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Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Yes, this is a bug and I can't reporting it at because your server is in maintenance.
I'm trying to share a picture from my device using the object "Android+" but the application crash.
On the net, it says it's because of the version 'When targeting Android Nougat, "file://" URIs are not allowed anymore. We should use "content://' (Please login to see this link.)
The object "Android+" use "file://"
Google Play Console doesn't accept APK targeting API < 29 "Your application is currently targeting API level 23. However, it should target API level 29 at a minimum in order to be based on the latest APIs optimized for increased security and improved performance. Change the target API level for your app to target at least level 29."
You can find at the attachment the mfa (about the bug) and a print screen (about your bugbox.clickteam).
This request is quite urgent because I have a dead line.
Thanks Yves for your tuto. I downloaded and installed the Build R292.7, changed my folder SDK Android to "C:\Android\Sdk" (My user name have a white space and Android Studio said is bad XD, that's why I copied the Android\Sdk to C:\).
I'm trying to update an app using CF but I have an error with the object OneSignal during the compile. Without this object, I can compile my APK.
This is the end of the Log FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:mergeExtDexRelease'. > java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while merging dex archives: Learn how to resolve the issue at Please login to see this link.. Program type already present:
* Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
Hi Fernando. I have the exactly bug. My client is putting pressure on me because we have an event next week and the app crash when we are using the fondamental element... the camera. Do you have some news? Thanks. Regards
Si si ca marche sous windows 10, c'est juste le module qui n'était pas à jour. Pour l'espace web, je te conseil plus d'utiliser l'objet "Get Object" avec des fichiers PHP
Bon, j'ai enfin trouvé la solution (tout seul hein !!) 5 ans plus tard !! Pour ceux qui intéresseraient aux bases de données, sachez que cela vient d'un bug de l'extension. Plus d'information ici Please login to see this link.
Fernando, i'm using GET objet for all my projects.
I want to try it too, but what's happen if I have bug? Can I back to old version? I also need your help to create or improve other objects for Apple. I am willing to pay! I really need your help.
I tried your solution Perry but it looks like now is impossible ; I have the same bug than before. I cant change my website from "http" to "https" (my host doesnt do https). Do you have a new way?
Using active Object you can find the rotation of your picture then rotate as you wish. Exemple : Picture is loaded => Global val A = picture's rotation If Global val A = 90 => rotate picture to -90 If Global val A = 180 => rotate picture to 180 ...
Pour info, on est une petite communauté à penser comme vous ; c'est la raison pour laquel j'ai créé un groupe sur facebook pour les francophone... voici le lien Please login to see this link.
Le groupe n'est pas bien grand, mais on essaye de s'entraider au maximum.
If my GPS was active before I launch the app, that's not working. Elseif my GPS was inactive before I launch the app, that's working.
This is the screenshot if my GPS was inactive first. Geographic coordinates are updated during walking. Please login to see this link. Please login to see this link.
Oh and another bug.
ok, my GPS is inactive, I turn on the app, then I active my GPS, if I reclick the button, the app ask me again to turn on the GPS... but it's already activated Please login to see this link.