Tiled Map Loader is only for loading, it has nothing to do with display
This could be done (maybe) with several tile map viewports instead
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Open a TicketTiled Map Loader is only for loading, it has nothing to do with display
This could be done (maybe) with several tile map viewports instead
[MENTION=14023]RootKernel[/MENTION] - is there a way to get info about Tiled objects so I can spawn enemies by nothing more than Tiled objects (and some magic in CF that would do the spawning)? Also how would I check the collision with Tiled object (rectangle)?
You can use the extension Create by Name with the expression get object name:
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It's the steam version, so it should automatically be the newest stable version.
I'm also running on the Steam version and the extension appears correctly, In the latest version (TiledMapLoader14) there is an extra folder MFX, maybe you put this one in CTF2.5
Maybe this issue is related somehow: Please login to see this link.
Indeed, this is just a "loader", you can use the expression "Is tile flipped horizontally/vertically/diagonally" to check for the flip state
(And yes all conditions are actually expressions taking whether 1 = True, 0 = False)
Tiled Map Loader #14
Wow... I missed 3 releases
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Yes there is, check the Multiple Tilesets example line #70
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AFAIK you can only use box collisions with an active, there is a bug if you use overlapping a layer
BrashMonkey: Here you go, the main "trick" was to disable Tile Map Viewport auto scrolling
You can tweak the parallax formula on the last line.
Hi BrashMonkey
I'll do an example for you tomorrow
The extension is already available on iOS [and thus proven to work]
Some little features may be missing
I don't have much time to work on that extension due to my Uni work, still, what can I do to help you?
ObjectUniqueId$ creates a unique string based on the object name/type/position
Tiled Map Loader #11
What's new?
Hi TheChiller,
You'd probably want to take a look at lacewing: Please login to see this link.
It's basically two extensions to do server/clients over network easily (LAN and internet)
Tiled Map Loader #10
What's new?
Next release: iOS port (really soon)
I think that is really old and won't work.
We should have the new SDK page up here shortly.
Hurray! I'd like to know for the "shortly" part too
I'm not sure if I'm understanding your request properly: you want the ability to read tiles properties? if yes, simply click on Tile > Get tile property
This is coming for iOS and Android anytime soon. (I'm waiting for the official Android SDK to come out and the iOS port is done)
I'm not developing HTML5 for now, but it will come.
No you can't bundle C++ code directly you need to develop an extension (you can find the SDKs on the forum)
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)