Posts by MaynardStaly

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    I think the odds are against you for finding your 'dream buyer'. You're looking for someone very specific: someone who knows Fusion well, but isn't already pre-occupied with their own project; who has no history or emotional investment in your character and world, yet will fall in love with it enough to buy it for a significant sum; someone who really wants to make a complete game, and also really wants that game to be a point-and-click RPG, and also is prepared to let their own ideas take a back seat and work with an existing project. I'm not saying that person doesn't exist, but they're not going to be easy to find, especially on a moderately-populated forum like this one. I certainly wish you all the best though.

    Cheers, fella. Does clickteam stor allow you to sell assets? If so how much, in your opinion, should one charge for a working fully animated character sprite? With all the animations stated?

    I'd thought of this but with the basis just being there and the engine needing tweeking by somebody who's a lot better a programmer than myself, I figured that wouldn't be the best option- they'd want something complete right? Not something which is just a foundation. I'm hoping somebody who takes it isn't just wanting the engine but the assets together with it- the sprite and such are worth quite a bit to me- I'm offering up a signature character of mine which is fully puppeted along with the backdrop art, UI, icons, items etc. Would you suggest hacking it up and selling each part separately? I am in a financially crappy situation with so much on the horizon, it's just gonna take a few sacrifices to get to where I need to be. I had a whole vision for this project and have never abandoned one before- it's just this is the only thing I can see I won't be able to finish if I'm to proceed with the path I'm now on. Apologies if my proposal came across as a little desperate. There's the artist ego side of me that's wanting to ring my neck for giving up something and I can be a little neurotic.

    If I may suggest. Instead of stating that forum members have been insulting to you, maybe you can name your starting price. I for one do not like being referred to as insulting.


    I apologise for the offence then, Marv. You're not insulting- the offer of $10 for all that work and assets however did feel a little like a middle finger. My reasons for not stating a price was to encourage some feedback and perhaps out of desperation for my current situation, giving up something I've worked quite hard on, I was a little snippy. And I'm not being sarcastic! - that's just the way it came across to me. Being an artist on the net I'm far too familiar with people attempting to rip me off for things they know are worth something, or can get a lot more out of for themselves. So I'll take the advice and set an asking price and do accept my apologies. :)

    The game assets and such are still available. The offers I have had have been ridiculously insulting for the amount of effort put in here. The animated sprite alone is worth quite a bit. The rights to the character and the UI aesthetics etc the same. One would be buying them more than the engine. Please DM me if interested.


    Hello, fellow fusion users. For a year I worked on a point and click/RPG styled game engine in the background of my animation work. I put a whole lot of effort into it but due to life going the way it is, I don't think I'll ever finish it. And thus I want to sell it to somebody who would be able to use the engine I created, and all the assets (all original artwork/character design etc).
    The game contains:
    *8 directional character (WASD & Mouse controlled) including walk/run/climb & Slide/jump/pickup/death/sitting down/standing/working/attacking animations. (HD)
    *2 designed levels with interactive title screen etc.
    *Save function via global and alternate values for ease of modification.
    *item drop positioning.
    *Health bar with poison and atmo effects.
    *fire making/Disposable and reusable item tree/40+ items
    *Plants with timed regrowing food items.
    *4 slot backpack for quick items.
    *6 enemy blocks which are ready for you to add your desired enemies to which will interact with the backdrop and player in different ways.
    *secret unlock boxes
    *Different particle effects such as blood splats which stay and fires, rain splashes and water splashes.

    *Originally set up, when staring, the player can choose a skill (career option) which determines 5 difficulty levels and provides the player with a different starting items!
    *up to 4 secret animated slots which can contain certain smaller items hidden away other than backpack.
    *A caravan which when entered, the mouse wheel alters transparency and using the E key one can open up cupboards and drawers and obtain things from.
    *Rain and water splash effects.
    *changing cursor which spots items you might not see as well as changing to accommodate what is picked up - Left/right mouse work in tandem to avoid item duplicating or crashing out.
    *Special weapon key used by holding Ctrl and bringing up a highlight oval on the floor.
    *Climbing and falling wall blocks.
    *Interactive shop with altering sale items- buying and selling options programmed in.
    *A working journal which uses an in game pen item to write in.

    And a lot more.

    The project was initially going to accompany a large animated series project I have been working on with an alternate character. I am selling that original character with all the fixings with this and have taken out my signature characters whilst leaving their programming blocks in there to be replaced by you.
    As a starting point for any indy dev, this would prove useful. One could probably use the assets I've created and remove game functions to create something worth playing. My only reasons for giving it up are needing money for a bigger life event and starting a full career in animation. I may one day make a game again, but when I look at all I made here and know I'd never finish, it saddens me and I do not want the character and effort to have been a waste of time. One can have the ability to overwrite all the assets if they wish and create something new from the foundations of what I've been able to achieve here. I will attach a video of the game engine at work so you'll have an idea of its foundation.
    If you are interested in buying this from me, please email me at or find me at Please login to see this link. or twitter and DM me... I'm WalkerTrips on Youtube/minds/twitter/facebook/vidme/twitch/google. I mostly check twitter DMs and Minds- feel free to just write on my wall. Or leave a comment on the unlisted video for me... Person who comes first with money gets it and it will promptly be taken down for them.

    So if you'd like to buy Suixxie, this is what you get...
    Please login to see this link.


    based on advice from folk here-

    I'd be asking for at least £150 for the full effort. I normally charge customers for artwork £25 per still image and do quite well off that- apparently I'm quite cheap in the online markets.
    The Suixxie model is fully animated and I'd normally charge 100+ for animation like that. It's in 2 forms in the engine, scaled down and in HiDef with all the animations programmed in.
    But as I say given the immediacy of my financial situation, I'm willing to negotiate. I originally wanted to see from folks who are published indie devs what some things are worth.

    Hi guys, I'm having a random new problem, a few bugs of late but majorly it with the controls to active objects.
    1. The actives for some reason only go up and left when in 8 directions. They're set to 8 dirs.
    2. When changing a multiple movement, I occasionally get bugged out and see actives plummet off screen during path movements or just not work. I have tried re-installing/re-registering but it hasn't worked.
    Anybody encountered anything like this before?

    Hi, I've devised a method for a loading screen but am unsure if it would just be aesthetically pleasing and not function for the reasons I'd like. The idea is to have a jump from title frame to loading frame upon start/load. The loading frame would be an image and a bar; and in the background on a lower layer (invisible to the player at time) have global sprites/items/inventory GFX etx all be created. After each creation, the bar (counter) adds 1 value. My hope would be that this would load up all necessary graphics to allow more quicker frame transitions during the game. But would this be redundant? By which I mean would the program always have to load new things or would the bits be buffered into the memory so to speak?:)


    Sorry, there was a piece of rogue code in my global events and a save position code which had gotten mixed up with the INI save and that was causing the error. After a little fiddling on each seperate frame it started to work again. I had a massive crash out at the beginning of the years and pretty much lost most of my game work so catching back up has been a ball ache. Thanks for your help, you put me on the right path.

    Right, it's just the sodding load code now. I can't see what's wrong with it.
    So as a tester, I have the starting options save when you you set them up and start a new game. This works. SFX/Music/Atmos/Vocals volume levels save to global values and to the ini++.
    Then it comes to loading.
    I tried starting frame with the Apppath load, then Set group, then the above code
    ***Set HPVal to GetItemValue( "Ini++ v1.5 Object", "SaveStats", " HPVal", HPVal )
    What am I missing? I restart the game, go to title screen and the options are set to defaults, but the INI file is still the saved game, so it's not calling the INI?

    Help! For no reason at all this method of saving has screwed up. The method of logging global values to INI++ has just stopped working. I had this sorted last year and now I've come to sort it into a new engine I've made, it's just not working any more. Having spent the last few hours driving myself nuts, I'm wondering if there's been any updates which made this break or something.

    Start of frame = Apppath$ + "data\Saved.ini"

    Then for Manual Saving:
    Set Group "SaveStats"
    Set Item " HPVal" in group "SaveStats" to value HPVal (Setting=0)

    When you press load game:
    Set Group "SaveStats"
    Set GlobalValueA to GetItemValue( "Ini++ v1.5 Object", "SaveStats", " HPVal", HPVal )

    Can somebody help please. I hate having to keep going back to fix things that were fine it keep dragging me back and slowing me down.

    *I'm using the INI++ because of the bugs in the 1.5 version I was told about last year.

    Direct3D... otherwise transparency effects and some other stuff doesn't work. Do you know of any way of making this kind of object work with D3D? Something other than exporting thousands of shadow gifs or each cell to contribute to the active? I have a complex sprite and need this kind of this otherwise I have to reassess the whole of the art due to software limitation again.

    Hi, I just purchased the shadow object and whilst the examples work perfectly, attempting to implement them into my game is a big fail. Are there Layer limitations with this one? Effect limitations?
    I even copied the code from the original Basic_Demo.mfa and replaced the active with my character- this worked on the demo example, but not in my game. Any help appreciated.

    Hi guys. I'm trying to work out a way to do decent background lighting. I have an 8 directional moving character over a 2.5D backdrop (perspective kinda like extended platformer). At the moment I use subtract on an upper layer to switch a lamp on and off. I'm unsure how to use the masks and bumps in CF2.5. I'm wondering if one could essentially export a backdrop, Export a Normals/bump map for it, and add it to give more of a 3D lighting effects. I mustn't be typing the right thing into the search box because I know there was something on this a long while ago, but I can't find it.