treasure. Some enemies will also drop items a small % of the time, so it's important for them to respawn.

    And as far as that "press any key" not working... whoops! Totally overlooked that... hahah. Thanks a lot, I'll fix it right away :).

    Wow, Gustav, so easy! Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it :).

    And thanks for the compliments Outcast and Storsorgen! I won't be using HWA for Castle In The Darkness, but I guess it's always the simplest problems that I overlook hahaha

    Hey guys, sorry if this seems stupid, but I can't seem to use HWA in my MMF2. I think I read someplace that it used to be a seperate MMF2 executable, but the update notes say that it's a part of the main software now. How can I enable HWA? I don't see options for it, and it seems like all my complex shaders are grayed out (I assume because they only work in HWA). Help plz :)?

    Thanks a lot for all the great comments. I'm really taking people's comments and criticisms into account while I'm developing this game.

    Xpadder and joy2key should work, but don't worry, the full version will have completely customizable controls :). It's already implemented!
    The spirit ring allows your soul ti be a bit distended from you, and it's attacks will hit enemies as well if it's far away enough. It seems useless, but it's also one of the items needed to get to the super-difficult alternate path :).

    Hey guys, I have a few questions. First of all, which other exporters are in the works? I could have sworn I saw something about a Mac and Vita exporters in the works. Is this true? Also, how about Android and Linux? Any more that might happen?

    Thanks again guys :). There are no checkpoints just because this demo is only a few minutes long (once you have experience with it :P), but I did put in a secret shortcut that gets you closer to the end once you've been there. And being Dark-Souls-Esque is kindof a goal of mine for this game :P. In the full version there are frequent save points, an array of equipment, and a lot of upgrades, so it's easier and smoother to deal with. Plus, the difficulty curve isn't as sharp since I have more than just a few minutes to set it on track, haha.

    Alonso, the full game won't have levels really, it's an open world like Metroid and SOTN :). There are a lot of different areas though... probably 30 or so.

    imothep85: Yep, MMF2 Dev :).

    Alonso: Thanks! By the way, just discovered that you were working on Heart Forth Alicia! That's awesome, I've been looking forward to it since I heard of it, and still am :D! Hope it's going good!

    Shawn: Thanks a lot for all the awesome positive comments! There is no checkpoint, but there is a shortcut that unlocks after a certain point, but you have to look around for clues and secrets to figure it out :). By the way, Wonder Boy in Monster Land is a pretty big inspiration for me, so I'm super stoked to hear that :D.

    Hey guys, I'm Matt Kap, and I'm developing a game called Castle In The Darkness. It's a retro-styled exploration action platformer with RPG elements (metroidvania basically haha).
    Anyway, just 2 hours ago I released an exclusive demo level on the game's site, and I'd love to hear what you all think about it! Here are some screenshots and a link to the trailer and download:
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    Thanks for the comments! Aasland, it's about 50% done so far, but I keep getting more ideas to expand the game even more, so maybe that's not an accurate number, haahaha.

    DistantJ, I tried Awesome Land, it was pretty cool! I'm stuck at one of the later levels, it's pretty hard! Anyway, Manos looks awesome, and right up my alley! I'll get it for sure when it's done.
    I'm not too sure how I got so many views, I guess word just keeps spreading! I made a post on reddit, and people keep retweeting about it