Posts by alperoz49

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Hey Perry,

    Can you instruct me on how to add Libraries to the project?

    [MENTION=19022]Janette5[/MENTION] [MENTION=16229]alperoz49[/MENTION] any update on this issue? Is this OK now with the changes Fernando suggested that you do in your apps? (= without heading and status bar you should get the immersive full-screen mode)

    Hi Yves,

    1-) Navigation bar still cannot be always hidden. I observed more it acts this way :

    if I set an action to hide the navigation bar within the event editor (always -> hide navigation bar) the frame starts with no visible navigation bar.
    Whenever I click on an object or section on the screen, actually I am not clicking on the object or the section but on the frame itself and this forces navigation bar to react my tap. The first tap always forces the navigation bar to pop up.
    Then the navigation bar wants to hide because of the event I set and I have only a few seconds to tap on object/section before the navigation bar goes down again. if it goes down (it does in few seconds) then my first tap again forces navigation bar to pop up again.

    Before the update, it never showed but when I set always-> hide navigation bar so my tap is not recognized to control navigation bar. Now cannot be hidden forever.

    I don't know what causes this because my settings are exactly the same. I tried Fernando's suggestions but no good.

    2-) I also mentioned that Admob was not showing correctly after update. I resolved that :

    before the update, I was showing the Admob object in a second layer. (in the past it was not showing when I put it in the same layer) Now I once again show it in the same layer with the interface and there are no issues.

    As a workaround, I don't hide the navigation bar but instead, I always show it. It makes more sense for my apps but could be a huge problem on games that require the whole screen and lots of tapping.

    Please login to see this attachment.

    Please login to see this attachment.

    this is all events related to Admob as I always did for my all applications.

    This was also working before 292.9/10 upgrade. Also attaching navigation hide issue. Also those events were working fine but not working recently.

    please do and let me know, strange is that api 19 have immersive mode, is your apk fullscreen?

    Hi Fernando,

    I double checked everything and compared to my older version apk settings.

    I tried API 26, 27 and 28 where I specifically tested the apk on API 26 (Android 8) smartphone.

    fusion version I use is 292.9 (downgraded from 292.10 because I had the same issues)

    Event Editor has Always -> Hide Navigation & Title Bar which was working so fine on previous builds.

    Whenever I touch on an object, the navigation bar pops up and then also Admob object stops functioning.

    Plus Admob object doesnt show Interst. and Rewarded Video (was showing in my previous builds) Banner is fine but maybe calling it from cache because it is always the same Ad running.

    Fixed numbers are fixed in the true sense of the word: you can't change them at all. Think of them as read-only ID numbers, like serial numbers on a product. Since counters and strings don't have alterable values or flags, you can't really store any additional 'metadata' information in them the same way you can for an Active Object.

    Manuel's example works well, and manages to 'marry' each counter to its spouse card by putting the card's fixed number in the counter, but this will only work as long as you don't want to: (a) be able to find a matching counter/card in the future, and (b) change what's displayed in the counter at any time.

    A solution is to not try to store any information about the card in the counter, but instead to store information about the counter in the card (using one of the card's alterable values). In the attached example, we've successfully married each card/counter pair, which enables us to move each pair in sync.

    I think I get the point. Will work on them to have a better understanding. Thank you for your support.

    please do and let me know, strange is that api 19 have immersive mode, is your apk fullscreen?


    Actually, I haven't changed anything on my build and I always test my apks on my old android phone 4.4.2 (target level) but built them with API 27,28
    This has started happening after I upgraded to 292.10 (I was using steam version) Now I switched back to the regular client and downgraded to 292.9. Still having the white blank screen issue on my old phone.I dont understand what exactly causes this. I need to make some test on different OS versions and API levels

    Hi everyone,

    I know there are tons of examples, videos, instructions about how to spread values but I am stuck with spreading the values correctly and assigning them to counters or other values.

    I really appreciate if someone is kind enough to explain and/or make a quick mfa file for me.

    What I'm trying to do :

    I am building a card game where the user will pick 10 out of 78 cards from a deck ( it can be done automatically). then he/she will check what he/she chose and read the text (in my app -> current frame of Object x = Display paragraph of StringX) Preferably one by one.

    What I do

    I used spread values to assign IDs to duplicate object (which works fine) but I could not assign fixed numbers of each selected card ID to something. like I created 10 counters and wanted to assign ID values to them but all counters show the same value.

    I appreciate your supports

    Best Regards

    Hi everyone,

    I upgraded to 292.10 and many android functions are not functioning properly so I downgraded to 292.9 (like Android title bar/navigation bar hiding )

    anyway about Admob specifically :

    I read in the forum somewhere before for my other application, to make a blank layer and put the Admob object to second blank layer which is working fine for my all previous applications.

    Now after some client updates (I cant remember the version I was using before) I noticed that my applications (after I made new releases on new updated fusion client) dont show Ads via Admob object (configuration of the admob object is fine)

    I tried to delete the layer that Admob was in, this time I only see the Ads but the frame is blank white.

    I am not sure if this is very simple configuration mistake or something more complex but need your advices.

    any idea or similar issues you faced ?

    Best Regards.

    Hi people,

    I am having a hard time making an accurate calculation...Plus the results show different values when I run the application on PC and Android device.

    Though I did found an alternative math method to solve my problem, I still want to learn if there is a way to handle the calculation and show the exact value CORRECTLY.

    What I am trying to do is a simple calculation including some decimals where CF starts acting weird (or that is my lack of knowledge using CF)


    Let's say birth year is "N"

    then "R" = N / 12

    "R" will have 6 digits in total (3 after decimal) for instance "165.667"

    Then "I" = decimal of the "R" ----> I somehow found a way with right$ and left$ commands by converting the values to strigns back and forth few times

    Things are getting difficult after this point.

    Then I want to get the integer of ("I" * 12) after half adjusting the result.

    I appreciate if you help me find a way to reflect the exact value.

    Hi everyone,

    I am trying to make an application which requires many diferent types of calender and date related object.

    What I am tyring to do is : get values from date time & edit box & dropdown list etc... and set them as user's birthday.

    Other options works fine apart from Android New Dialog Object - Date Picker.

    since this is the first time I use this object maybe I am using it wrong. I set : when A object is clicked -> Open Date Picker but nothing shows on the screen.

    I tried on different devices no good.

    I use API : 28

    Can you please tell me whether I am using the object wrong or the object is buggy and/or not compatible for different build types ?

    Hi everyone,

    I am using PMO for an android game.

    I was using an example in the past as a starting template for all the project that I found on the forums, somehow could not find it this time.

    My problem is: any action I set for my object to stop in the edges of the screen makes my object stuck at the corners.

    I tried :

    Using the PMOs "Test for obstacle overlap" condition together with

    * the Active Object's "Is getting closer than X pixels from the window's edge".
    * collusion with another object
    * locating another Backdrop object set to "Obstacle" and overlapping and/or collusion with backdrop


    The active object is stuck at that point depending on the actions mentioned more above and going upwards looping the stop animation.

    Any idea to prevent this? or a past example files that I could not find in the forums.
    I am sure I keep that file somewhere in my HDs but need assistance right now.

    thanks in advance
    best regards

    easiest thing is to use the Player Movement Object, just make actives as the directional and buttons, and "upon clicking" or "tapping" (since this thread is not on iOS/android exports, I'm not getting into multi-touch details) set the PMO to read it as a input.

    - User clicks on active object(->) = PMO: "User is holding right input key"
    - User clicks on active object(jump button) = PMO: "Jump"

    EDIT: if you wish to use your own platform engine, just make them like this:
    - User clicks on the "right" arrow = (your player object) Set X position to X(your player object) + 5 (or whatever, remember to use fast loops)

    Hi, it has been long time since the last post but I used the same method but everytime it gets closer to window edge it stuck and going upwards through the window edge. It simple does not stop. Any idea ?

    yes this one works. I kept Java as is but only re-installed downgrade Android SDK from the links you provide.

    hope Clickteam fix this