I don't want to sling mud at this because I love spriter, but I want to express the key points why I think this kickstarter is coming short, from the perspective of a spriter 1 owner and a spriter 2 backer. Hopefully it will give you perspective of what's wrong.
I read your update and sadly I think you have no idea. You think the video wasn't good enough or something. It's not that at all. You must remember the context around the release and think from the perspective of current followers and backers.
- Your Spriter 2 campaign was excellent, but it has not yet delivered a minimum viable product (something that can export files to be used in a non untiy3d game engine with a runtime), after more than 3 years
- Before launching this campaign you released some demos of spriter2 for bit giving us false hope that it is right around the corner, then you stopped releasing demos for a long time - rightly indicating that you have stopped working on it
- You reveal in a new kickstarter that your resources are being spent on another product now - one to accompany the one you havent finished yet and might not release in another 3 years. So this is kind of annoying to spriter 2 backers in a number of ways!
a. You are not working on delivering spriter 2 anymore. Instead you are working on something else now
b. You are asking to charge people more money for spriter2 dlc and even working on the dlc instead of the thing people paid for - spriter 2. You are splitting functionality out to sell for more money before having finished the core functionality
c. you are losing focus and building more stuff on top of something unfinished now - this is not indicating for good planning or well architected product
d. In other posts you reveal that spriter 2's first runtime will be unity3d - the engine you made it in. This is kind of not spriter's userbase. Unity3d already has all the tools you offer in spriter2 - they are all built into it and available to all unity users without the need to buy editors.
People who bought it want runtimes for other engines that dont have those features so well fleshed out like unity3d - you know c++, javascript runtimes. Not c#, not unity. Generic runtimes that can be wrapped to suit to different game engines - not specific runtime that works on one engine.
e. Alchemist looks like a very basic game engine - its almost as if your core dev got bored making the runtime and decided to make his own half baked engine from scratch so he doesnt have to do the boring work of making a couple of generic runtimes. But the runtime really is the product - without it the editor is worthless. You cant export to anything people use. Dont try to make people use alchemist over the game engines they have spent years learning.
f. Also dont shove more game engine logic functionality into an animation format runtime - it makes the runtime more difficult to port to different game engines and maintain.. It will be even slower and less likely to see the light of use on fusion and other non unity game engines.
These are all the ways that this is rubbing me all wrong.
Now dont get me wrong, I love spriter, but you guys are kind of missing the mark with this. It's undermining future kickstarters - as it is corroding trust in your ability to deliver a product and for us to ever use it in fusion or other non unity3d engine we know.
My only advice is that you focus on completing a minimum viable product - spriter2 and regaining the trust of your supporters by releasing the damned thing with a javascript and c++ runtimes that can be wrapped in any engine - not unity3d. There are programmers out there who would make those wrappers for you - just put out the runtime(s) on github. Look at dragonbones as an example of that done right. Heck, make spriter2 export to dragonbones format and we'll use the dragonbones runtime instead. If you dont want to make a runtime and maintain it, use one that the open source community has been developing for years. Its license doesnt prohibit that like spine2d and creature do.
Export to dragonbones and we'll use the dragonbones runtimes which already work on most game engines instead of having to write new apis and wrappers just to suit yet another 2d animation json format. An exporter will cost you much less time and resources and will massively shorten the path of most people using spriter2 in their favourite game engine! Making all these different json format parsers/runtimes is a massive waste of everyones time. Lets stop reinventing the wheel and start joinging in around one format that is open source and free of greedy licenses.
Please stop wasting your precious resource on creating yet another game engine from scratch - or event worse - replicating stuff we can already do with a game engine. People on this forum and other forums you promote want to use spriter2 with the game engines they currently use. Thats your average backer.
Make it work first, work on the dlc after.