Posts by Soilydude

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Not sure if this is a bug or not but I found an archived post in the Android forum with the same problem and no resolution.

    Quite simply, I can't get the event "A new touch on [qualifier] has started" to actually fire. It'd save me a tonne of work if I could get the event to work. I could use mouse click events as a workaround, but I've been advised to stick to Multiple Touch events for mobile development.

    I guess I'd just like confirmation, if possible, on whether this might be a bug or not so I can focus on working around it. Thanks :)

    Ah, damn shame, I was hoping to keep it mobile friendly and option 3 sounds crazy intensive in terms of my end goal :(

    I could drop the size down to 16x16 but that's still pretty heavy on performance, and 8x8 is a little limited for what I'm after. I guess the idea is a little too advanced to be implemented into Fusion 2.5 currently so I guess I'll keep that feature on hold for now.

    Thanks a lot for taking the time out to reply :)

    I've been playing around with the idea of a game in which the player can design their own sprites and wondered if this was possible in Fusion 2.5.

    My current approach would likely involve something along the lines of a 32x32 grid in which the user could colour each pixel as they please. Upon completion, the grid would then be "cropped" out and placed into the frame of an active object. I'm guessing the player drawn sprite would have to replace the frame of an existing active object as I'm not sure of a way to create an entirely new active object at runtime (I'm not referring to an instance of an object).

    Does anyone know if this is possible? And, if so, point me in the right direction? It does not have to be applied in accordance with the above explanation, this was just a theory of how it could be done that I had in mind.

    Thank you for the swift reply!

    It's not too big an issue if a Mac is needed, I just wanted to make sure that was my only option going forward. Does this all require an Apple Developer account (even if it's for personal use on your own phone)? It's a shame there's not a simpler and more accessible process for personal testing of apps but ah well!

    Thanks again for taking the time out to help :)

    I'm looking to make a little game in Fusion 2.5 that I can get on my iPhone but I'm struggling to find anything in-depth that can help. I own the iOS Export Module and Fusion Developer 2.5.

    I'd just like to know more about the process of actually downloading the app to an iPhone. I understand that getting the program onto the App Store requires an Apple Developer account, as well as a Mac (because only Macs run Xcode?). However, I'd just like to get the program onto my own personal iPhone for now; does this still require Apple Developer and a Mac? I'm not particularly familiar with Xcode or .cci files and I'd just like a bit more information on transferring Clickteam programs to iPhone.

    If anyone knows of a step-by-step guide or manual surrounding this, it would be much appreciated! :)

    I've been using Fusion for a while now and I feel I'm fairly well adapted to it, but I've always had a nag that I've never gotten round to solving.

    My problem is with creating and editing instances of an object at runtime so as to keep the amount of objects in my workspace to a minimum. For example, I might want 6 labels in my frame, each displaying different strings, and during runtime I might want to change the 3rd label. If I'm creating and positioning the labels during runtime, I have trouble pointing only to the 3rd label and editing that one only.

    If anyone can point me in the right direction for how to go about this, it would be greatly appreciated :)

    Ah yeah, I should probably mention that this came about because my project doesn't allow the use of third party extensions. Most methods I tried first would always set the Edit Box carat back to the start of the text which was a big annoyance. The main advantage of my method was that it didn't involve the use of extensions and worked mostly as I had hoped, but anyone not plagued by this restriction should probably look up extensions for their needs :)

    I've just been trying to solve the problem of stopping users from entering certain characters into an Edit Box and I've found quite a simple method of doing so which I didn't see when searching the forums and googling.

    This method does render the Undo function a bit useless but I don't think that's too big an issue for most people. Also, apologies if people have their own methods or better methods, I just thought I'd share for people with a similar problem in future who are also searching the forums.

    Basically, this method just consists of clearing the Undo buffer every time the Edit Box entry zone has been modified, and if the Edit Box entry zone has been modified and an unwanted character has been found in the entry zone then Undo; so only the last character input is disabled. This disables copy/pasting as well as any single character input, at any point within the string.

    Events are as follows:

    +Edit Box has just been modified
    +Find ( Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), "*", 0 )
    - Undo
    +Edit Box has just been modified
    - Clear undo buffer

    Simply replace the * to disable the characters of your choosing.

    EDIT: I assumed adding more Find events would enable you to disable more characters but upon further use I've noticed you'll have to duplicate the entire first event to disable extra characters. This may get messy if you're trying to disable many characters (all symbols, for example) but works great if you're just trying to disable spaces like I was.

    I've been using the Datagrid object in my application and it's been working fine as a really efficient way of importing data, I'd like to keep using it as I'm familiar with it now and lots of my events and expressions rely on the object.

    One nag I've had, which isn't really game-breaking but a massive inconvenience, is that when I copy data into a cell from an Excel spreadsheet all the commas are treated as delimiters and separate large blocks of text into multiple cells. This is a problem as many of my cells contain paragraphs of text with multiple commas, and I'd like the paragraphs to remain in one cell.

    So is it possible to change the delimiter from a comma to some other other character? Or to remove the delimiter entirely? It would make my development much more efficient!

    Thanks in advance :)

    Thanks, that's solved quite a few problems I had!

    My only issue now appears to be that the text does not resize accordingly. Is there a simple fix to this that doesn't evolve going through and changing the text size of every Edit Box and Rich Edit Box?

    I'm trying to resize my application so that it fits on a 1080 display as it was originally made on my Surface Pro 3 with a higher resolution. The application is 640x1136 and I'm trying to resize to 320x568. I used the Window Control object and managed to achieve this but I had to resize to 336x626 to achieve a 320x568 resolution (I assume due to window borders), is there a more logical way of doing this? As if a user has window borders of a different size then I assume the frame won't display at 320x568...

    Also, upon resizing, an Edit Box and Rich Edit Box contained within the frame have disappeared, and text has not resized accordingly. Is there an easy way to fix this?

    I have a frame in my game which uses fade transitions in and out. I also have an event which moves an object at the start of the frame, dependent on a global variable. My problem is that the object is only moved after the transition has finished so the user can see the object move, which I'd prefer was not the case.

    Is there a simple way to have events run before or even during the transition? It's not a massive issue currently but if there's a simple fix then I may as well make use of it.

    Thanks in advance! :)

    schrodinger: I'm tinkering with it a little to suit my needs, but this is pretty much exactly what I was going for, thank you very much! :)

    Sumo: Thanks for sharing! Even if this doesn't get implemented into my final project, I'll certainly be having a look at it. AI and pathfinding is something I really need to brush up on and your video was pretty impressive. So yeah, your help is very much appreciated! :)

    I've decided to rework this feature for convenience. Now, the player clicks a point on the map and creates a pin, clicking another point on the map will create another pin with a line drawn between the two, and a third pin would continue the line and so on.

    I've found out how to draw a line between objects using an Active Object and the Clickteam Movement Controller using these events and expressions:

    + User clicks on Map
    - Create: Pin at mouse pointer
    - Create: Line at Pin
    - Line: Set angle to AngleObjects( "Clickteam Movement Controller", Fixed( "Pin" ), Fixed( "Pin" ) )
    - Line: Set X scale to DistObjects( "Clickteam Movement Controller", Fixed( "Pin" ), Fixed( "Pin" ) )

    My problem here is that I need to differentiate instances of pins. The first pin reference in each of the last two lines should refer to the previously placed pin, whilst the second reference should refer to the newly placed pin. I understand using spread values and loop index (foreach now?) allows you to cycle through instances but I'm not sure how to apply this into one expression.

    schrodinger: It's a graded project and we're generally told not to use extensions probably to avoid incompatibility and other issues that may arise when being graded. Tbh, I don't fully know why we can't use extensions, this is just what I've always assumed...

    UltimateWalrus: Yeah I'm not quite at that level I don't believe, and sadly I don't have that much time to spend on it :(

    amiman99: That was my initial thinking, I'm just not sure I have the time to implement all that; accounting for errors and bugs during implementation... I might give it a go today anyway and see what I come up with. At worst, I'll fake it and create manual paths between nodes or something along those lines.

    I've come to another wall in my MMF project and I'm not even sure if there's a solution to this one as I wouldn't know where to begin.

    My game contains a map which the player can view. I'd like for the player to be able to click two points on the map and a path to be drawn between them. Ideally, I would like a way of measuring the length of this path also.

    Here is an example of what I'd like the player to achieve (red crosses mark points selected by the player):
    Please login to see this attachment.Please login to see this attachment.

    Unfortunately, I have to add that I'm unable to use third party extensions within my project.

    Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. If this is incredibly complex to implement then I may decide to just take the feature out of my game.

    Thanks in advance!