Man, this is going to be great! I've been waiting for the physics engine for a loooong time. I hope it works as smoothly as a normal behavior!
Posts by AnD4D
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Hmm, does APF work with iOS? Worried about it requiring .NET.
How are the tests going? I'd like a few, such as the lends flare and water, but would like to know if they work on iOS.
What's the difference between using this and:
Always -
"ActiveObj" )*(1-0.1)+X( "DestinationObj" )*0.1
Always - Y( "ActiveObj" )*(1-0.1)+Y( "DestinationObj" )*0.1?
Having trouble finding anything for arrays that I can see that would help me... strangely enough. I can see how it would work, but I'm hoping it would store the information in the array automatically. Will this happen, or will I need to fill in the data for each and every array?
Turns out I need to use the spread value command. Though I'm finding it difficult to make it work the way I want. If I delete an object, and then add a new one, the entire system shifts back one place... so the newest always has the lowest variable. I've followed the tutorial to fix this problem, but it doesn't work as expected.
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Use space bar to create and use ctrl to destory. I want it to destroy in the order it was built.
In retrospect, I've figured out how to make a pretty cool looking centipede animation, but that's not what I'm going for.
The tutorial I'm following is as below:
QuoteAppendix 2 - How Spread Value Numbers Stuff
Spread value gives the ID numbers according to the order the objects were created in, starting with the newest.
So if you create 5 objects, and you later create a 6th, then object #1 becomes object #2. Object #2 becomes Object #3, and so on. All the IDs shift along one.
This can be a pain if you have specific conditions that you want to run for a certain object.
One example is a game I made a while ago where there are several signposts. Depending on their ID number, a different message pops up when you touch them (it works the same way as the 'Naming' example we did above).
But if I created a new Signpost, all the IDs for the previous ones shifted and became wrong!
You can get around this using a simple formula when you spread a value. I'll do it in words first, then as you would do it in an expression, then as a whole event:Number of Signposts - ID of Signpost + Starting Value
So if we're spreading a value of '1' in our signposts, the expression would be:nObjects(Signpost) - ID(Signpost) + 1
Wooyay. Now we apply this in our spreading condition like this:- Start of Frame
--- Spread '1' in ID of Signpost
--- Set ID of Signpost to 'nObjects(Signpost) - ID(Signpost) + 1'And that successfully reverses the order of your Spread Values, so they don't shift when a new object is added later. Because it spreads a value according to normal rules, and then inverts it straight afterwards with the formula we did.
Can you try:
If enemy X is greater than player x - 10
If enemy X is less than player x +10then
enemy launch object down.
is that what you've tried? It should be quite straight forward.
Hi Solar,
I'd like to try and build a section in the game that is similar to Terraria or gem miner. When they destroy the rock, I want it to stay destroyed forever. So if they quit the game, or leave the frame and come back to it, it's saved its state. The paths the player has carved out will still be as the player left them. Now that the other issue is resolved, I'm looking to make the level 10,000 x 19,000, so I'd like to have a simple way, rather than adding nearly 20,000 global variables for my blocks manually... Need to get myself a MAC methinks so I can test the capabilities...
Oooh, looks like Direct3D DOES work with IOS! What a relief! So that's 2 definitely solved... just the first left. Trying to figure out how to have the system remember which blocks are gone and which aren't.
Is there a way of saving this? Would anybody like a MMF file so they can understand what I'm talking about?
Ouch, sorry to hear about that. Must've been annoying!
If I can find a solution to point 1, point 2 shouldn't pose a problem. I'm contemplating 2 solutions. One involves creating the terrain based on a bitmap image and grid system, and the other is manually positioning using hundreds of variables... Neither are perfect... where having the system remember global variables of each block is. Does anyone know if this is possible?
2) Fixed again... just had to change the display mode to Direct3D. Then it's all smooth. I do wonder, however, if anyone has success with this working with iOS.
2) Now the objects are falling through each other when off screen. Darn...
1) I'd like to have a level where I can have hundreds of enemies on screen, and you can destroy them all. Then you can level that part of the level, do something else, and return to the first and have all of the enemies that you already destroyed still gone.
Is this possible through alterable variables? How can I have the active objects remember their own variables outside of the frame, and recall them when it's loaded again (i.e. if bullet hits, then set var to 1 & if var = 1 then destroy).
2) Also, I'm experiencing some severe slow down. At the moment, during testing, I have around 10000 actives in my frame (not all on screen at once). They don't have any behaviours, no movement, no animation. They are 100x100 in size, and I wouldn't have thought they'd cause an issue. It's fine when you load, but as soon as the screen starts scrolling, and more come into view, the game shudders to a halt. Am I missing something?
*2 just solved this before sending. What I needed to do is set the runtime to in-active if too far from frame.
Also spied the "Global Object" checkbox. Is this related to fixing my other problem?
Thanks. I've moved them all into their layers now, and it's working pretty well. One thing I've come across now though is when I move the characters into layer 2 I found the path finder no longer worked. Turns out collision doesn't exist between layers. I hope this won't cause me problems in the future. I'm sure I'll figure out another way around it anyway. It is a huge play field, but I'm becoming more efficient with the amount of objects. Just went from over 100 to 35. However, I also went over 500 at one point, and things started to break. Guess there's a limit, so I may have to scale back what I envisage for this game.
Still looking for some advice on the path finding if anyone wants to take a crack at helping out. I wonder if there's an easier way of doing this. The project file link at the top updates itself as I go along so it's pretty much open source let's say
so any help I get I'm more than happy to share!
Think my layout's too much for an iOS game?
Tried... failed... have you given the 3 active object method a try? That should be pretty straight forward to get working. Just requires a little pre-planning. Doesn't the iOS have issue with certain shaders anyway? Let me know if I can help!
Layers... hmm, not the most user-friendly
Is there a way to shift all the items on the layer across in one big batch? I thought if I moved one object to a layer, each duplicate would follow, but it's one by one... and that's going to take a while. Luckily I found out about layers before I'd finished building it.
Have you tried putting them on different layers?
So the background you uploaded is a still, but you want to replace that with movement/animation? Right, I see... How about (long shot) 3 active objects that make up the bar... First, let's say it's a bar graph type animation (filling up). The left section, has an animation of the bar starting to fill up, then when that animation is finished, the bar, which is just a solid colour increases in x size, then when that fills up, the right section of the bar plays an animation that fills up. That way, you only have to do a couple frames of animation for the left and right rounded sides.
Or am I way off track XD
Brilliant, thankyou. Any ideas on path finding?