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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
I've asked this before I think, but shot in the dark. Is there a command that resets an alterable value to its original state? I'd like to get this done in one line.
Player is under water: -> Subtract 1 from alt.A
Alt.A = 0: -> Kill player
Player resurfaces: -> Reset Alt.A
I've got it down to 4 lines, juggling 2 variables, but it's too messy for my tastes.
I've searched a ton, but no luck. It seems anything I try to do with the multi touch object when my game scrolls goes completely wonky. Has anyone found a good workaround for this yet?
Whenever an event triggers, you add to your score counter.
Whenever your score variable "MOD" 500 = 0, that is to say the remainder of the actual variable divided by 500 evenly divides without a remainder, you add one to your lives.
Think of it like a clock, every time the minute hand goes around 60 times, you add one to the hour and reset the minutes to 0. Time is mod 60;
however, I don't recommend using mod for scores, because you're more than likely gonna miss that mark evenly. If you're at 495 points and you get 50 points, your 1up won't trigger. You should create a separate variable that resets.
Depending on what you wanted to do. Obviously, if you knew you had 12 animation frames, you could clone the last frame or add a blank one to the end and say:
Current frame of ("Active") = 12: -> Force animation frame to 0 -> Restore animation frame
No, it's like having several different photos open in the same project in photoshop. You still work on them individually, and can build them all at once, but if you have 4 mfa's in your project and "Build -> All," you'll get 4 individual exe's.
Oh... is that what that Rrandom is for? I was confused by your wording. I thought you wanted this to constantly decide if it was going to toggle every 3 or 4 seconds. You want this to fire after 3 or 4 seconds when the range is between those? Rrandom doesn't make sense as a condition.
Are you trying to say, "When X is between 4 and 10, wait 3 or 4 seconds and set a flag to 0 or 1?" I would use a fire event, not the static timer.
Range(X,4,10) -> Fire Event After Given Delay - Use a calculation - (Random(2)+3)*1000 - "Toggle Variable"
On Event - "Toggle Variable" -> Set Variable/Flag to Random(2)
The (Random(2)+3)*1000 is for 3 or 4 seconds. For 3-4 seconds, you could do Rrandom(3000,4000). I might still not be getting it though.
I'm guessing when you changed your frame height, these objects fell outside the application's frame window (the dotted lines). Anything outside this with "follow the frame" un-checked will not show up during runtime because it will be outside the frame.