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Strings won't move position in some events, but do in others. The project is too large/near completion to share a file. I can't find any pattern or logic behind it. The only consistent thing is that when i'm trying to make the string show on screen (set pos) it works, but when i try to take it off screen, (set pos 500,500) it has no effect. It's just ignoring the event. Any ideas why?
shouldn't this return the whole string with the last character removed? it's returning a blank string for me. The documentation says it should return everything to the left of the index provided, and this should be setting the index to the last character of the string, right?
How hard is it to translate mouse controls to touch controls if i were to buy the android exporter? You can see I went for a mobile-style scrolling system for the construction menu, and if it's as simple as replace "mouse" with "touch" or whatever you'd call it, then it might be worth doing.
The game is really starting to take shape. This video demonstrates the Venture/building construction system and interface. The icons are placeholders obviously. My coin goes negative because the Harbor I built costs 2000.
There are 27 buildings.
Here's the full list:
Fishing Dock
Farmer's Guild
Mason's Guild
Smith's Guild
Lapidary Guild
Tailor's Guild
Hero's Guild
Fishing Guild
Hunter's Guild
Bard's Guild
City District
Guard Tower
Dirt Road
Cobble Road
The D icons that are on the map from the start are city districts.
What comes to mind when I say: Deconstructed survival grand strategy city builder roguelike with Permadeath? Well, probably not much yet, but that's how I'd describe Venture Archipelago.
Why Archipelago?
The world is 5 small islands. Each island has a different biome, with different challenges. You have these islands to choose from to settle your village, and if you survive, maybe even kingdom.
What's a Venture?
The word “Venture” in the title comes from the primary method of gathering resources in the game, which are ventures. You spend money and/or resources to create a venture (which could be things like a logging camp, or adventuring group, or farm etc) and steadily accrue resources from all of your ventures.
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Is there combat?
Yes! It has random encounters that are fought on the normal world map. Being that it's a roguelike, enemies only move (and time only passes) when you take an action. 1 to 3 enemies will spawn near you, with varying AI, and will attack mercilessly. Attacks (both yours and enemies) are represented as white squares, and will still show up on the map even if it hits nothing. More details of this will be revealed as it is created.
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So it's an RPG?
Kind of, but with a hefty focus on unique game mechanics. The story is not what we're here for. Player character development and customization through gear and leveling will scratch that RPG itch though.
Buildable Villages and Cities, both player owned and not, that need resources to survive. At its core, Venture Archipelago is a survival game, but its your towns that depend on you to lead them to prosperity by providing enough resources, and building the type(s) of land they need.
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(I did set the default gold to 69, but I did not set the time manually or intentionally wait for the photo op. That's a genuine coincidence.)
Laws, Taxes, and Land Use
Cities will be split up into multiple districts. You can customize the laws and tax rates of each district and each surrounding village from here. Each village/district has a modular population, and how the land is used is kept track of. Undeveloped Land can be changed to Housing, Markets, Artisans, or Amenities, and the player will earn rent from the land they purchase.
Start from nothing and fight, buy, and sell your way into the ranks of the nobility, or burn the very concept to the ground!
There's a whole lot more than that, and I'll post about it as I make it. Thanks for reading, I hope you'll join me on this Venture!
20,000 by 40,000 is quite a large frame size - not sure why the obstacles specifically slow it down but reducing your frame size to even 20,000 by 20,000 (and moving all the objects up so they're still in the frame) keeps it at 60fps for me
I tried that, and the framerate went up by about 10. still nowhere near 60fps. My PC is decent, so I feel like this should be easy for it. I could make mulitple smaller sections of the level, and have transitions bewteen them, and i could probably do 10k x 10k, but that really isn't ideal.
edit: I lowered it to 8000x10000, and am getting 60fps consistently. I want later levels to be larger though, so still looking for other solutions if anyone has any.
You should post an example so that we can see what you do exactly and can profile your app.
Please login to see this attachment. The movement code is in the PLAYER active, but i don't think it's relevant to the problem. It will run fine when you first test it. Set the backdrops (big purple blocks) to obstacle, and then massive lag, but only when the camera is moving.
I made a level with many backdrops as obstacles, and framerate is 60 if I don't move the character. While moving, it drops to 19. I've made games on this scale using actives instead, and there was no lag. What should I do? Why does backdrops cause more lag than actives? (It doesn't happen if they aren't set to obstacle)
you can do this a number of ways, and its up to you how you would like to do it. i have done something like this in the past by, all those possible locations, you have an invisible spawn location marker (all duplicates) if its just 2 objects to place. then,
start of frame: [pick] a spawn location at random + [collectable active] is NOT overlapping the [spawn location marker] > create [collectable active] at 0,0 of the [spawn location marker
start of frame: [pick] a spawn location at random + [collectable active] is NOT overlapping the [spawn location marker] > create [collectable active] at 0,0 of the [spawn location marker
*just copy that event twice. if you wanted to place many, then you could do a loop; but for 2 just copy the event and paste it again, so it runs the condition twice.
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I would also have to have a condition ensuring that the collectible active isn't overlapping itself, correct? Or alternatively, delete the spawn marker that is used for the first collectible spawn? Which would be simpler? I ask, because I can only work on the game for 30-60 minutes a day, due to my injuries.
I have a collectible object (an active) in my new game, and I want to put many spawn points on the map, but have only 2 of those locations spawn (or be created) per level, and have it randomly choose which 2 spawn points to create.
I'm disabled and need help determining the method for achieving this that would require the smallest amount of code. I'm reasonably experienced, but have been unable to use a computer for 5 years due to injuries, so I'm very rusty.
i want it two shoot a projectile from both sides, but cut it down to one projectile for this example. I need to have scope for both the instance of "enemy" and "eBullet". I've tried many different ways, and am self taught so my method might seem odd, I don't actually know, but it works fine if you only need scope on one object, and I've used it extensively. What I don't understand is from all the tutorials I've read, this code should work. Why does it fail to give the bullets variables from the parent enemy? Seems like it's failing to scope both objects. Can anyone help me understand?
gonna include example. The "wiggling" is working as intended, and demonstrates that the method works with scope on one object.