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While i agree with most of what you said my opinion is this.
Game development and Games are still in their infancy, its like cinema in the 30's however it's evolving much quicker.
We still have very few types of games and although the mainstream is dominated by Call of Duty and Skylanders and <insertgame that doesn't appeal to you taste here> there will always be people innovating and making games that appeal to those of us who want substance, its still seen as a very niche form of entertainment and i'd say that even most don't see it as entertainment and would write-off playing games as a waste of time..though i'd say most things are rarely a waste of time and games themselves can serve multiple purposes and to myself can be like any other medium or form of art.
Things will change but stay hopeful for the future...we and the media are no longer beholden to publishers.
As with everything i say this keep exploring...practice patience and tolerance and it will get better...You're not alone.
Ah ok, ordinarily i would've been free to join but couldn't sorry,
If you want to pm me some things I'd love to give them a try, do you think I can pass a command to the exe maybe? Anyway I'll wait, thanks again for the interest!
That's exactly it thanks DavidN but unfortunately I can't set the working directory unless it's something I can pass to the exe as a command which I guess probably breaks some security thing in Windows if you know what I mean.
I think my problem relates to the system object execute an external application but slightly indirectly i think.
I am running an exe on an event that all triggers fine however the application gives an error saying that it can't find the files it uses in my applications directory.
Is this because my application is trying to run it from my application's folder or is it that the application i'm trying to run has some way of checking where its being initialised from and tries to open files from there, as maybe some sort of copy protection or something?
Is this familiar to anyone?
I've asked the developers of the app as maybe there is a command i use on the exe or its a bug on their end or something.
I'm making an application that i need to talk to a website which will get the details from a database.
From what i've learned this is best to do via php to display the data through sql.
I was wondering if there is a way to restrict this information being only displayed to the application as i figured that most firewall applications could identify the url and display it to the user who could then share that url thus making the application redundant.
I thought that if i added a function on the website to detect the browser and display if only from the application but am wondering if its possible for me to specify/spoof which browser is being used ie define the browser as 'app-myapp' or something which then the website reads and is built in to the website, i can't think of the objects used to view the website currently.
Does anyone know?
What i originally planned was for my application to download a file containing a csv export from the database but that doesn't work so well for me anymore.
Thanks Schrodinger, yea i had a feeling this was the case, i've tried several links from google as i can specify if its a document or just a download and then if it is a document what to export it as but using just the download url (which isn't the one above) it still fails.
Hopefully there is a solution, i'm not apposed to using the Web View Object just it seem (by my nature) lazy.
im trying to use the Download object to retreive - "Please login to see this link."
but nothing happens..
when i use the Web View Object instead to download from the same URL it works ok, can anyone help?
the destination is appppath$+"test.csv" in the download object and in in Web View Object it separates the path and the file name but they're the same, i also tried this with a different file on the web (one from drop box) and it works.
you will probably need to store the information in global values and strings so the data transfers between frames, the array object has the option for global data use and as long as the object is in both frames with the same name then the data will remain, there are global values/strings for the application so not needing an extra object but global values/strings i would use for more important data such as recording the current frame etc than data within that frame if that makes sense.