My company is needing two extensions to work on iOS, Android, and PC. IF you can do it then hit me up in a PM with some background and price.
Extensions needed:
- Google Maps/directions
- PBX Phone system.
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Open a TicketMy company is needing two extensions to work on iOS, Android, and PC. IF you can do it then hit me up in a PM with some background and price.
Extensions needed:
- Google Maps/directions
- PBX Phone system.
I'm not the type to be a fanboy or bias of a particular company and what I'm about to say is my honest opinion about the software. You can see my badges on the left that I own all their software. I just hope I don't get any flack or hate on me for being truthful, but here it goes..
ClickTeam Fusion 2.5 is a great platform to develop your software on if you plan to make things with Windows. This is where it shines the most compared to a lot of other software out there. You can create almost anything in it, not just games, but also windows utilities and so forth. Working on huge games is possible with the Windows exporter, but with other exporters I have ran into countless of problems with the projects I've been working on. You might have better experience if you create everything from scratch without the use of extensions, but with my experience it seems that all the extensions I have worked with have failed to work for me with exporters other than Windows. I heard Fusion 3 will fix a lot of problems that their previous products had, but in the meantime I can not work with Fusion 2.5 until the issues with extensions on mobile devices are fixed. I've been working with Yves to fix as many issues I can with the software and he works hard on it. One of the games I'm working on has a built in level editor, but is broken for the time being...
I started using other software to make the same game about 3 weeks ago just so I can get something released, but when these problems are fixed with Fusion 2.5 I will finish up the game with it and just update it to write over the previous version. If you plan to use extensions for mobile devices I would wait it out until the bugs are fixed and just use pure custom code. This is through my experience and if someone wants to bash me for being honest then I have nothing to say to them.
Looks awesome! Love that animations! It reminds me of Tron
I'm just gonna quote myself again... because this is pretty much the point...
"I used to do video editing back in the day... can you imagine how bad it would be if the video editing software didn't show transitions in your rendered video as you had them in your project? How crazy would that be? Right???"
" the VERY least make it clear at the time of purchase that, by the way, transitions are NOT supported. (If I knew they were not supported I would have not purchased the product or the Udemy study courses.)"
Some things are not possible with some exporters due to the limitation of Fusion working on an old engine. (Will be fixed in Fusion 3 for sure.) Which could be easily solved if there was a sticky thread about this.
Display MoreI'm really new to exporters,
just bought a couple some weeks ago on summer sale, and I confirm I feel this to be a problem.I suggested an idea a couple of posts ago, don't know if this (or whatever) could be considered useful and/or doable.
(putting some sort of warning icon on prevented commands, so that one would know for sure what not-to-do while developing)
This anyway would serve only for people who already bought the exporter.Before (or after?) buying I recall finding a PDF depicting general limitations for HTML5 and Android exporter on the clickteam website,
maybe this paper could be stressed more and be constantly updated (maybe it already is)?
A single solid source for this material would be really useful both for owners and for people interested in buying.
Digging the forum for all answers to questions he still don't know he would better ask, is a daunting task XDAnyway, I appreciate exporters being there, even if still not perfect.
Maybe some little effort to join needs of both sides could make everyone happy
I agreed! This is a no brainer... If a sticky thread existed it would both benefit ClickTeam and the product buyers. ClickTeam would know the most important problems to solve and people would know what they are getting into if they purchase the exporter.
Now I'm not here to bash anybody, but to find a solution to the problem. There are people I talk to that's part of this community and feel like they can't speak up about the problems, because they would get lashed out. There's always a solution and nothing is impossible to do. I really would like to talk to ClickTeam personally to work out ways to get things going.
Here's a great example of what I'm talking about..
"Midway through Robotica's development he wanted to release his game for android and so he bought the android exporter. Little did he know that transitions was not working for Android and when he found out he posted this thread of his disappointment. With the countless of hours and days of him coding his game he has to go in and redo lots of code he worked hard on. Which leads to time wasted and money going down the drain."
How does this get solved?
Is transitions possible with the Android exporter? No right?
So let's figure out why he didn't know that transitions didn't work... Oh that's right! There isn't a sticky thread in this forum that states the problems and workarounds that are not possible or needs fixing! So instead before anyone uses anything in Fusion they have to hunt and search the forums to make sure every extension and feature is working properly! (Which could take hours to do)
We need a sticky thread here or something, because we are diving into this software not knowing what is going to happen midway through development. It's like a guessing game... We hope something will work or while new members are in the dark on it they purchase the product without knowing any of this. This isn't a good thing at all and is frustrating to say the least.
Then you have some community members that have left due to Clickteam thinking they're being bashed, but in reality they are not and are just frustrated over the same situation I mentioned above. This is an on going loop with ClickTeam and it's community.... People get banned, other people that see the frustration call them trolls, and so forth. THIS NEED TO BE STOPPED!
JHale, I haven't bashed anybody and I certainly always listen to every bit of feedback that is thrown at us.
Let me be blunt because a lot of the time, Clickteam are too helpful and like to explain things technically that some people like to easily dismiss. I always ask the developers; is this possible? Is that possible? Of course, the core product is our main priority, it always has been before I got here and still is the number one priority. Do you think the programmers just say "That's not possible" because they cannot be bothered to do it?
Frame transitions are not possible in Android/iOS, Object transitions are possible in iOS, we will speak with Fernando upon his return and see if we can reflect this in Android to make the product better (thus listening to feedback). Put bluntly, Frame Transitions are not possible to integrate and won't be (For F2.5).
I am a little disappointed you think the likes of Me, Jeff and Simon and the programmers don't take feedback seriously. We love the product and continue to try and improve it at every angle.
Danny.. You're not getting the point of what I'm saying.. I know you guys work hard to do bug fixes to get things going. I understand the situation of what you guys are going through, but you need to really understand the customer of the pain their going through. These people are spending countless hours with your software thinking that what they see on the Window runtime should be working on all exporters. There are extensions in the extension manager and even extensions your company claims that work for these exporters, but they are not working like they should. Same goes with some features. There are ways to solve this all if there was a thread that states what's not working with the work arounds to get it all going. Don't you DARE think that I'm bashing you or the software, because if I was I wouldn't have bought ALL your products! I support your company and even supported some extensions that some of your customers make. I'm just explaining what I'm going through including some other users in this community that has the same problems as I do. There are ways to fix these problems instead of ticking off people that bought it.
Come on guys... Why is it that when somebody mentions a flaw in Fusion 2.5 they always get bashed?
People paid good money for this software and if there is a problem it should be looked at instead of being ridiculed.
Danny... You're a great friend of mine and a good guy, but an answer like that is unacceptable to me. Remember ClickTeam is a company you're part of and these are your customers. It's important to listen to their feedback and make changes where possible.
I've had too many good friends of mine leave this community due to not being heard/bashed by their issues with the software. I seriously don't want this to continue and thus why I wrote my blog post here: Please login to see this link.
It's time for ClickTeam to start listening to these people's feedback and do something about it or I'm gone. I have 3 projects that can't be finished by various issues I'm having and after the almost 2 years of development.. about 7 months worth of coding and the rest was waiting for bug fixes. THIS is a big issue.... Nothing to release means I'm not making back the money that I put towards the product and I'm losing money everyday on this.
I'm disappointed in this situation...
I think Fernando updated the Chartboost lib.
Yes I'll need your MFA Joshua, send it to me in 2 weeks please.
2 Weeks?! I guess I'll have to forfeit my contest entry...:(D:< Please login to see this link.
Perry Viewing works fine if the Sub-App is the same size of the view area inside the frame, but if you want to resize it to a smaller size the viewing area of the Sub-Application shrinks. In other words if you have a 16x16 sprite at the bottom in the Sub-App and you shrink it that 16x16 sprite will get cut off or vanish from view.
Ok here is my report so far:
- I get a crash in Runtime.js on line 5832: "var number = rhPtr.f_CreateObject(-1, oiPtr.oiHandle, pInfo.x, pInfo.y, pInfo.dir, 0, pInfo.layer, -1);" that says: (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'oiHandle' of null)
- Sub-Application doesn't resize correctly when called to. (added a picture below to show the events that's being used.)
- Same issue with Sub-Application not resizing correctly.
- Same issues with Sub-Application.
- Sub-Application doesn't seem to show up at all.
- Same Sub-Application issue.
Sub-Application resizing event:
Please login to see this attachment.
Instead of the Sub-Application shrinking it's just resizing the viewing area. Also with each device I tested it on it's giving me different sizes. I hope this helps and if you need a MFA just let me know...
Awesome update by the way!
Yes it's there now. I'm testing it
EDIT: hahaha update isn't available yet. my bad...
Do you have an idea of how much this is going to cost yet?
Do the layers in either supported program support parallaxing? (So we can see in real-time how offset each layer will be from the other before importing to Fusion and having to constantly tweak background/foreground layers.)
Any ETA on release?
How will this work actually? Like . . .if you have ONE rock tile but used it 200 times the MMF level editor will get ONE rock tile and not 200, right?
Sorry.. I just realized I didn't answer your rock question...
If you use the active object it will create several instances inside the frame so it would load the images once into memory thus it's one rock with many instances and not 200 different rocks.
You would have different options to use within the converter. Active objects (with or without pasting backdrops) and Active picture.
The difference between using active objects and the picture object:
Active Objects:
- You would have to import your tiles into an Active Object's animation frame.
- You have the option to automatically paste backdrops using a collision value inside your map to specify what kind of collision you want.
- You have the option to keep them as Active Objects so you can do what you want with unlimited strings/values to code with.
- Works with all exporters!
Picture Object:
- Automatically pastes backdrops using a collision value within your map.
- Automatically loads the tileset by loading the PNG within the directory of your map file. (You can also edit the tileset PNG without needing to import it with every change you make!)
- Limited to only the Windows exporter. (Due to it not being coded for it unless this bug is fixed: Please login to see this link. )
Hello dsilvers,
Hopefully I can answer your questions for you
QuoteThis sounds like something I could really use for the game I'm releasing next month, especially if I intend to support more content going forward. Right now my "maps" if you will are the different layouts for blocks, but there will be 60 layouts included in the launch version (and I plan to patch in more over time). I'd much rather load these externally into a small handful of frames (3 main block shapes in total, so ideally I would load maps into the 3 frames than the 20 frames per shape I have now). I had planned to potentially switch to loading levels from coordinates listed in a text file, but something like this sounds a lot easier going forward.
With this tool you can potentially use a single frame for all your level loading. You would just call the converted map file during runtime and have all your sprites/tiles in a single frame, from there you can do all your code to work with your shapes. When you use "Tiled" (for example) any information about object/tile sizes and placement in the frame will be there so if you have level 1's shapes at 16x16 and level 2's shapes at 32x32 it will adjust accordingly.
QuoteQuestion 1: Will the converter work inside or outside of Fusion? Like, will it be possible to distribute games with the converter, if we want to allow for user created levels?
The level converter will be a separate application specifically made to make the map files work with the provided MFA so it wouldn't be possible to add the converter to your game, but you can how ever distribute your game and sell it. There is no license to sell your game with the map files so you can distribute your game and make as much money as you like. A lot of math was involved to make everything run like it should so I would think it would require a lot of time in coding a level editor to make it work. If you plan to make a level editor using the maps I would suggest to make your own level editor, because the coding for both the converter and the provided MFA was really complexed to make. Unless you want to hire us to do it for you which can be discussed over a PM.
QuoteQuestion 2: Will the code from your MFA be easily copy+pasteable into our own code, say, if we already have a lot going on? (see above)
I believe this could be possible. You can paste the level loading code/objects to your MFA or vise versa where you copy your own code into our provided MFA.
I hope this answers your questions and if you have any more please feel free to ask.
happy that's a good example. Thank you
I'll give you some information of how it will work.
You will have two files that will be included in the package. One file will be to convert the map so it's easily readable with ClickTeam Fusion 2.5. Then you would create your artwork and map with the software that you prefer. Once you finish you would use the provided MFA to load and code your game with.
Inside the MFA the only steps you would need to do is to import all your objects and configure it to mirror your map. In other words... Your layers, object names, object/global alterable strings, and tileset names will need to match what you have in your map file. Then you run your game and voila! The map will load automatically!
You will have two choices to load your tilesets.
1. Active Object. (Which gives you the freedom of storing unlimited strings to code each tile the way you want AND it supports ALL exporters!)
2. Active Picture. (Uses less RAM and CPU power, but are limited to a single "Collision" value.)
These are just some of the features we will be adding INCLUDING loading your own maps at anytime during runtime!
As for your other two questions I believe for now offsetting can be configured in the layer properties and currently the only ETA I have is very soon.
I think you would do it by button press (just guessing though) So if you want the controls to be invisible the player would tap a button on the controller and when he taps the display the buttons reappear
My buddy Jiyone and I have been working on a project to convert maps/levels to become loadable in Fusion 2.5. There will be a MFA that goes along with it so all you would need to do is convert your map files, setup your layers, active objects, strings, and values to mirror the level editor of your choosing. No need to code anything and it should be very easy to setup! We plan to sell this tool once we finish so developers can enjoy the benefits of having their favorite map making software work side by side with Fusion. So far we have been adding support to the following software:
Tiled Map: Please login to see this link.
PyxelEdit: Please login to see this link.
If you have any other map making software you would like to see in this conversion too or any questions please let us know.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)