Posts by AND

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    In the end I found running Windows 11 via Parallels on my Mac mini M1 turned out to be the best solution for me. I've never had any issues running Clickteam Fusion in a Parallels/Windows virtual machine, and the Mac 'M' series of chips are so incredibly fast and powerful. With Crossover and Wine I used to have problems - especially not being able to get the Android exporter to work. Windows starts straight away in Parallels - it's like you're using an actual Windows PC not a VM on a Mac.

    Yeah - I guess that's why :(

    It's a shame there aren't that many iOS developers here. CTF is a brilliant engine for developing iPhone and iPad games - how it magically builds native Xcode projects with one click!

    I suppose because CTF is a Windows application there aren't many Mac users who choose it to develop games on. Hoping this will change when CTF3 is released :)

    Thanks Dobermann, good to know that the last post came out ok. I don’t know what happened with the original post. I’m disappointed I didn’t get any comments or suggestions about getting a physical keyboard to work with an iOS device. I don’t understand how physical keyboards can be controlled via all the other Clickteam Fusion exporters, but not the iOS exporter.

    Dude, you're posting texts in light grey on white background, it's hard to read.... :(

    Hi Dobermann, thanks for letting me know. I checked out reading this post on Mac, Windows, iPad & iPhone using a variety of different browsers and I don't have the white background with light grey text that you're seeing. The new forum layout is always in dark mode for me, even if I change the OS to light mode I see all the posts including mine in white text on a dark grey background.

    What device do you read the forum on - and which browser do you use?

    I'll put a screen shot of my post so you can see it how I see it.

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    Is there a possibility of future keyboard support for typing from a connected keyboard on iOS?

    I am developing apps with typing games that allow players to use a physical keyboard to spell words. While this feature is available in CTF 2.5 on Windows, Mac, and Android apps, it is currently disabled on iOS.

    If enabling typing from a connected keyboard on iOS using Fusion's built-in mouse pointer and keyboard object is not feasible in the future, could an iOS keyboard extension be created using the iOS SDK?

    Moving the mouse cursor around on Sonoma 14.4 does have this weird effect that Linky found where the readings move, but they just move for less than a second, then they freeze again even though I'm still moving the cursor around. It's very erratic and there's quite a long pause before the readings move again. Holding the left mouse button down while moving the cursor around and controlling the Xbox controller doesn't make any difference for me here. It seems that just moving the cursor around sets off the readings to change temporarily.

    Moving the cursor around, or moving the cursor around while holding down the mouse button on BigSur 11.7 has no effect at all and the app stays frozen

    Yes, the unresponsiveness is practically total on both systems. At first you don't get any readings for the different left/right controls etc while pressing all the buttons, triggers and moving the sticks around. Then after about 75 seconds various numbers appear, but these readings remain frozen until after another long period of time has elapsed, then a different set of static readings appear. It often takes a while for the app to even recognise the Xbox controller and the ID to appear even though you can see the controller is connected in Bluetooth settings. Basically the app doesn't work with the Xbox controller on both macOS 14.4 and 11.7.

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    Thanks for the link Mike. Point #1 about clicking on ”recommended update settings” is really good, but you still get the nearly 300 warnings about things being deprecated. Things that were deprecated going back to iOS 9 (2015), iOS 10, iOS 12 & iOS 13 (2019).

    I posted in 2016 "Fifty-Eight Xcode Errors in v7.3" (April 5th - exactly 8 years ago yesterday!) and had a reassuring reply from aenever who said, "Are the errors stopping you building your file? (Can you test your App?)"

    "If you can test your app they're not really an error, just a warning. It's just letting you know that some features are depreciated (in their words outdated yet still usable)."

    So I haven't really worried much about the warnings since then, but it's always in the back of my mind that we're heavily reliant on Apple and Clickteam keeping any changes to future OS releases compatible. It is amazing though, as the person in the Reddit post said, that projects which were programmed more than 10 years ago can still run on the latest Apple devices.

    April 5, 2016 at 11:42 AM

    I found the answer to silence the 'EAGLContext' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 12.0 - OpenGLES API deprecated warnings

    Go to Build Settings in Xcode and search for Apple Clang - Preprocessing

    Toggle the Preprocessor Macros drop down menu to see 'Debug' and 'Release' entries which should be blank

    Enter GLES_SILENCE_DEPRECATION=1 DEBUG=1 in the Debug field

    Enter GLES_SILENCE_DEPRECATION=1 in the Release field

    The issues have been reduced to just 14 now! :)

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    Hi Cobra, I've got a 2020 M1 Mac mini with Sonoma 14.4.1 and a 2014 Intel Mac mini with BigSur 11.7.10 and 2 Xbox One S Controllers. I connected the controllers, but they don't control the app properly, although the numbers on the app change after a very long lag.

    The last screen shot is on macOS BigSur

    Please login to see this attachment.Please login to see this attachment.Please login to see this attachment.Please login to see this attachment.Please login to see this attachment.

    I've been getting far more Xcode build issues recently as well now since having to update to iOS Deployment Target 12.0. I get 290 issues each time, which nearly all refer to: 'glGetRenderbufferParameteriv' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 12.0 - OpenGLES API deprecated. (Define GLES_SILENCE_DEPRECATION to silence these warnings)

    There is also: /Images.xcassets:./LaunchImage.launchimage Launch images are deprecated in iOS 13.0. Use a launch storyboard or XIB instead.

    also: 'UIUserNotificationTypeBadge' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 10.0 - Use UserNotifications Framework's UNAuthorizationOptions


    *.xcodeproj Enable Base Internationalization, *.xcodeproj Migrate “English.lproj” (Deprecated), *.xcodeproj Migrate “Japanese.lproj” (Deprecated), *.xcodeproj Migrate “German.lproj” (Deprecated), *.xcodeproj Migrate “French.lproj” (Deprecated)

    I know the apps still work despite these errors, but it would be really good to eliminate them. Does anyone know of a way to fix them?

    I've attached a text file of all the build errors.

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    It may help to request additional time

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    Very good suggestion from tk22. I clicked on 'Request more time' and, after stating a reason from various choices given, you get an immediate response saying "You've been granted an extension until November 1, 2023 to update your app to comply..." (and update to Android 13).

    Thank you so much for sharing! I compared it to mine and it is mostly the same. I even tweaked mine to be exactly like yours where it was different but unfortunately I still can't pinch-zoom in the Frame Editor...

    By the way, attached a video of the delay I'm having after closing an application and return to doing varies simple clicking tasks in the engine. If anyone could shine some light about this issue and how to solve this I'd be happy to hear. Thanks!

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    I guess the pinch-zoom issue for MacBook trackpads is a bug that Parallels needs to solve. I followed what you did in your video, but I don't have any delay - everything opens instantly.

    If you can share your Mac OS and Windows trackpad settings that would be great as I could try to tune the settings the same and provide an input if it solved the issue.

    Here are my screenshots:

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    I also have an M1 MacBook Air 2020 with 16GB of RAM and 512GB SSD, and I'm running Clickteam Fusion on it under Windows 11 on ARM in Parallels Desktop as well.

    From what I found, a minimum of 16GB of RAM is a must as the Windows 11 on ARM installation in the Parallels Desktop creation wizard is selecting 6GB of RAM by default. So the base MacBook Air 2020 M1 model with the 8GB of RAM is not recommended for virtualization as it will only leave 2GB of RAM for the host Mac OS; the base 2020 M1 model also has a slower 256GB SSD compared to the much faster 512GB model, so take these details into consideration if you're having issues or if you're planning on buying a used/new MacBook with Apple silicon inside.

    While it mostly works okay, I did found that after some time that I'm using the engine, it suddenly starts to behave slow and takes a second or two to respond to varies tasks, like when I'm trying to add / edit events, while it doesn't behave like this when I'm running the engine natively on my Windows 10 PC, which has an old Intel i7 6th gen processor on it by the way. But for most parts I find it a nice solution for the time being until if and when the entire engine is redesigned in a 64-bit form, which could then be supported under the 64-bit only OS by Apple. But frankly, I don't think that this would be an easy task for Clickteam to do. Perhaps on Clickteam Fusion 3. ;)

    By the way, I was never able to scroll correctly with the MacBook trackpad in the virtual Windows 11, and found that an external mouse with a physical scrolling wheel is a must to either scroll in Windows under Parallels or in Clickteam Fusion in particular. And if you happen to use the Logitech Master MX series mouse which is quite popular, don't install its Options/Options+ app as this will make the scrolling in Window worse the same as using the trackpad. I just find it out and uninstalled the app and my Logitech Master MX 3s is finally scrolling correctly in both Windows and Clickteam Fusion.

    Hope this helps.

    I also have 16GB of RAM on my M1 Mac mini and as goldeng said, this must be the best option in order to leave enough RAM for your host Mac. The automatic recommended CPU & memory configuration for the Windows 11 VM on my Mac mini is 4 CPUs and 6GB RAM, but I did a manual configuration and I allocated 2 processors out of the available 8 and 4GB out of the available 16GB. For me this works very swiftly and smoothly. I use an Apple Magic Trackpad and haven't found any scrolling problems or any of the sudden slowdown issues that goldeng found. I used to have Windows PCs before I bought my first Mac mini and to me it feels like I'm running Clickteam Fusion natively on a Windows PC.

    I'm glad that works for you. I'll check it out but do I need to know how to use Windows or does ClickTeam Fusion run as a standalone window?

    You install the entire Windows operating system within the Parallels Virtual Machine, so it's just like using Windows on a normal Windows PC. Parallels has a system called 'Coherence' mode so you can have the Clickteam Fusion icon in your Mac Dock along with all your favourite Mac apps and just launch CTF in its own window on the Mac desktop, without seeing the Windows OS behind it.

    Here's a screen shot of Clickteam Fusion on macOS Ventura in Parallels Coherance:

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    People don't have Windows VMs by default and new Macs cannot run Windows natively. There is Crossover which can run the ARM version of Windows, but this costs $99.

    Crossover isn't a Virtual Machine, but it uses the open source 'Wine' technology to allow thousands of Windows applications to be installed with it on a Mac, Linux or ChromeOS machine. You can check which Windows software it supports here:

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    Parallels is a Virtual Machine and literally enables you to install the entire Windows operating system on your Mac (within the Virtual Machine) and many other operating systems too. This means you can install all Windows applications just as you can on a Windows PC.

    Neither of the above solutions are free, but you can download trials of each to decide which works best for you. Parallels is available on subscription or as a 1-time purchase.

    There is a free Personal Use License version of VMware Fusion which also is a virtual machine that supports Apple Silicon, like Parallels. I haven't tried out the new version so I don't know how good it is.

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