Just wanted to post that I've hired PandaExplosion to do some work on two different projects of mine, and he's been great. He's been prompt, reliable, and has been willing to think outside the box for tricky problems. He's also given a great mix of technical/programming help and also creative/design help. For example, on the latest project he came up with a much more efficient and elegant design than the one I had in mind, and he also had the know-how to implement it. Would recommend!
Posts by ogrgkyle
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
That is perfect! Thank you, Yves! I may try to convert a JSON to this format even without the JSON Object, just using a string parser.
Here's an example of a Tree Control Object file. I think it's a CSV file, right? I would be content with a method of converting to and from this format.
0,3,0,0,0,tape 1
2,1,0,0,0,tape 10
4,3,0,0,0,tape 2
6,3,0,0,0,tape 3
8,3,0,0,0,tape 4
10,3,0,0,0,tape 5
11,0,1,2,0,scene'20060504 14.07.34.avi
12,3,0,0,0,tape 6
13,0,1,2,0,scene'20060321 17.54.49.avi
14,3,0,0,0,tape 7
15,0,1,2,0,scene'20070321 14.51.54.avi
16,3,0,0,0,tape 8
17,0,1,2,0,scene'20060101 00.00.00.avi
18,3,0,0,0,tape 9
19,0,1,2,0,scene'20090624 11.27.08.avi -
What's the best way to import a JSON file into the Tree Control Object, and then (after making changes to it) export it back to a JSON?
I can think of three ways:
1) Traverse every branch of the JSON tree, adding files and folders to the Tree Control Object piece by piece. This is slightly complicated and I may need help with this.
2) Convert a JSON file to a Tree Control Object text file, which can then be loaded into the Tree Control Object. In this method, I would need to understand the protocol of these text files.
3) Ask Clickteam to update either the JSON Object or the Tree Control Object to add this feature.
With some help on these forums, I made a custom drag movement using the Multiple Touch Object. I simply want to be able to drag an active object within a zone, but not allow it to pass through another active object. I accomplished this using a loop: increment between the previous object XY to the destination XY until either the destination is reached, or the object is overlapping, if which case the object will move back to the previous increment. However, I would like to be able to slide the active object on the surface of the obstacle object, so that (in the attached file) you can move the little blue ball around the black ball while they are in contact. How can I accomplish this?
Here is my test app so far: Please login to see this attachment.
Sorry for the very late response. Thanks for taking a look at this!
Quick follow-up that it worked just fine for me to just restart, changing my package name and uploading it through the internal test track. My app is now communicating with the Console, which is what I was after. Thanks for the help!
I'm trying to control an object by dragging the mouse (on a PC) or dragging a finger (on a smartphone). I want the object to move relative to its current position; it shouldn't snap to the position of the mouse/finger. I have managed to do this, but I am having trouble with collisions. I want the dragged object to stop when it collides with another object, yet resume dragging (on the same unbroken drag movement) if the mouse/finger starts moving in a legal direction. Do you have any thoughts on this? I've attached my dragging test. Thanks!
Please login to see this attachment.
Okay, great info! Judging by my screenshot below from Store Presence - Pricing and Distribution, since I don't see an option for unpublish, I'm suspecting I have submitted the app and that it's still under review, and that the unpublish option will show once the review process is completed by Google. If so, I'm thinking I can then delete/unpublish once the review process is over. And yes, you're right that it's highly unlikely anyone is going to see the app anyway right now.
My plan now is to change my package name and upload that to the Console under the internal test track. For the benefit of future users, I'll try to follow up on this thread with how things progress, since I know these forums have been a huge help for me over the years.
Please login to see this attachment.
Internal test track sounds like just what I need! Do you know if I need to wait the 7 days (or however long Google takes) before I'm able to delete or deactivate my app from the production track? Right now I don't see any option to delete or deactivate. FWIW I believe I currently have it in BOTH the internal test track and production track, due to my ignorance.
One idea -- would it make any sense for me to just reupload my app by creating a new application in the Console, this time only putting it on the internal test track? And then separately once Google reviews the old application I can just remove the old application? Or would that only complicate things?
I've been following the Please login to see this link. (thank you very much for making it!) and trying to test in-app purchases for my Android application, but when it comes to the Google Play Developer Console, I'm unsure which track to use -- internal/closed/open/production, alpha/beta.
So what I tried was uploading my app in the internal test track, filling in all the necessary info as far as content rating, etc., and once I completed it the Console said it would take approximately 7 days or more for Google to review my app -- which I thought was odd because I thought the internal test track was supposed to be fast and sort of bypass the Google approval process, allowing me to tinker internally (using two separate Google accounts) without my app being publicly available.
Because of that, I thought I'd try reuploading it on the Closed Alpha track, in case that was the thing to do, but in my ignorance I think I may have accidentally put it on the Production track. (I'm attaching a photo below of my "App releases" section.) So I'm thinking the Console is now treating my app as if I'm trying to publish it publicly, when all I want to do is to test my app "talking" to Google, like the PDF shows.
In short, I don't really know what I'm doing here and could use some guidance! I'd be happy to start from scratch here, if I knew how to delete/deactivate my Console upload. Any help would be appreciated!
Please login to see this attachment.
Right now it IS working. I wonder why it wasn't before, or why I thought it wasn't...
I have posted a bug report (Please login to see this link.).
Hello! The "Seek" option in the HTML5 Video Object doesn't appear to work. I tell the program to Load an URL, and then seek to a certain time (3000ms, for example). Do you why this is? Thanks!
I've created Frame 2 in my app and embedded it as a subapp in Frame 1. However, when I Build & Run (HTML5), the Frame 2 subapp appears below the entire Frame 1. It's as though the X coordinate is preserved, but the Y coordinate is set to the height of Frame 1. Is there a way to fix this?
Right, exactly. I just remember it being one of the more reliable function objects. I don't think it will be a big deal - I have a couple workarounds in mind. Thanks for the help, everyone.
I just tried that, LB, and got this message: Cannot load extension PowerFunction.mfx.
Thanks, SoftWarewolf - I didn't know that was possible. That will definitely be useful in the future.
I've just tried that. However, I still receive this message:
This application requires the following extensions :
Power Function object (PowerFunction.mfx)
Install these extensions and then click Retry.
So it seems that I had been using an MFX file, which it cannot find.
I'm guessing that is a different function object. Does it show up as Power Function Object in Fusion? Thanks.
Thanks, I didn't think of that. But I would still like to find the Power Function Object, if anyone has it.