Posts by butterfingers
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
I had a look, but I found it tough to Navigate.
I also kinda broke the layout in order to get some extra stuff in there (you just need to reduce your application frame size by 200 to get it back to how it was, but initially run it broken so you can see the changes properly).
In the editor frame I've made it so that you select the file you want to load from TreeControl - click on the file you want to load in the tree control window, then click LOAD to load it.
This will also set the file to GlobalA (so that if you press PLAY in the editor, it will load the correct level).To fix your second issue, I just edited line 17 in the Title screen. It was using the wrong command for the Tree Control. It now loads the correct level data when you hit play, you can go back and forth between your different files.
I hope this helps (and I hope it's what you wanted).
I can see you obviously like using behaviours - it's a personal preference, but they make it super hard for someone else to read your code, because some of your events are "hidden" in separate behaviours.
I'd also highly recommend renaming your alt variables to more descriptive names than the default Alterable Value A.Overall tho, there is some elegant code here, I like the editor and the fact you can run it live - I've done similar things before, if you're interested in a more graphic interface (instead of text), I might have some stuff that could help.
The game is cool too btw. I actually played the demo level and enjoyed it.Please login to see this attachment.
This is just a guess but I wonder if you could use FireFly 3D and load these images as a sky-sphere and then move the camera to navigate through them. I don't own FireFly so I can't speak to its capabilities but this seems like pretty basic 3d functionality.
I think you could also do it with the DirectX object, texture a sphere with it and have the camera in the sphere (basically the same as using the Firefly Skybox, but without buying Firefly)
Yeah, the array method would work.
Just some quick questions,
1) Are you also making a platformer, like is it a direct clone of DK or do you have other functionality?
2) The AI character, do they do EVERYTHING the player does? Like, if the player gets hit by a baddy and plays a hurt animation, does the AI player get hit too?
3) I assume the 60x4, the 4 would store something like X,Y,Animation,Something? -
Here is Fernando's example [MENTION=12441]butterfingers[/MENTION]. I found it on one of my backup drives:
I totally missed this when you uploaded it, thanks so much
In the level editor examples I've seen, they are usually done as a utility to allow the game creator to more quickly put their level together. Usually using tiles put into the game.
But what about a level editor that allows the player to put in graphics they have created.
Anyone know how to do that exactly?This is entirely possible using the Load Frame commands on an active object, or using the Surface extension.
Either can load in external images from .png files or .jpgs to an active.I did something similar before in the Not a Hero level editor, that allows you to dynamically load in large tiles to the tile editor.
I like the car behavior a lot, they’re driving on the wrong side tho :p
In London, we drive on the left my man!
TFW when someone causes a massive traffic-jam by taking pictures of a corpse on their phone in the middle of the street.
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For backdrops you could just have the backdrop as one big rendered image, and the make your collision mask separate - done with tiles that are then hidden?
Certainly ambitious, will be great to see this develop.
I'm kind of being realistic about scope. I'm not trying to recreate a city as complex as the ones in even the original GTA.
You won't be able to drive cars - they'll just be a hazard.
Similarly, I'm not going to have ambulances show up with little medics to look after people who get injured.
It's very much going to be an on-foot thing, with the focus on a bit of brawling, dealing various narcotics and a bit of stealthing around. -
I love the beat em up effect. So wanted to be able to hit back ;D
Haha, it's kinda broken at the moment, but if you press "a" repeatedly really fast you can eventually fight back (end eventually knock them out), but you can't currently be KOed
And thanks for the encouragement and for downloading! -
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Hello Clickers!
I've been working on this on and off for a little while. It's the beginnings of a sandbox top view city, in a similar vein to the original GTA, but without polygonal buildings.
At the moment I have some relatively intelligent pedestrians that wander about and occasionally look at their phones,
And a bunch of relatively intelligent cars, that drive around, giveway to each other, reverse when things get snarled up etc.At that point I posted it over in the main CF2.5 forum, but I've decided to take it from a demonstrator that just does that, to a kind of micro-scale GTA.
1 neighbourhood in which you live and operate, and you have to do drug deals and other generally illegal stuff while dodging cops and rival gangs.It's early days...
But, over the last few days I've been (starting ) to write a relatively decent and lightweight Cop AI.
So we now have cops, who patrol the streets like pedestrians. If they see you, they chase you until they either lose you or catch up to you. If they catch you, you fight (for now you just mash the a key really fast to punch).
If they lose you in the chase they return to a nearby patrol path. There's view cones and line of sight in there too, and they have a bit of "intuition" when in chase mode so they can cheat the pathfinding * a bit *Obvs I want to add the ability to fight multiple cops at once, have them alert each other when chasing you, and make them look around for you a bit after they lose you, before wandering off. But it's there and the whole state machine and other stuff is in place to easily add these features.
Anyway, I'm pretty pleased with what's there so far, even just getting the whole little "city" up and running was a challenge and I'm pleased with how it's come off so far.
ENOUGH CHIT CHAT! Here's a youtube video of me wandering about, getting chased by cops and having some fights at the end.
Please login to see this media element.In addition, if you're interested in playing around with what I have so far, there's a build you can try out here:
Please login to see this link.Arrow Keys to move (there's no collision yet and you move too fast, but that's just to make testing the cop chase AI easier).
Press A really fast to punch when you're in a fight. This isn't the final system, I'm just getting the animations in and getting an idea for how it will feel before commiting.Also, all the art is placeholder at the moment. I'm just getting mechanics and systems in place before working on actual art style.
Thoughts, feedback etc welcome.
Ok, that makes sense,
So, you can use the string tokeniser to remove the stop words, not sure the exact method, but it gives you the tools to split up a string, remove words you don't want and reconstruct it. You could simply make ALL your Stop words into delimiters, and the only words left would be ones that aren't stop words.For the actual searching bit,
I'm assuming you mean that if I type my phrase as:
"What is it like to eat a Hedgehog?"You would just search for "Eat" and "Hedgehog"
If you have a list of 10 phrases, you can search each line in the list for "Eat" and give it a score of 1 if it contains "Eat".
Then search again for "Hedgehog", and increase the score to 2 for any lines including "Hedgehog"The line with the highest score would be the one containing the most matching words.
[MENTION=21501]Gradius[/MENTION] [MENTION=12521]Julian82[/MENTION].
Ah, that makes total sense. So I *think* you're supposed to apply the MotionBlur Shader to the Frame as an effect, instead of making the frame semitransparent and giving it alpha.
You still have to do the Direct3D: Don't erase background=True in the frame settings either way.IDK if maybe there's a performance boost from doing the alpha from the MotionBlur SHader instead of from the SemiTransparent shader?
Here's and example for comparison.Please login to see this attachment. -
Hey SunnyPuppy, welcome to CF2.5!
I don't think (although someone will probably correct me), that this is possible using just the 8 directional movement.
From what you've said above, you want to be able to hold left and move left, then if you hold right (while still holding left too), you'll start moving right instead.
I put together an example that does this for you, using the bouncingball movement:Please login to see this attachment.
An issue I found with just implementing that though, was that
If you hold left, then hold right too, then release right, you continue to move right. Because you haven't pressed left again, you're just still holding it down.
This felt a bit weird too, so the example above is a little more complicated because it deals with that issue too.If you hold left, then hold right (with left still held), you'll move right. If you then release right, you'll revert back to moving left again, I think this feels a little better, as it allows you to hold say, right key and keep moving right while tapping up and down to adjust your height.
It doesn't support diagonals, because you have to hold 2 keys for your example to work.
Additionally, it'll break if you hold 3 keys at the same time. But what kind of monster would do that anyway?
Marbenx, thanks for that, I was looking at the MFA above and couldn't figure out what was wrong, interesting to know that the rounding works that way. Cheers
Looking at the shader, literally all it does is make the whole screen image more transparent:
sampler2D img;
float coeff;float4 ps_main(float2 In : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0 {
return tex2D(img,In)*float4(1,1,1,coeff);
technique tech_main { pass P0 { PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 ps_main(); } }You pass it the coeff variable, and it multiplies the screen image's alpha by that.
There's nothing else to know I don't think? I'm not really sure how you're supposed to use it to create motion blur though!
I took a look at the 3D Mesh object to see if you could use that.
You're right, it's quite lacking in the camera controls which will make things tricky, I think the best you can do is have everything scrolling directly at the camera straight on, or top view, but I think doing camera rotations is going to be hard as you don't seem to have any control over the camera's rotation, only it's position.
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(you'll need the 3D Mesh extension to open that, it's in the extension manager. You'll also need Please login to see this link., and you'll need to re-assign it to BOTH the 3D Mesh objects in the scene).But yeah, I think it probably sucks, you'll have to make the whole level as a single multi-texture object, and it'll have no lighting or shading.