Posts by Storsorgen

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!



    I'm using a modified version of DavidNs platform engine, and for some reason the character will sometimes "jitter" when using a movement speed of 70, but not when using a movementspeed of a 100.
    I think it's related to the rounding up of a value or something, but I'm not sure
    The formula is

    On Loop horiz(triggered whenever horizontal input is happening

    Set FloatX_( "Player" ) + ( ( Horiz( "Player" ) / Abs(Horiz( "Player" )) ) * ( moveSpeed( "Player" ) / 100.0 ) )
    Set Player X to Float_X("Player")

    Has anyone seen a similar issue?
    TLDR: Float movement works fine with 100, but not 70.

    I would say there IS a reason to use a level editor. When creating a level manually, you can't really assign custom data to instances of actives, whilst if you use a level editor you can.

    Okay, so I'm still having some problems with these.
    Please login to see this attachment.

    I'm using the method where I compare positions to determine whether or not I am colliding, and it works great!
    EXCEPT, it only works when there is only one instance of the object the player is colliding with. I realize this is due to the object scoping somehow, because the code only works if the condition is true for "all objects". However, I just can't seem to figure out how to get around it. I tried having a fastloop for each instance of the moving platforms and giving them IDs, and then comparing the ID to the loopindex when testing the positions but this did not work.

    I then tried to reverse the detection, asking if the platform was overlapping the player instead but that didn't work either. I then tried adding an additional criteria that one of the players detectors that is not used in normal collision is overlapping the moving platform, but that resulted in the overlap-condition overriding everything and ignoring the positioning conditions. Why would it do this? Any ideas how to work with this?

    Alexexhowl: Won't that cause you to just copy the same value over the whole Array?

    If I have an array


    And I say "write the y3 to y2" I'd end up with
    when the next loop is prepared, that is "move Y2 to Y1". The reason I use a second array as a temporary "holding array" is to avoid this loss on information, since either way I go something will be overwritten and lost unless it is persisted somewhere.

    Greetings alexexhowl!
    I have a function to do this in my level editor, for when I need to nudge things. Basically what I do is store the current array in a temporary array, and then write each position of the temporary to the current array +1, depending on which direction I want to nudge it.
    So for example, if I wanted to move everything to the right I'd set it up like
    TempArray = CurrentArray
    On loop:
    Write TempArray(XYZ) to CurrentArray(XYZ)(X+1) (this is pseudocode, but illustrates the general principle).
    Does it make sense to you?

    Greetings! Trying to do a sliding lines, match 3 game but I'm having some issues. I can slide the lines perfectly well, but for some reason the match-detection isn't working.

    A really annoying thing I've found is that you can't access arrays directly in conditionals, which makes checking array neighbours quite confusing.
    I've attached an example. According my thoughts, all matching colors SHOULD get the value "8" in the array, meaning that they should be removed, but for some reason it isn't working.
    Currently matching is only enabled horizontally and on the right side from where you did the switch. Any ideas? Please login to see this attachment.