As a quick followup: I've found that UTM doesn't allow for compiling and running CTF apps. Probably not a solution for Apple's M1 chip. Wish I'd just purchased an older intel based machine, but hindsight...
Happy coding.
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Open a TicketAs a quick followup: I've found that UTM doesn't allow for compiling and running CTF apps. Probably not a solution for Apple's M1 chip. Wish I'd just purchased an older intel based machine, but hindsight...
Happy coding.
I currently have Windows7 running under UTM's emulator. It is an open source emulator that is working well. I've just installed mf2.5 and some of the compilers today so I can't say how well everything will work. There has also been some discussion that UTM is slow. I haven't found it to be slow excepting for internet connection. HTHs someone.
THANKS! Got it.
I can't find any useful information in the help files or in the tutorials on how to use the Menu Bar for a windows application. I found out how to create and modify the bar, but nothing else. Can anyone point me to an example or tutorial or help file.
I haven't used the product in years. I'm rusty.
You might also check out Sparkman's tutorial on Udemy. It is fairly priced or you might even get offered a coupon if you add it to your wish list. He also has many YouTube tutorials.
Appreciated the reply. Thanks Steven.
I appreciate your help with my questions. I use a list that is populated by a client side Json file. The list includes thumbnails, title,description and aside info. It doesn't sound like the list object will work for me.
Was sure nice to get a reply to this question though.
I've read and re-reread many questions on this forum related to setting resolutions for a variety of devices. I've also looked at Ander's example. I'm still confused. This is a simple thing to do in HTML. It just takes two lines of script in the head tag.
My Questions:
1. What are the steps to design for all iOS devices (a universal app)?
I don't want black boxes. Users HATE that even if it gets by Apple's Review Team.
2.Stretching impacts sprite/image quality. How is this dealt with?
3. Can I set the app for both orientations (Portrait and Landscape)? If so, how?
Every time I come back to Fusion, it won't do easily what I need. I'd like to use it. I'm really tired of cobbling HTML5,CSS,Javascript,Jquery,Jquery Mobile, and Cordova together. Add that to Xcode and, well, you get the idea.
A serious tutorial for those of us who learn by reading and doing would be appreciated greatly.
Thanks BoxFigs. Thinking individual active objects is the way to go. Just worried about resources on mobiles. Active Objects would be easiest but wondered if they would be optimal.
Hey Clickers,
What is the best way to deal with multiple images? I have about 50 images. I could:
1. Load all images as a frame into one active object. Then call each image.
2. Create 50 active objects and manipulate each of the 50 objects.
3. Other, better ways?
All the user will do with these images is drag,drop,and rotate. The images won't use animation, but need to be manipulated and position on the screen saved.
Am I on the right track with my thinking? Am I WAY off base?
Hmmm. No one knows?
Hello Clickers,
I'm revisiting some questions that I had when I first purchased the iOS exporter a couple of years ago. (I still don't find the answers by doing a forum search.) At that time, there were no real CF widgets for iOS development.
I have an app that I'd like to rewrite using CF, but I use the Tableview also sometimes called Listview in the app. I populate the Tableview using json. The user scrolls through the list, selects one item and proceeds to the next "page" or screen. All this is a completely common iOS interface.
[INDENT]*Is there a way to create an iOS Tableview using CF?
*What about populating the list with json? If not json, what?
*Are there any iOS widgets/elements via extensions or ?[/INDENT]
I haven't used CF much over the years, but would like to get back to it when/if it makes development easier on iOS. I currently use CSS,HTML5, javascript,jquery,jquery mobile,Cordova,and Xcode.
I'm really tired of having to deal with such a myriad of technologies, but would like to use iOS "look and feel" widgets.
Perhaps someone can point me to examples or information that I've missed or talk about how they populate lists using CF. I understand that CF is utilized more as a game maker, but it has always been around as a platform for applications too.
Thanks for your comments. This has always been a great forum.
I run MMF2 under Parallels 8 and Windows 7 on my Macbook Pro. Since there is no Mac version of MMF2, IMHO, this is the second best way to access MMF2 on a Mac.
HTHs, Rachel
I'm trying to get comfortable with MMF2. I've been looking at the MMF 2 bonus disk game, concentration.mfa. I haven't been attempting anything difficult, but thought that I'd add my own graphic for the Card. I did rename Card to CardBack. So instead of the included Card image, I substituted my own graphic. I also substituted the Card Spin animation with my own animation. Everything looked like it was fine, but when I run one of the levels, "Easy", "Medium", "Hard", five of my replacement CardBack images show. At first, all images flash on the screen, then the five of my replacement card backs show and the rest are all replaced by the original Card image.I've looked and searched the forum, but can't find the answer. The closest that I've come is this thread:
Please login to see this link.
Francois said:
In this game, all the cards are coded into one object. The direction and image number define the card. There is an event to set the direction and image of the card in the event list.
I've looked in the event list and can't find anything that looks like what he talks about here. I'd like to figure out why only 5 of my cardbacks are staying in the set up. Anyone have any ideas to help me locate the problem?
TIA -Rachel
Here is what the easy setup displays:
Please login to see this attachment.
The exporters are definitely the hit out of the ball park for me. I've been asking for those for years. Never anyone who would even listen to it. So, I rode off into the sunset. Only returned due to seeing the exporters are now offered. I've been hearing rumors and seeing people beg for MMF3 for as long as there has been an MMF2. That is a long time now. So many little irritating things about using MMF2 that could use some talented touches--and I do know this team is talented. One thing that is driving me crazy at the moment is my automatic tendency to hit the <delete> key when I want to get rid of an object. I've lost count of how many times, I end up automatically hitting the <delete> key and ending up back in the Storyboard editor. It is just little usage things that can make or break a program's success. That is especially true when the software is trying to appeal to newbies who may not be as forgiving as some of the old timers and other more advanced users.
I have a lot of nostalgia related to AMOS, Click 'N Play, and Click 'N Create. I decided to spend what I consider a small fortune on MMF2 due to the exporters. My verdict is still out, but I do believe the software is still viable and would love to see it evolve for 20 more years. Keep up the good work CT.
Thanks Oliver,
OK, after looking at yet another app--after rebooting. I suspect that all of these resources are ALL added to each new app. Don't know why that is. It just makes more work for me as I would not use these in my application, but I can see that the sizes would act as a hint of how to design for Xcode.
Thanks again for your help. Think this one is now solved. I'll remove/replace by hand. Will also look, yet again, at the sparse docs.
Here is what I did:
1. Loaded a iOS example file into MMF2. (iOS_Rotate_Scale)
2. Generated the file as an Xcode project.
3. Ran the example on my iPad mini.
All worked like a charm--until...
1. I created a simple test program of my own that had one background object.
2. Generated this file as Xcode Project.
3. Ran project on iPad. It ran as expected except that the splash screen and icons were inserted from the previously run example program. The new background object was displayed as expected so the code had been replaced, but the resources hadn't been replaced.
The weirdness: all of the resource files from the first program export were included in the new test project resources folder.
I've tried creating new test apps several times, but each time the old resources from the first example app are generated again. Cleaning the Xcode project shouldn't really be the answer because the resource folder that is generated by MMF2 holds these files.
I've searched around and found one possibility being that the I should use cci option to save updates. I tried that and there was no change.
This is probably one of those simple things that I'm just missing. However, I'm throwing in the towel and asking for help...
TIA -Rachel
I'll add a couple of interface wishes to this list. IMO, MMF2 needs a visit with a good "beautician". A beautiful UI update would help its success in today's market. It is looking very dated--at least on the surface. Another thing that seems to add to that outdated feeling is little usage nuances are missing. As an example, I can't use the Tab key to go from input box to input box in the properties area. Tabbing like that is second nature to any application that I am now using today.
Now, I don't want to start a flame war about the Ribbon Bar. Some people love it and others hate it. I'm one that loves it and I would like the option to use one in MMF3. If a ribbon bar could be added, maybe there could also be a switch that would turn it off for those who don't care for it. For my own purposes, I can visualize how nicely various areas could be accessed using a ribbon. It would also give me more space on my 13" Macbook Pro screen.
MMF2 is a great program. It is one of the few of its genre that has stood the test of time. Even without a lot of in depth changes to the actual user system, a new look would make for a more noticeable product. I suspect that MMF3 is a long way off. All of the compilers are the work of the day so it is asking a lot of a couple of people to create all of the compilers and a new version of the software.
Despite it all, I'm happy using MMF2. I came back specifically for the compilers (I've been asking for those since the Windows Mobile and PalmOS days).
Oh, almost forgot. DOCUMENTATION, in depth documentation. I mean, something that explains all of the functions--fastloops, alterable variables, fixed variables. Underneath the hood and how to use every feature of MMF2. Yes, Francois, I do read the documentation! I always LOVED the large manuals that accompanied software. Doesn't happen any more, but pdf works and certainly should be included.
TIA for reading and responding kindly. -Rachel
OK. Just did a re-install. Go figure! The auto installation program presents a screen and a tiny little checkbox to be selected in order to install the graphics. I'd like to blame age and say it is from poor eye sight that I missed it the checkbox first time. I could blame it on the fact that I work on the Mac side of things most often. Bless BEOS (Anyone know that OS?). Problem is, that, on closer inspection, neither of those excuses will pan out. So I will admit that I simply missed the checkbox. "The Devil is in the Details"
Thanks again for your help. Believe me when I say, I will probably be pestering you much more for answers to "How do I..."
Now, I'm off to continue reading the docs.
Yes Marv,
Thank you for your reply. I did get two discs. I didn't get the option that you are talking about though. I haven't tried a reinstall. I think that is the first order of business on my end. Should have done that before i posted. Sorry. Will update this post after I try an uninstall/reinstall. Hopefully, that will take care of the issue.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)