Personal opinion, but I think just enabling anti-aliasing when resizing comes pretty close to those. Plus it has zero performance cost, is available cross-platform and can be toggled on runtime as an option.
Posts by Julian82
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
In my experience with Fusion this is an issue that cannot be easily solved. All inputs to set frame focus require the frame to be properly booted, therefore even Windows control is not relyable to force a frame focus on all systems.
Taskbar flickering was a thing I got very annoyed with on frame shifts, it happened mainly on Win 7 systems tho. The only workaround I found was to almost never restart or shift frames, this is only possible in mono-frame engines tho and not an option for many. -
In my experience you actually need to remove the Steamworks extension completetly before building to avoid this behaviour. Deleting the extension during gameplay or having no active Steam events won't cut it. A disable feature woud be very appreciated for a future update of the extension though. I also find it kind of tedious having to remove the thing for every build that needs to be distributed outside Steam.
Thanks so much, guys! First reviews coming in and they’re overall quite friendly^^
I don’t have insight of what’s actually happening when you do this but be careful: Pasting objects with shaders can lead to performance issues. I experimented with that approach for altering my tileset colors before pasting and FR went down drastically. Maybe only an issue if you use many objects tho.
Not 100% exact, it's not 100% F3 core engine, it's a mix between F2.5+ and F3 engines. The 100% F3 engine can't directly play F2.5 apps due to compatibility issues (at least the current version - probably the final version too even if we're trying to minimize them).
Well, anyway the routines we developed for this mixed runtime will be in the full F3 engine, so F3 was not really 100% paused for 2 years, except for the development of the editor.
Sorry for that one, still runs awesome tho especially considering the Switch has a 1.02 GHZ CPU XD
I think the hands on approach to push F3 components and test them on real console market products is the best QA you can get for a game engine in development. -
Outbuddies’ Switch port uses the F3 core engine, as do other ported Fusion games, it runs great and is real.
Thank you so much
The game is out now for Switch and Xbox One EU/US stores!
Yes, I think your header statement is correct, I’ve run into this too but did not investigate further. My workaround is similar to yours.
Outbuddies will release this Friday for Switch and Xbox (EU/US). PS4 and Asia still need some work, but we’re getting there. This is the announcement teaser; the real release trailer will drop soon^^ I’ll write a postmortem about my 7 year journey making this in Fusion for sure, for now I just hope we don’t mess it up (final Switch build still needs to be approved, that scares the **** out of me right now!)
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Hmm I have tried to modify the first frame a bit but could not get anything that looked convincing, is it possible to display the actual physics bodies somehow?
Nope I’ve also not found a way to handle concave shapes myself.
I remember reading about this issue somewhere else. The answer was that Box 2d is not able to match concave shapes properly. If you look, the buggy collision happens exactly at the concave side, while the convex parts of the acorn work pretty well.
Think it's a limitation with no real workaround besides making the colliding shape smaller than the displayed object and accept a slight overlap working around the "gap" issue. -
Thanks for notifying me, Yves! Yes, I’m on DX9!
Also, are you sure your laptop has the needed codecs installed to play .wmv? They should come with Windows by default, but in case you’ve some custom installation they might be missing.
Totally unrelated, I’m a psychiatrist XD But I cut down my workload to 30hrs/week to manage Outbuddies in parallel. Still too many hours in total, the project consumes up to 25hrs a week, and if it continues to fail financially on consoles, I’ll not be able to continue like this. So a lot of things are unclear atm. I also feel commercial projects are completely different to doing things on a casual or semi-casual basis. Suddenly you’ve partners, investments that need to be paid back, and those are huge for being on consoles. Professional marketing also costs an insane amount of money. The need to meet deadlines is very much there, to not mess up the team schedule. I’m longing to go back to the days where I could just prototype things, mess around, enjoy my time. With Fusion I now feel at least confident enough to reach out for project funding and investors, if you do so, Kickstarter included, you better be sure you can deliver, there are many bad stories out there of devs that could not, and they’re after you forever then XD Porting the game with Clickteam was quite straightforward so far, Switch and Xbox are already running in good quality. It’s only semi-automated and demands a lot of work on both sides, but definitively doable. I’ll do a write up/ postmortem for sure when the game is out!
Very likely yes, cuz for the kind of games that are on my mind, there’s nothing Fusion doesn’t offer. Learning another engine, especially with coding, would throw me back a couple of years, feelings too old to afford that XD after the game’s console release in June, I’ll take a brake to focus on improving my pixel art skills anyway.
So if other people download the game, and it doesn't detect a save file in that directory, will it recreate it on that person's computer for any version of the game to use?
A save data directory needs to be created manually, like I outlined. If it already exists, the event to create the directory will not override the directorly or saved files in that directory. The version of the .exe does not matter, as long as the events loading the save data refer to the right AppData folder.
Tutorial on Array/ Ini plus example .mfa (not checked the download myself though): Please login to see this link.
Using the AppData directory is the right way to go. All other save game locations may cause trouble if the app is not run with admin rights on the machine.
Before saving there you have to create a save game location using the File-object: AppDataDirectory$( "File" ) + "\mygame\". After that you can save your data there (for example an array or ini called "settings") using the File-object: AppDataDirectory$( "File" ) + "\mygame\" + "settings"
example: Please login to see this picture.
You only need to create the directory for saving once, re-creating it will do no harm tho - if the directory already exists this operation will change nothing (all save data in this directory will stay untouched).
Updating your .exe will not change or erase any files in the AppData directory. Like the others said, just make sure not to change your file saving and readout routines.
No, Steam provides the signatures if you install software from there. I only code-sign things I distribute DRM-free.
This is windows and antivirus standard behaviour for applications that are not signed or applications that don't have a huge install base. You can alleviate the chances by code signing your .exe, but that is something that has do be done externally and you'll need to buy a certificate for that. Even with a certificate windows may warn users if your app does not have a huge install base though. Here's a helpful thread on the issue: Please login to see this link.