Yes, I'm using Fusion 2.5
I'll check what you tell me and see how it goes.
Thanks a lot!
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Open a TicketYes, I'm using Fusion 2.5
I'll check what you tell me and see how it goes.
Thanks a lot!
Hi Appsareawesome:
I just discovered how to do what you need. I'm attaching the example.
Please let me know if it is what you need and if the example was useful.
Best regards,
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Danny, do you know how can I solve the attached error?
It shows me that and then fails to open the file.
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Danny, can you please teach me how to save to an encrypted INI and/or write to the registry?
I think with one of those two options it's ok, I don't need it to be ULTRA protected, just enough.
Thanks for your answer!
The problem is that an INI file is easily opened and edited in Notepad. I need another solution not so "hackable".
Hello Everyone:
I need to know if there is a way of programming a ONE TIME event in a Windows CF2.5 app.
I know how to program a one time event that repeats each time the app is opened. What I need to learn, is how to program a FOREVER ONE TIME event. Do I explain?
For example, I open the app and hit a button, and the background paints in a random color (let's say green). Then, if a close the app and reopen it, there is no color choosing button and the background is still green. If the user shuts down Windows and opens the app again in a week, the background is still green and there is no color choosing button.
Please let me know if I explained myself and if this is possible.
Thanks a lot!
Hi everyone:
I want to know if I can program a stickers album for Windows in CF2.5, like the ones you buy the album and then you buy the bag of 5 stickers and have to complete the album.
The thing is I want to make the album like a free download, and in the app you can "turn" the pages.
Then, the 5 stickers bags will be pay-per-download content and work as a subapp for the album app. Is this possible?
Also, I need to know how to make the sticker subapps to show the 5 stickers JUST ONCE, so the user doesn't cheat opening it several times. And how to make Windows detect a NEW stickers subapp if it is bought again.
Please, let me know if I am clear on what I want, and tell me if this is possible. It will also be cool if this can be done in the HTML5 exporter for an online album!
Thanks a lot.
Thank you all for your explanation!
I already did what I wanted thanks to your ideas.
Thanks a lot! That's exactly what I wanted.
But, in order to understand it, can you help me explaining what this means?
List Nb Lines( "List" )
I already managed to pick the numbers from a list, but I don't know where do I have to put the code to delete the selected line so the next ones don't repeat.
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Thanks a lot!
I will try to do as you say, and I will let you know if it works.
Can someone please help me?
I need each of the bubbles to have a random number from 1 to 10, without duplicates.
The random numbers have to change each time the app is started.
Thanks for your help, it's urgent!
Hello everybody:
I am using Clickteam Fusion 2.5 and its HTML5 extension to create a very simple counting game.
As you can see in the example, I already managed to make a number between 1 and 10 to appear inside each of the bubbles.
What I don't know how to do, is to make each number unique. I explain, if for example one bubble has number "4" inside it, none of the other bubbles can have number "4" repeated on it.
Thanks a lot!
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Thanks a lot!
I will give it a try, and let you know if I make it.
I want to create an app for Android tablets to be running continously.
What I want to know, is if there is a way to avoid users to turn the tablet off by pressing the ON/OFF button. For example, that a password entering box pops up if he/she tries to turn the tablet off.
Hi hamdi369:
Thanks for your reply! But, I've never used lacewing. Is there a good and easy tutorial I can follow?
Another question. With this lacewing, Is it possible to have the client apps as Android and the kitchen app as Windows? Or both have to be Android?
Hello Everybody:
I want to develop a Digital E-Menu App for restaurants, so the clients can browse the restaurant's menu in an Android app.
I know developing the menu is easy, but I want to know how to program the POS app that will have to be in the kitchen, so that the menu apps can send over Wifi the orders that each table makes.
Thanks for your help!
Thanks Fernando!
Didn't think about the under roof problem...
I'll check if the GPS works and let you know.
Happy New Year to all the Community!!!
Please, I want to know if this is possible to achieve in Android.
I work at a University that, of course, has a lot of buildings and each of them has his own name.
What I want to do, is an Android app that somehow (maybe detecting the GPS coordinates of the buildings), shows on screen the pictures, name of building, name of the dean of a career and his office number if inside a specific building, etc.
Of course, I don't want the user to press a button each time he/she is in a building. I want him/her to be able to walk across the University with the app opened, and the app itself change the information automatically depending on the building where the user is.
I hope someone undestands me, and can help me on a guide on how to achieve this if possible.
Thanks a lot!
Taking advantage of the discount Clickteam is offering until December 1st, I want to buy the Developer version.
What I need to know is, if Developer comes with the exporters built in so I don't have to buy them apart.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)