Posts by tom79

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Apple offers hosting non-consumable IAP products. The full version of our game has a large file size so we want to use this feature. Is it possible with Fusion? Has anybody experience with this?

    After a purchase the app should simply download a package with images from the apple servers.

    I know how to upload the content to apple (Please login to see this link.) but which events should I create in fusion?


    But those "improvements" MUST end in order for Clickteam to make their next product

    Absolutely correct. It must end but I think the community need a working version 2.5 while waiting years for a working version 3. When was the last iOS exporter update?... There are people here who make a living using such software who can not wait years of interruption.

    Also you have to see the lifespan of 2.5 and the exporters separated from the lifespan of 2.0 and older.
    If a company advertises a new upgraded software version with more features and addons they should update it regularly but the above-average bugs from the beginning of 2.5 (especially in the exporters) combined with the irregular and slow updates compared to the competition (besides the android exporter thanks to Fernando) and the unannounced stop of updates for the iOS exporter for this long time period does not create trust regarding competence in team and time management as well as communication skills.


    adding features to a very old product is just silly

    That's also my opinion. Adding features is silly. I wrote it in another thread. But fixing bugs regularly for an adequate time is an essential condition.


    Clickteam can only do so much without additional staff.

    That's also correct but clickteam could have additional staff. The kickstarter idea shows that people would pay them more money to get things done (and fixed) more quickly. Now see above... "competence in team and time management as well as communication skills" The market does not wait for us developers.


    I will start to help anders in iOS, but please give me some time to get wet in this.

    Fernando Good news!


    What we need, in my opinion, is compatibility, bug-fixing


    that Fusion 2.5's updates have been coming out very slowly, with a lot of issues clugging the bugtracker

    I totally agree. That's why I wrote


    AND to free more time for the developers to only fix 2.5 AND the exporters

    I think that this is the most important task for the next months.

    About introducing universal features that users can take advantage of: In general I doubt that many of the additional universal features are possible to implement into 2.5 in a way that it works (almost) bug-free on iOS/Android in the next time but maybe some of the features. Clickteam could inform us about which of them are possible to implement easily. Correct me if my information is wrong: Isn't the old 2.5 engine extremly hard to get bug free anyway for iOS and Android exports (especially compared to 3.0) because in the past the old engine was never programmed for such functionality(?)
    So, too much additional features for 2.5 means: More bugs to solve (the amount of bugs is high enough I think) in the future that are way harder to solve as with 3.0. I really think that it burns too much money / working hours and I'm afraid that clickteam also never really get many of such asked features to work correct (via the 2.5 engine).



    Nine women can't have a baby in a month

    I think that this truth can be applied to software only partly. I'm sure that medium sized teams with a good internal organisation can also create high quality products but in a faster time. Personally I need up to date features for iOS and Android faster than in


    a couple years

    But I fear that many of such essential features can hardly (or partly not) be offered via old fusion 2.5 technology.

    How about this option:

    Starting a kickstarter campaign for hiring more programmers just to develop fusion 3 much faster to a stable version within the next months, including great features.
    AND to free more time for the developers to only fix 2.5 and the exporters (no extra features)
    AND a bigger discount for the update to version 3 for the supporters of this campaign.

    We all know that Fusion 2.5 is based on very old software. Extra features means to extend old stuff that is not good to work with compared to what is possible these days. Also I heard that 2.5 is harder to extend than version 3 (more working hours for adding features to a very old engine wastes money I think).

    With such a campaign we would have a half decent transition period from 2.5 to 3 with working iOS exporters etc. and then we could switch fast to a working version 3. This would require that clickteam is willing to work with their valued customers and using the money exactly for what is asked.


    only supported Android exporter accurately by Fernando but can not be almost a year to support the exporter

    Since months I ask myself if it is wise to invest more money in the future into a company with this extremely customer-unfriendly update philosophy and customer communication philosophy...
    I doubt that their internal problems will magically disappear in the future. An actual problem seems that the programmers are completely overstrained with developing 3 and fixing 2.5 (especially the iOS exporter).

    Regarding the problem: Please login to see this link.

    Hi Anders,

    You wrote:
    "I think I have done almost everything that is possible with this version of the software. I have looked into alternative ways of loading the image data but will increase complexity unnecessarily. iOS inbuilt image loading techniques prefer to premultiply the image's alpha channel. To display the image properly I have to undo that operation. I do that with a very simple pass over the image at load time. I don't think it can get any simpler than that. I don't experience the slowdown myself on my devices at all with regular image sizes and running in release mode.
    I am going to do one last test where I manually read the PNG or JPG data and see if that gives any speed improvements. It will fallback on the existing technique for other filetypes."

    I understand that it can't get any simpler than a very simple pass over at loading time. But couldn't you just make it selectable within fusion, if the simple pass over will be used or not? The problem is: If I try to load 9 images, the loading time increased heavily compared to 283.5.
    So if I could turn off the simple pass over it would be great. I know that the premultiply problem reappears this way, but the fix does not work correct anyway and I found a way to prevent the "premultiply borders" without your pass over technique.


    pm sent to Anders. It's hard to make test files each time for even the simplest bugs that are very easy to reproduce... Takes a lot of time for customers (for Anders etc. too but the big difference is: he gets paid for it...)

    It loads 9 images. Each image is 768x768. With the old exporter it was fast enough. Now iOS needs about 2.5x more time to load them. Please just make your own test. I can't provide it at the moment.

    How can I downgrade to the old version? I tried to install it over this version but got an error message.

    Active Picture Object actions are way slower than in the previous version. Loading images takes too long now. Also the display problem with gifs (resample option selected and zoom size lower 100%) still exists: Please login to see this link.