Posts by WhatPixelYouOn

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    I'm trying to create a background wobble to represent moving water. I have the Persective Object using a Sinewave at the moment that mvoes left and right gradually and works okay... Until you start scrolling the screen. Is there any way I can prevent the Perspective Object from warping rapidly during scrolling, or is there another way I can achive this effect?

    Example of what's wrong: Please login to see this media element.

    It would be really useful for me to be able to have an event that says:

    If Animation is playing > Perform action.

    I can't do this though, because the object I have across many, many frames has the aniamtion speed set to "0" and this seems to be causing the engine to not recognise that the animation is playing, because I suppose it technically isn't, but it is the currently active animation sequence.

    Any way I can get around this? I don't really want to change the animation speed, as I was using each frame of the aniamtion to represent a different image, not an animation.

    Thanks, I've had a look but it's not checked.

    After some testing, I've found that this jump to frame action is only not working when running the frame from inside Fusion (Using F7). If I run the entire application, it does jump to frame. I should add that no frames were actually changing frames using F7, but they would always quit the application, which I saw as the action working. This one frame still just sits there without quitting though, it's strange, but at least I know it does work when running the whole application.

    I'm using a "Jump to frame" action in the global events editor. This works for every level I have so far, except for one. I don't understand why it's not working, as obviously all frames are sharing the same code as it's in the global editor, and the level in question is just a copy of a level that was working.

    Adding a 'Create Object' action alongside 'Jump to frame' creates the object in the faulty level, but it still refuses to jump to the specified frame. Why could this be, if all conditions are being met, and other actions are happening as instructed?

    Thanks for the suggestions - After some more testing, I've found that the issue with colliding with a rotated object (via set angle) is only happening when the spikes have "Use Fine Detection" checked. After unchecking that under the object properties, the collision detection works. A bit frustrating, as I only want the actual spike to cause damage, so I may have to go ahead with different objects as you suggested.

    I have a player detector and a spike object. When the two collide, the player takes damage. This works under most circumstances, however when I resize the player detector (enlarge to 2.0 for power ups) and rotate the spike, the collision becomes very offset. It works when I return the detector to 1.0 size (without a power up) Below is an example video, any ideas why this is?

    The spikes are all the same object, just rotated. The left/right rotated spieks have very iffy collision detection, but you can see they're clearly overlapping.

    Please login to see this link.

    I've been using Clickteam products for years, and have always been advised NOT to use the Global Event editor. I've never really understood this, other than perhaps having events available for frames where they are not needed? I'm at the point with my project where copying my main events group to/from every frame when I make a change is becoming a real chore, and incresing the filesize of the project for no good reason, as all these events stay the same, so I've delete them from the frames and put them into the Global Editor.

    I've noticed a few thigns working differently now, so I'm fixing it up, but I'm aprehensive that I'm overlooking something that could make things difficult later on. I've already noticed named alterable values are not named in there, which is super frustrating, I'm guessing I need to my me Active Objects global obejects?

    So I guess my main question is: Is it bad that my main level events (around 5000) are stored in the Gobal Events editor, and are there any quirks I should be aware of when compared to just having them stored in the levels?


    I've just had an attack of bad objects on one of my frames and had to go back to a backup to correct this as there were too many to handle. My project is bery large and I'd like any info on how to avoid encountering bad objects in future - How do they occur? Thanks.

    So it seems that when I build my levels, using mostly 64x64 backdrop tiles, my game will randomly stutter, then fix it's self. occasionally going back to stuttering. It seems to do this randomly, but usually when the level starts, sometimes starting up again. I've not tested this extensively, but I had a similar issues with a previous project that I put on hold due to this problem being more severe as it had very large levels.

    My new project has much smaller levels but I'm still getting the lag when I start filling the level with backdrop tiles. Are many backdrops known to case stuttering? I can probably find a way to reduce the number of backdrops, but I've already tried to be sparing with them so it feels very restrictive to me at the moment... :/

    Edit: Just to add, the stuttering is similar to how Fusion behaves when you have the debugger running - Only I don't have the debugger open.

    Sorry to ask such a basic question, but it's proving difficult to get this to work as it does in Super Mario games.

    I'm using the Platform Movement Object, have an Active Object detector always positioned under my Player object. When this object overlaps an enemy, the PMO jumps up.

    Unfortunately, this only works half the time. The player/detector falls a few pixels through the enemy and I take damage. I've tried always doing a fast loop, and having the loop part of the collision event, however this didn't work - perhaps I don't understand how to use them properly?