Posts by Enchantainment
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
I've noticed a weird thing that the physics rope object does. When you're moving around, the actual position of the object, nudges around, as if it's got some kind of parallax effect applied it. For example, let's say you've placed it so the top of the rope is hanging from under a ceiling. When you run around during runtime, the position of it will start moving, so it'll start nudging the entire rope above the ceiling, to the right/left, or below it etc.
Is there a way to stop it doing this?
How did you get it to work at all with 2.5?
I used the perspective object for a haze effect during a boss fight in Hasslevania 2 and when I ported it over to 2.5 it didn't work anymore. I had to change that whole fight around, since it was designed with that haze effect in mind
Is there a newer version of it?? Damn I hope so!
Is the issue you're experiencing, something to do with the "Follow Frame" option?
Del_Duio -- I think you just need to set the display mode to Standard in Fusion 2.5 and it will work.
I'm using Direct3D 9 display mode and the prespective object works fine, apart from being able to prevent the object from affecting the layers below it, which is what I'm trying to find an answer to. Is there a way to do this?
I've been messing around with the Perspective Object, and I've managed to get some nice little effect going on with it. However, I want it to only affect one layer and not the layers behind that layer. Is it possible to lock it to just one layer, so it won't affect the layers below it?
Pretty much that native fullscreen has better performance than windowed. With low res games, it shouldn't be a problem though. Higher resolution games though, it might be more noticeable. I think there's a issue with FRAPS not being able to record, or it crashes or something, whilst using windowed fullscreen however, at least with games made in MMF2/Fusion2.5. That problem "may" have been fixed, but I'm not sure.
Going to need to bump this thread, as I haven't found a solution yet. Is there a way to always read what direction an object is moving, using Physics Bouncing Ball?
When the object is created, it's given a direction to move in, so let's say it's going diagonally up to the right. I want it to land on a platform, when it's falling. If I put an event that says "Collides with backdrop + Direction is down" nothing happens. It still thinks it's going in the diagonal up right direction. If I set the direction to none after it's created, that doesen't help either.
Isn't there any way to have a "object is falling" type option, such as with the Platform Movement Object?
Yeah, Fusion is great for making small games. If you start building a big game however (something that the majority of people end up doing), you're going to run into issues. Having multiple frames in your game can be a nightmare, as you need to copy and paste all your events and objects, across them all.
If Fusion handled objects and events, the way Construct 2 does, then it'd be so much easier. I have faith that Clickteam will address this issue with Fusion 3, but we're just going to have to live with it whilst we work in MMF2 and Fusion 2.5.
Thanks J3sseM. That expression works perfectly!
I've been messing around with the RGB Coefficient, to change the colour of a sprite when it gets hit by a projectile. It works great, apart from I don't know how to change Green and Blue. What expression would I need to write out, in order to change each value for RGB?
The easiest way to do this for me, is to give the enemy an alterable value and call it "Hit Points". Set it to something like 2 or 3, then when your projectile/attack hits an enemy, reduce the enemy's "Hit Points" alterable value by 1. Then make an event that says "When Alterable Value = 0, Destroy".
This will then tell Fusion to only destroy enemies that meet that specific criteria.
Yes, unfortunately Fusion 2.5 doesen't do "Real" Fullscreen very well, for pixel art at least. It ends up distorting pixels, when it shouldn't be stretching them at all etc. The only workaround, like JimJam said, is to use the Ultimate Fullscreen Object. This will make your game use what's known as Windowed Fullscreen, making it fit any screen size, displaying pixel perfectly. It can add black bars to fill up any off screen space that is a different aspect ratio also, so it's got you covered for different screen sizes.
Your game will still cover the user's screen, like real fullscreen, but it's actually running windowed. Don't lose sleep over it though, just go ahead and roll with it
I'm having a bit of an issue with an object that uses Physics Bouncing Ball movement. The problem I'm having, is if the player throws the object and it's moving horizontally, whilst also slightly overlapping a platform, it'll either snap up onto to the platform, or it'll bounce off it downwards.
I can't work out a way of putting "and is facing this direction", as I set the direction of the object when the player throws it. Basically I only want it to interact with the platform if it's falling down at a certain angle, so it won't interact with a platform that it shouldn't, if it's below it.
I'm really excited to see what you announce this year Danny! I can only imagine how big Fusion 3 must be
I'm happily working away on my Fusion 2.5 project for now, so I've got plenty to keep me busy until Fusion 3 is released. I've got some other games I'd like to work on in the future, and Fusion 3 will definitely be my engine of choice.
Ok, I've been doing some more testing and made some tweaks. The framerate stays at 59fps - 60fps (sometimes it jumps up to 65fps. No idea what's going on there >.>). The screen stutter still happens, but the fps isn't dropping. I don't know if this has something to do with that Windows Aero theme issue. Perhaps it does? I also had a friend test out the game on his computer. He tested it for 30 minutes and said he couldn't see any framerate drops at all, and that the game was really smooth.
It looks like it might be just something hardware related, and nothing can really be done about it. The game only uses 40mb when it's running, so it might be a driver related issue or something.
Having used both Construct 2 and MMF2, I can say that the big thing that prevents me from using Construct 2, are the issues you encounter when it comes time to export. Granted, it is easier to actually make your games in Construct 2 than in MMF2/Fusion 2.5, but I'd honestly rather have to work around the things in Fusion, and have a much easier export time, than have an easier time making the games and having serious issues when exporting. Who knows if Construct 3 will fix those issues (hopefully it does), but the fact that Construct 3 is still going to be an HTML5 based engine, honestly puts me off.
I can understand completely why Clickteam wouldn't want to reveal their big features, given what Simon has already elaborated on. I'm very excited to see what Fusion 3 can do. I'll most definitely be buying Fusion 3 when it's released, as I do enjoy my Clickteam products.
Yeah, I think we can all agree that we really appreciate Clickteam's products (that's why we're here!) and efforts, to bring us software, that allows us to make our games a reality. I know that I'd be pretty stumped without Fusion. Like I said before, I tend to prefer Fusion over Construct in most cases, based on the fact that Fusion creates native applications, whereas Construct 2 is HTML5 based. Funnily enough, I actually visited Scrria's forums and some people are talking about Fusion 3. I think some Construct 2 users, might be considering Fusion 3 when that comes out, as Construct 2 also has it's own set of issues, that users need to work around etc
I don't know when/if the mfa file I uploaded will get looked at in the bug tracker, but I guess for now I'll just keep on working on my game. I understand that Clickteam are really busy with their new engine (can't wait to see it in action!). If the framerate issue still persists the further I go, I'd be happy to let Simon or someone, look at the file, and see if they can find anything in there.
Hi Simon I posted an MFA file in the bug tracker a few weeks ago. One of the issues I managed to work out for my own (the rolling ball getting stuck on surfaces for no reason), but I've yet to correct the framerate issues.