Nevermind, got it solved out.
Posts by dnlhern
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Hello everyone! I'd like to apologize for asking so many questions on this forum!
I've recently started to develop a basis engine around the Platform Movement Object. It's been working rather well for me, although I've hit one road block.
When it comes to crouching, the animation of the object never advances past its first frame when using either the Joystick2/Xbox Gamepad object, while using input directly from Clickteam Fusion works fine. I've made a video demonstrating this issue right here:
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Currently, the event for this is as follows:
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IsCrouching is the value for determining if the player is crouching so it would change the hitbox size along with change the animation. In turn, IsCrouching = 1 would yield to this event:
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It plays the animation correctly when using input from Clickteam Fusion, but using either the Xbox Gamepad or Joystick2 object would cause it to be stuck on one frame, as demonstrated in the video. Can anyone help me out?
Thank you!
Hello everyone! I was working on a thing, and because of its low native resolution, I have implemented a screen resizing event using the Window Control object within Clickteam Fusion 2.5. The game runs at 320x180.
However, when I have the heading enabled (the window border and title), the game will resize it, also taking account of the heading, and creating a squished game view. Turning the heading off will prevent this, but I do not want a heading-less game as the user will not have a easy way to quit other than Alt + F4 or an in-game quit option. Can I get some help on this?
Thank you!
Anyone know where to get the Complex-Shaders pack? The website got suspended.
Excuse the double post, but I went by mobichan's directions regarding accel/deaccel with the 8 dir movement, but I've ran into a small hitch. For some reason, the X and Y speeds always manage to go over 3.0 because of the delta value added to the object's speed, creating some left over values, such as the speed being 0.3 or -0.3 even when there is no activity, or the speed being 3.3 or -3.3 or a mishmash of numbers when moving.
Can I get assistance on this, or is this a bug with Clickteam Fusion itself?
Thank you. I have attached the MFA I am working with to show this, and sorry if I sound a bit confusing.
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Hello! I've decided to finally start work on a small 8-directional engine with my own events instead of using the pre-built movements that CF2.5 comes with. I have got basic movement implemented, but now I am wondering what could be a good way to add acceleration and deacceleration to the movement? Sorry for the incredibly noobish question, I'm rather new to all this!
I have provided an MFA file if anyone wants to tinker about.
Thank you!
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I want the box to scale out when the user hit the last paragraph, which should be blank to prevent the Text Blitter from typing back up, but I also want it to be able to trigger it a second time afterwards.
EDIT: Got it to scale out, just used Max(XScale("TextBoxBG") - 0.1, 0).
I did get one problem figured out with scaling being capped, although sloppily, but now I need assistance on it not being triggered to scale right out when the paragraph of the string there is at a blank paragraph. I'll upload the MFA here for help.
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Again, excuse the sloppy coding. This is my first time doing this.
Hello everyone! I'm curious on how to figure out scaling, mainly to figure out how to set the max value for scaling. I wanted to have a text box background grow until it is its native size, but when I try to do the following
"XScale of (TextBoxBG) is > than 1.0 = Set XScale of (TextBoxBG) to 1.0"
"YScale of (TextBoxBG) is > than 1.0 = Set YScale of (TextBoxBG) to 1.0"It always manages to grow a bit bigger than I intend and it doesn't look that great. Can anyone help me? I can provide an MFA if anyone wants.
I have it working with Fusion 2.5. This was recommended by a fellow game developer before, but maybe you should try installing DirectX, so XInput may work correctly? It's just a guess but it's worth trying.
Here's a link to the installer: Please login to see this link.
Hey all, I was wondering about something regarding the Joystick2 object. After recent discovery of it, I was playing around with it, but kind of struggled on figuring out something.
Usually on PC games with controller support now-a-days, when a person presses a button on a gamepad, all the controls in the game show Xbox/Gamepad buttons, but when the player takes control of the game through mouse and keyboard again, the buttons revert to keyboard/mouse buttons. Is there a way to accomplish this on the Joystick 2 object in MMF2/CTF2.5? Thanks!
Even as a proud 3DS owner, I'd love to see creations from MMF2/CF2.5 on the Vita. The Vita is a well designed console and it's just screaming for more games, so why not make it easier for people to make games for it through CF2.5?
I think one time when I added the platform movement to the character, it told me to place the hotspot at the bottom. I'm not sure, and I hope this gets fixed soon. Hopefully. :c
That's great! I'm just wondering if there's any solution with the tile set up I have right now, mainly because this set up provides an easier way of building levels.
Hello! I've been toying around with the new physics features in CF2.5, and I found a refined version of the old platform movement. Curious, I started to try and mess around with it, only to find that the movement for the object is rather bumpy. Is there something I can do to prevent the object from bumping around while on the ground? I have attached an .mfa so people can take a look at it.
Thank you!
The font I'm using is a free-to-use font, already double checked that legal stuff before I used it. c:
The example you provided is wonderful! Thanks!!
Now I just need to find out how I can embed fonts into the application so it would look the same on every computer. Again, I can't use Text Blitter because the font would be wildly spaced out, badly aliased and kind of ugly.
Hi all! So I've recently obtained Clickteam Fusion 2.5, and I think it's a much improved version of MMF2 overall. Everything feels tons better, tighter and smoother, and all the little quirks I had with MMF2 have been refined and even fixed! I love it!!
Anyway, I have two questions regarding fonts. I was wondering if there was a way to embed fonts into the application (or any other alternative) using Clickteam Fusion 2.5. (I'd use the Text Blitter object, but the font I am using is not monospaced, therefore, it appears spaced out and badly aliased.) Please login to see this link. does not come with Windows, therefore, while it may look normal on my computer, it would look all weird, glitchy, or just Arial on another person's computer. (One time, a font was the HP font on someone else's computer)
And another question, is there a way I would accomplish scrolling text, much like RPGs back then? A good example of this is Cave Story. In Cave Story, text would type out letter by letter with a sound accompanying each letter, which could be made faster by holding down a button until the end of the sentence is reached. Then the player must tap the button again to go to the next sentence. I am wondering if there is such a way for me to do that in the program.
Thank you!!
Because of the Fueled by Fusion logo provided by Clickteam being too large for my game, is it okay to use a press image by Clickteam for my game instead? Like so.
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((Excuse the low quality, it's a 320x180 screenshot blown up by 2.))