Hello LavaFlaminG6,
Loading Large MS3D files into the internal storage is not necessary, load each model at run-time.
There is no-way to have the MS3D object handler flip you objects i believe. but flipping meshes with bones in Milk-Shape is not so complicated.
Adding a Sky-box ? in the MS3d system... too easy... and since frog mentioned the N64 here's a skybox in hyrule.
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Depending on your operating system; edit boxes may be drawn after OpenGL; but the best HUD achievable would be drawn in OpenGL.
Now i must say i agree entirely with Retriever2, the combination of Xlua and OpenGL is extremely powerful, easily on par with the very popular C# and XNA system.
Also unlike with the MS3D object-handler and OpenGL combination, Xlua and OpenGL includes access to all of OpenGL's awesome features including fog.
( which you might enable such )
gl.Enable( gl.FOG )
gl.Fog( gl.FOG_MODE,gl.LINEAR )
gl.Fog( gl.FOG_START, 64 )
gl.Fog( gl.FOG_END, 128 )
gl.Fog( gl.FOG_COLOR, { 1, 1, 1 } )
To Reduce memory consumption; memory thrashing must be avoided and garbage collection must be handled.
Both these tasks are very easy to accomplish with Xlua.
Memory thrashing in Lua only occurs when tables are declared excessively.
Certain operations such as
returning multiple objects as in 'return a1,a2,a3' produces alot of garbage as it is equivalent to 'return {a1,a2,a3}'
instead tables within functions should be produced as globals and only there pointer should be returned as in 'a={} return a'
garbage collection in Lua is very straightforward but must not be used excessively.
'collectgarbage("collect")' calls the garbage collector into action; returning your programs memory usage to it's current actual requirement.
Beware tho, it can take several milliseconds and could cause visual stutter in your game, i suggest calling it every few-hundred frames right-after switching the visual buffer.
Thanks for your interesting questions. good luck with your project. and seriously next project you should give Xlua - OpenGL a go.