Feature Suggestion:
DPIScale should return a DPI value regardless of if `DPI aware` is enabled.
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Open a TicketFeature Suggestion:
DPIScale should return a DPI value regardless of if `DPI aware` is enabled.
Can we get an update to the Preload Image Function for Actives so that I can replace a preloaded image?
For example, if I preload an image, and then replace that image, the Preload Image function should probably replace whatever is preloaded.
Ultimately, my game uses character files and imports images extracted from a zip. Those images are exported to a temp folder, but the images themselves have the same filename and because of this, Fusion won't re-preload the image. I can work around this by creating additional temp folders, but I figured I'd request this regardless.
BUG: Text Objects wont display certain UTF-16 characters at runtime while in DX11. Only Entry Fields (Edit Box, List Object) are capable of displaying this text.
I'm localizing my game and adding a Virtual Korean Keyboard. I've discovered that for whatever reason, you cannot load basic Korean Characters like "ㄱ" (essentially Korean's Consonants and Vowels) and they will simply display as "▯".
Example File (MFA + TTF Font): Please login to see this attachment.
BUG: If you attempt to scope List Object Instances (For example comparing Strings) when no instance is created, it will crash the application. Additionally, one of my Windows 11 users would crash when attempting to scope through the lists even after creation (We presume that the cause was his Anti-Virus, as my application attempts to create a list object/instance for all Language txt files in the applications' folder.)
*I also had the List Objects use a Qualifier. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.
This is what the Debug Object outputted on crash:
Feature Request: Manually set the width and height of the String Object at runtime without relying on the resizing that occurs when changing font size (As it often breaks for me).
Found a small issue with Clickteam Fusion, if you plug in and out headphones while an audio is looping, the audio will stop playing prematurely.
I talked about this on the discord server, it might be because applications don't switch back to the speakers after removing the headphones, but I'm not sure.
This is essentially the problem where if you switch audio devices, the sample played remains on the previous audio device unless you manually replay it.
No it doesn't work, it's not implemented in HTML5.
Any chance of this being addressed/added in the future?
I haven't checked in a while, though I probably should've reported it at the time. RGB Coefficient doesn't appear to work in the HTML5 runtime.
The Pick objects with maximum/minimum value Condition does not work with floating points.
Example MFA: Please login to see this attachment.
BUG: Not sure if this is already known, but Event Editor Object Groups don't show in Event List view:
Event Editor:
Please login to see this attachment.
Event List Editor:
Please login to see this attachment.
It will return 1 if the device is set in flat surface and was previously in portrait mode or the device is natural portrait (phones).
Also which device is this one you have done the test? What is the orientation set in manifest?
I've been testing this on my OnePlus Nord N200. I've attached an Example file which better illustrates my point.
Example File: Please login to see this attachment.
Current Help File Text: (Confusing and doesn't accurately describe the behavior.)
Please login to see this attachment.
My Proposed Rewrite: (Far more accurate as to what is actually happening when using the Extension.)
[INDENT]Device Orientation
This expression returns the current orientation relative to the device's current Portrait/Landscape State.
A new Orientation can be detected by triggering the "Device Orientation Changed" condition.
It Returns values 0 to 6:
0 Unknown (Should not happen unless you shake the device)
1 Tilted Up
2 Tilted Down
3 Tilted Left
4 Tilted Right
5 Face Up
6 Face Down[/INDENT]
Did you read this document?
Please login to see this link.
I have only read the bottom of Page 7 as you have mentioned before. Ultimately, I have since found a workaround by just grabbing the app's Width vs Height and determining Orientation that way instead.
At the end of the day I just worry the that Object's Help File is somewhat misleading which led to my mild frustration until I found a workaround.
If the Accelerometer object's Help File claims that "It returns values from 0 to 6 :", and it states that it will return a "1" when in Portrait Orientation, the fact that it returns "1" even in Landscape Orientation is a bit strange...
is it returning the last?
I am not quite sure what you mean by "The Last", but if you are referring to Face Down(6) then, yes, that works.
The more I think about, I wonder if the problem is that once the orientation changes, it screws up the values or something.
accel is zero in flat surface
The problem isn't it returning "0", the problem is that it returns "1" when the Help File for the object states:
It returns values from 0 to 6 :
--Unknown (should not happen unless you shake the device)
--Portrait upside down
--Landscape left
--Landscape right
--Face up
--Face down
But Landscape Mode is returning "1"
The Accelerometer object returns the wrong value once Orientation has been changed.
Orientation( "Accelerometer object" ) Expression:
-While in Portrait Mode: Returns 0 (Unknown) when the device is flat, and 1 (Portrait) while upright
-While in Landscape Mode: it Returns 0 (Unknown) when the device is flat, and 1 (Portrait) while upright
I discovered this when trying to set my game's orientation based on the Orientation Value given from the object and I watched my device rapidly change it's Orientation.
I'm not sure if I'm going crazy, but it seems as though the 'Lock Channel' Audio Function randomly decides to not function. I currently can't isolate the issue, but I figured I mention it.
Crossing my fingers that we'll be able to detect how much space the notch takes up for responsive designs.
post a small example please for me to check.
So one small correction, it doesn't just occur on Mobile, it bugs out on PC-Browser as well.
Example MFA and HTML5 Build: Please login to see this attachment.
Another bug involving HTML5 Fullscreen is that on Mobile, the X & Y Coordinates of the MultiTouch Object's Touches aren't aligned properly.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)