[MENTION=19022]Janette5[/MENTION] [MENTION=16229]alperoz49[/MENTION] any update on this issue? Is this OK now with the changes Fernando suggested that you do in your apps? (= without heading and status bar you should get the immersive full-screen mode)
Hi Yves,
1-) Navigation bar still cannot be always hidden. I observed more it acts this way :
if I set an action to hide the navigation bar within the event editor (always -> hide navigation bar) the frame starts with no visible navigation bar.
Whenever I click on an object or section on the screen, actually I am not clicking on the object or the section but on the frame itself and this forces navigation bar to react my tap. The first tap always forces the navigation bar to pop up.
Then the navigation bar wants to hide because of the event I set and I have only a few seconds to tap on object/section before the navigation bar goes down again. if it goes down (it does in few seconds) then my first tap again forces navigation bar to pop up again.
Before the update, it never showed but when I set always-> hide navigation bar so my tap is not recognized to control navigation bar. Now cannot be hidden forever.
I don't know what causes this because my settings are exactly the same. I tried Fernando's suggestions but no good.
2-) I also mentioned that Admob was not showing correctly after update. I resolved that :
before the update, I was showing the Admob object in a second layer. (in the past it was not showing when I put it in the same layer) Now I once again show it in the same layer with the interface and there are no issues.
As a workaround, I don't hide the navigation bar but instead, I always show it. It makes more sense for my apps but could be a huge problem on games that require the whole screen and lots of tapping.