Posts by krolik

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Hi, I would like to ask what open sources project with graphical assets, animations would you like? I can make any and add it to Clickstore.
    Currently I made simple simple Minecraft, Dont Starve, Binding of Isaac, Flappy bird, Geometry Dash and others. I will add a video and sources on CS later soon.

    Some recent posts have been removed as they were off topic or feature requests. Please everyone read the first post in this thread where we've provided the rules for posting here. We need to keep this thread tight so it doesn't get out of hand like the last one.

    What can we talk about or comment when you do not share any new informations about engine, no road map, no tech demos, videos, no informations about your progress. You just create new topic "Fusion 3 progress", and show that events will be nested that we know for 2 years and add what we can not talk about. From blog post I just know that you got new programmer, you test windows runtime, and you use different programming languages. I strongly feel something is wrong here. I'm not attacking you, only ask you after a few years of waiting for some visible, concrete and meaningful informations.

    Are you offended? Why you don't answer my question? I ask about crucial elements. Instead be a professional and talk about important things like progress, dates, show any demos, you just answer if somebody ask about superficial things only.

    Whole post about why new thread and what to do not write. Why you just dont say what you got? I read blog post. Really f3 started to works on windows last time after that your new programmer made it? I thought it works for minimum half year if you planned release it in 2017. Anyway will mobiles supports a new ios and android features or standard like it was in f2.5?

    Dad's a bit drunk... But the job needs to be done.
    Be a good kid and help him chop some wood!
    Check out this engrossing arcade game, in all its pixelated glory!
    The game requires lightning-speed reflexes and your full, undivided attention!
    The rules are simple - but difficult to master.
    It's fun and lightweight - and immensely satisfying once you break your own record!

    Tap and hold your finger on the screen to pick up and hold a piece of wood in place.
    Let go of the screen before dad's axe starts swinging!

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    I will be thankful for any positive reviews! :)

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    Cool, congrats Perry!
    What ads did you used previously? Could you tell us after a while what is the revenue difference with appodeal? I'm Really curious what changes :)
    I didn't release my game yet, because of apple restrictions. In next days I'm gonna publish it on Google Play.

    Yep, dont need to download every ad network SDK, Appodeal framework contain all needed libraries.
    As I mentioned Im not sure you can disable and select just a few companies. I think appodeal may add it dynamically when you select what ad types like banner, interstitial interest you. Then Sdk may contains different files I guess, but you should ask support for more info.

    It may looks a bit difficult, but generally its simple and there is same work in xcode as it is with ironsource.
    To integrate Appodeal with xcode project you must:

    Set deployment target to 8.1
    Add "-ObjC" to Other Linker Flags
    Set using "BitCode" to "no"

    Add to Fusion project these frameworks:


    And add Appodeal SDK files to the project - drag and drop files from SDK Folder to the xcode, and select "copy if needed".

    If I didnt forget anything that should be all work.

    wpd, I'm not sure, ask a support on the website, they answer very fast.
    Appodeal extension makes my game about 10mb bigger on ios.

    Perry It's only extnesion, doesn't need to modificate any fusion files.
    Do you ask when and where show ad in your game?

    Btw there is some interesting video how appodeal mediation works
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    Appoodeal is ad mediation company similar to Ironsource. Recentely they created extension for Clickteam Fusion, I was testing a beta.

    Supported Ad networks:

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    Appodeal doesn't require to create any account on each of them. You just need Appodeal and Admob profiles.
    You don't need to create 10 different profiles, configure it and join to mediation network.
    Every other is created for you automatically, and assigned to your Appodeal profile.
    It is super simply to configurate with Fusion. Add object, set checkboxes in preferences, and 2 actions needed to cache and display ad.

    Supported ad types:
    -Skipable video ads
    -Non Skipable video ads
    -Rewarded ads

    I also recommend Appodeal for perfect support. Nazar - extension programmer from Appodeal, helped me to config all things on ios with Xcode and fixed the bugs.
    The company also has great support over chat widget on their website.

    You can find Appodeal extension there:
    Please login to see this link.

    "Blocky" lights would be ok in the games like minecraft / terraria i think, additional 200 objects may totally kill game performance.

    I had same problem. I wrote to Fernando some time ago and looks like the cuting holes on the layer on windows runtime is a bugged implementation of subtract effect (with directx renderer only) so users use it to make fake lights, but we can not make same effect on mobiles with opengl renderer.

    Would be great if CT could resolve this problem to allows us to make some light effects on mobiles.