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Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
(Note - only an example being given here with the object clicking. The importance here is that there were a lot of groups I was activating and deactivating that I'd like to maintain for organized functionality.)
I am making a game that is using behaviors for the sake of easier transitions between frames with object integration.
I have 10 actives of the same type on screen all using a behavior. Within that behavior is an event that calls to deactivate a event-group when the active is clicked on.
Ideally what would happen is that ONLY the active I click on has its group deactivate, but instead it applies to every instance of the active in frame.
Is there a way to deactivate a group of events only on one specific instance of an active? If not, is there a work around to this?
Out of the blue I've started getting this error every time I attempt a stand alone executable export. I've tried reinstalling, replacing said EXE itself, rebooting, but it seems to just be a consistent error that I can no longer export files anymore.
Is this a known problem and is there any way to resolve this issue? It happens to new projects as well as old projects.
I don't know if a recent patch did it but previous games I had created in Fusion now have an issue that backdrop collisions outright aren't detected if the object goes outside of the frame. Enabling the "handle background collisions even out of window" option changes nothing.
The game I'm working on is running at 640x360 which should upscale to both 1280x720 and 1920x1080 in a crisp clean matter. Unfortunately, despite the game window running at those dimensions, on each PC I test this with it gets stretched incorrectly.
Attached is the MFA and below is a link to the EXE. By pressing space bar it'll cycle through different window sizes.
On most PCs I tried this the 2X, 3X, and full screen scalings are all off and act odd. Only one person who tested got a standard result on the normal window scalings but not when it was set to full screen.
The issue seems to appear if you run through specifically NVIDIA's high performance graphics processing, but integrated doesn't cause it.
I did try using Ultimate Fullscreen and I unfortunately get the same result. I actually checked some games released that go full screen and it seems like it's a common thing that maybe people just didn't notice. I'd like to attribute it to my own PC but I've tested this on multiple machines and it's a similar problem on all of them.
So using change resolution, fit inside, keep screen ratio, almost all options available and toggling between them all does not have "resize display to fill window size" working properly. I'm on Windows 7 doing all of this so perhaps on later OSes it works more consistently although this is a recent issue I've had after the last update to the software where one pixel at the bottom is being shaved off and the middle of the screen is being stretched.
This raises a concern just because the window size itself is properly double the size of the normal window yet it can't scale it properly, so future games I don't wish to run into this issue as well.
Last update when running a game in full screen mode and having it upscale to a new resolution, it'd perfectly match the screen size without an issue. After the new update however - when I have a game run in full screen mode it's slightly off. This was a problem that seems to come and go with updates.
My game runs at 640x360 so it should be able to upscale to 720 and 1080 properly but when the game is run in full screen it's off by 1 pixel vertically. Directly in the center of the frame vertically it's being stretched out by 1 pixel, squashing a pixel off the bottom of the frame and extending the length of one at the center by too much creating an inconsistent ugly result.
How it should look: Please login to see this link. How it looks: Please login to see this link.
You can see at the very center that the pattern is thrown off and looks jarring. Of course with aliased upscale you won't see this, but the game is using pixel art so we are not using smooth upscaling.
The Sega Saturn hardware was limited in certain ways so if you tried to use traditional alpha blending it would end up eating any sprites underneath the effect. The alternative to this was that the hardware had the built in option to dither sprites to achieve a similar look since on a CRT TV it would blend and be hard to recognize. The dithering pattern was consistent on screen and it wasn't just manually drawn onto sprites.
What I'm wondering is if a shader could be written so when applied to an active object it'd achieve an effect like this:
I've been working on a game and almost all joysticks and gamepads plugged into the PC (outside of Xbox controllers) go completely unrecognized by both the Joystick 2 and Joypad extension. We were hoping to get support for common controllers like Playstation 4 controllers and now it seems like that is flat out impossible. Is there a way to get these working?
EDIT : Found out you need to make it a preferred device. Annoying since I've played other games that don't require this but oh well.
The current version of the Steamworks Extension does not allow for pulling additional information that is submitted alongside a name and score for leaderboards on Steam. Is there any possibility of this given support in the future as it'd be helpful being able to pull ALL information from leaderboards as opposed to just the bare minimum. Right now you can pull from the Rank, Player, and Score tables but NOT the Details table. The request is to be able to get that information as well as it's seemingly missing currently.
Clickteam used to have an extension list which at least offered it for people needing to go back to old projects but it seems they took that list offline a few years back. Is there anywhere I can still obtain this old extension as I need to recover and old project.
my game has an object's movement switch between box2d physics and static movement, and it seems when this goes through xcode it gets an error on runtime and crashes the game immediately.
the tearing literally only happens if i have stretching enabled and the screen is being stretched. i understand v-sync and i understand how this SHOULD be functioning, but the issue is that it isn't. i've tried it on multiple PCs, i have disabled machine independent speed, dropped the frame rate to barely anything, and regardless of what i do there is always some slight tearing visually with those settings.
v-sync with the default window size causes no issue. v-sync in full screen mode causes no issue. v-sync with a stretched window is the only thing causing it regardless of what frame rate the game is running at and on 3 different machines this has been consistently the result.
my graphics cards settings aren't interfering either, it is set to enable v-sync according to application settings and even if i force it to always be enabled the tearing still happens. i've used monitors with both a 60hz refresh rate and a 120hz refresh rate and both yield the same result. there is no tearing unless those conditions are met with my application settings, and it happens regardless of what frame rate the game is running at so i cannot imagine why this is happening.
except that is how it SHOULD work, but it doesn't. if you have screen stretching enabled and the screen get stretched out past the regular resolution then tearing always happens regardless of frame rate with v-sync enabled. like i said, i have dropped the framerate to even just 30 fps and i still get tearing regardless simply because of that option.
if the game is at its standard definition or is in full screen mode with the resolution changed then it looks fine without tearing, but having the window stretched out at all seems to always make it happen.
is there any method at this point outside of vsync enabled without stretching enabled to actually prevent screen tearing? it's obnoxious that even if i slow a game's framerate down to even 30 fps there's still tearing simply because screen stretching is enabled and is a major hindrance.