Posts by Kolar_Games

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Thanks for the insight. Yeah I actually found out what it is and it doesn't have to do with the Built application. In the built application VSYNC was not turning on (due to my own fault with a forgotten line of code in the settings load events). VSYNC was actually causing this stutter, which I think was strange because VSYNC is supposed to make the game smoother! XD Oh well now I know.

    Well there was an awkward stutter that would randomly happen while testing my game in Fusion2.5. I couldn't figure out what it was for a long time. I just did a test build and problem seems to be fixed!! :D (for now) Am I crazy or do built versions seem to function a lot smoother? Could my stutter have been just because I was running it in Fusion 2.5? Has anyone experienced similar?

    Okay I've done some testing and this is absolutely bizarre and VERY VERY aggravating.

    -create a new application.
    -create a new frame
    -create a counter
    -create one and only one event...
    -Every 1/100 of a second add 1 to counter

    If you set the framerate to 5fps, the timer will add VERY very slowly.
    If you set the framerate to 200fps, the timer adds VERY VERY quickly.

    I thought the whole point of a timer is to have a consistent reference point.

    I've tried changing the vsync and machine independent speed to see if that changes at all but NOTHING helps.

    Whats the point in having a timer if it's completely relative to framerate??
    How am I supposed to create a consistent program if the framerate totally changes the timing of the game?

    The timer is a key aspect in the engine of my game. I designed a core principle of my game around "every 10 subtract 1 from alterable value a". 10 presumably being 10 milliseconds. I'd been testing the game at 60fps for months flawlessly but recently decided trying it at 30fps and even 120fps. When the framerate changes, the timer fails and is completely different to what it was doing at 60fps. I didn't think this was supposed to happen which is why I specifically chose to use the timer for so many events. Is the timer supposed to be dynamic with the fps or am I missing somethine?? Very frustrated and confused! :( :(

    So I'm currently porting an old exe game to html5 to play in browser. The issue I am facing is that in the exe version of the game there was a nighttime mode where layer 2 was using a "subtract" effect, using HWA, to allow the screen to have a dark tint. Light objects would "cut through" the darkness using the subtract effect.

    Since the game is now exporting as HTML5 instead of EXE, the "subtract" effect on layer 2 is missing. I am "build and running" the application in "HTML5 Development".

    Am I doing something wrong or is this a limitation of clickteams HTML5 exporter?

    I was wondering, if i am sorting by alt Y decreasing, and two objects alt Y's are the same and they are overlapping, how can i make them not "flash"? Like say mario and luigi's alt y is the same, and they are overlapping, they normally start to flash as mmf2 is trying to decide which one to be on top, but if I DON'T want this to happen, what can I do to prevent them from flashing? I am thinking maybe to spread a value?

    With MMF2 Dev when you click on the properties of your built application, is there any way to change the description? Like do a custom description of your application? It just says;

    Type of File: Application (.exe)

    And where the description is blank, how can I add my own description of the application? If this is possible please tell me how, but if it isn't then that's okay, it isn't really that big of a deal.

    Hi Danny! Okay, Its something wrong with fullscreen. I was really frustrated, but i just figured it out because of some divine intervention.

    Anyways so one thing you guys might want to look at is that when "Keep Screen Ratio" is checked in MMF2 standard and you go to full screen, It doesn't distort the game, but when "Keep Screen Ratio" is checked in MMF2 Dev or Fusion 2.5 Dev, it does distort. I don't know, the window controls still kind of confuse me. Anyways now that it has been solved there is no need for me to be asking you about license transfers. Thanks Danny! Keep up the great work!

    So in MMF2 Standard, when my applicatiuon is running Fullscreen, it's completely proportional. I have an 800x600 screen and it appears that MMF2 "zooms" and displays the 800x600 frame proportionally. Anyways in MMF2 standard when i go fullscreen my frame takes up the whole screen and there is no distortion. PERFECT! :)


    I just upgraded to MMF2 Dev and when I open my game in MMF2 Dev, the full screen doesn't ZOOM in on my game, but just stretches the window, not the actual frame. I dont know if there is something different about MMF2 Dev, because i checked all the exact same boxes that I had with MMf2... This is really a problem for me considering I was just going to release my game this week when this happened. :(
    Please Help Me!

    Lol. Nevermind. I guess it didnt sort out at all. Gurrrr. I am so frusterated. Can I send you not my actual game but the game i practice coding on? I would love if you could look at it and see why nothing is working. Ughhhh... Been coding for 4 days and i think it might be an mmf2 problem.

    I dont know what i am doing wrong. When my character is overlapping a a specific active object(door), and presses enter, the frame position is saved to bin(1), global value a is set to 1, and he is sent to level 2. Then, when he does the same thing with a different door on level 2, frame position is saved to bin(2), he is sent back to level 1, and global value b is set to 1.

    Level one has a condition that if start of frame, global value a = 1: it will load frame position from bin(1). That works. Only problem is that when frame position (not application position) is loaded, it changes all the values AND global values back to what they were when the frame position was saved.

    Therefore, when i return to level 1, any global counters or values that may have changed in frame 2 (health, ammo, etc), are then reset to what they were when i saved level 1's frame position.

    If someone could PLEASE help me. I would be so thankful and you will be rewarded somehow.



    I was just about to quit trying when I was visited by the spirit of global events. The spirit of global events showed me the way and taught me to make all my local level swappin' conditions in the global events! I did this and I don't know why, but it worked! Thank you J3ssem! You have helped me more than you will ever know!

    Please Help! I got this to work once a while back but i guess i must have forgot to save. :( So I have global counters representing my health, ammo, etc... and i have a purple active object at the end of frame 1. when you collide with the purple active object MMF2 saves the frame position to bin(1) and after frame position is saved you are taken to the next frame. Because all my counters are global, when you are on frame 2 you keep all your guns, health, ammo etc... The global counters work fine! There is the same purple active on frame 2, and it does the exact same thing when you touch it. Save frame position and then jump back to frame 1.

    But when you return to frame 1, all the enemies you killed are still dead, but the counters are how they were when you saved the frame the first time. Aren't they supposed to be what they were when you saved them the second time? What am i doing wrong?

    Please respond asap and if someone can get back to me by monday I will promise them a free copy of my game!

    Thanks to all who read and double thanks to all who answer!