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Specifically, you'll get some great use out of the "Connecting Two Points Example" - about half way down the page.
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Specifically, you'll get some great use out of the "Connecting Two Points Example" - about half way down the page.
I posted a similar thread a few months back:
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In response to your private message:
I've created a little example forklift program for you to check out.
This shows you basic setup for forklift/fork relationship, forklift controls, world collision detection, etc.
Use the left and right arrows to drive back and forth on the loading dock.
Use the up and down arrows to control the fork height.
As you are just starting out, I wouldn't worry about the integration of physics just yet.
Start out small and build up as you go:
Maybe start adding in crates or boxes that you can pick up and move around.
Maybe add some multilevel shelving systems to place said crates or boxes on.
Then get more advanced:
Maybe add collision areas on your crates or boxes - where if the forks hit those areas, the boxes become damaged.
Maybe add collision detection between boxes - so if the user pushes a box into another box, both boxes become damaged.
Good luck!
Hey there,
This sounds like a pretty cool little game idea - I figured I would chime in with my opinion..
I think the game would have to roughly be structured along these lines:
The forklift itself and the forks should be 2 separate objects.
When the game starts, you will set the position of the fork object relative to the position of the forklift.
When the player presses the button associated with lifting the fork object, you will simply increment the y coordinate of the fork object.
When the player presses the button associated with lowering the fork object, you will simply decrement the y coordinate of the fork object.
You'll obviously want to setup collision detection between the fork object and your boxes/crates.
Maybe even set this up with physics - that way if the player misses the shelf, the box will tumble to the ground (damaging the contents and causing the player to lose points), etc.
I'm working on a small application that needs to maintain accurate time - the reason being, is this application actually allows different functionality based on the current time of day.
I've created 4 Global Values:
At the start of the application, I set the above Global Values to retrieve their respective value from the Date/Time object.
This stamps the application with the exact time that the application was started.
From that point on, I've setup a timer and some variables to keep the time going - that way I don't have to constantly ask the Date/Time object what time it is.
Something to the effect of:
Every 1/100 of a second, add 1 to Global_HundSecs.
If Global_HundSecs = 100, add 1 to Global_Seconds, and set Global_HundSec to 0.
If Global_Seconds = 60, add 1 to Global_Minutes, and set Global_Seconds to 0.
If Global_Minutes = 60, add 1 to Global_Hours, and set Global_Minutes to 0.
If Global_Hours = 25, set Global_Hours to 0.
So, the above code should keep the time going.
To test my code to make sure it works accurately, I test the current in-app time agains the current system time retrieved from the Date/Time object.
The calculations are off - making my in-app clock run slower than my system clock.
Any thoughts?
In my opinion - your greatest growth with Fusion 2.5 will happen when you stop distinguishing games from apps.
You need to think of all types of programs that can be created as being just SOFTWARE PROGRAMS - games, mobile apps, business apps, whatever - all are SOFTWARE PROGRAMS.
The reason I think this will help, is it will force you to think of your programs on a more primitive level.
Start small and work your way up from there.
Follow tutorials for creating small projects, or come up with some ideas for small projects on your own.
The principles you learn can then be transferred to any project you try to tackle in the future.
The only difference between apps and games is the fact that one is used for entertainment, whereas the other is used to accomplish a specific task.
I can promise you that all of the cheesy little game tutorials I've followed have severely helped me grow my knowledge of Fusion 2.5.
Some of the things may have seemed dumb/pointless/boring at the time, but have inevitably come in use at some point in my Fusion programs - no matter what the program is.
I would definitely suggest checking out the Castles of Britain MMF Example site that Nivram put together.
I would also suggest check out the Fusion 2.5 tutorial videos that Snail has uploaded to youtube.
Both of these resources (paired with my random questions uploaded to the forums) have been a SIGNIFICANT help in my attempt at mastering Fusion.
Snail - you sir, are my hero.
I too would love to see an example of Arrays and Object IDs working together like this - would be very helpful.
Awesome Dave, thank you so much!
I'll give it a shot when I get home this afternoon.
I have 30 duplicate objects - I need all 30 of them to change their animation state every 1 second...
Basically, these objects have 2 animations - "off" and "on".
The scene starts out with all objects displaying the "off" animation.
Over the next 30 seconds, I want them to switch to the "on" state - one at a time... So ever second that goes by, one object switches from "off" to "on".
Now, I know I can manually toggle these on/off one at a time with events - but I would like them to be randomly selected.
So, each time the program runs, the objects turn on in a different order than the last time..
Any thoughts?
floor((X - Floor(x))*1000) is awesome.
BossRighteous is a Boss... Watch out Rick Ross..
Thank you all for your comments!
To clarify:
I actually need to isolate and store both numbers separately.
For example, lets say the Global Value is 4.7, I need the 4 and I need the 7.
I'm working on a small program that has a couple global values that are floats.
I need to isolate the number before the decimal from the numbers behind the decimal.
The only solution that I've come up with is:
Parse the float to a string, use Mid$ to isolate, parse the string back to a value..
I'm curious if there is a way to handle such a task without having to parse the float to a string?
Thank you all for your help!
Man, even the famous Snail pitched in?!? I've seen all of your videos man - great stuff - thank you so much for taking the time to help out the community like that!
I haven't had a chance to fire up fusion and play around with this today, so I haven't been able to test out everyones ideas.
BossRighteous - to answer your question, this is something I actually plan on doing in HTML5, as I would love to add it to my website for customers to be able to search. In terms of your question earlier (how many items would need to belong to multiple groups?) - a lot.
To give you a rough idea of what I'm trying to do - Imagine a used car dealership with an inventory app - you could filter the inventory results by: the color of the car, the cars manufacturer, 2 door, 4 door, under $5k, under $10k, under $20k, etc..
As you can see, there would be multiple items that would occupy multiple "groups" - A ford taurus might be categorized in "4 door" "ford" "under $20k" etc.
I'm trying to create this same basic idea but for a different industry with different products. I don't want to give away too much, as there is nothing like this currently on the market for this particular industry
casleziro - Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post. I apologize, but I don't quite follow the solution that you are proposing. Would you mind shedding a little more light onto what you mean?
I am working on a small inventory app for my business - I would love to create a "filter" to search for objects within specific parameters.. I've been able to achieve this "filter" ability by grouping certain objects together with qualifiers..
My problem, is that I need to create more groups than the number of available qualifiers that come with fusion.
Is there any workaround? Or any way to creat custom groupings without relying on the predefined qualifiers?
Hey there,
I apologize if this is in the wrong area - not sure where else to post something like this.
I'm looking to connect with other Fusion 2.5 users in my area - Austin, Texas.
It would be nice to have some local people to meet up with and discuss projects, get help, collaborate, etc.
If any of you are in the ATX - hit me up.
Game_Master - I've never played with the list object, so I was unaware of its built-in save functionality.
I really appreciate you taking the time to expand on this topic.
I'm going to play around with it this afternoon, and see if I can get something working.
Ouly - I appreciate you taking the time to reply!
Honestly, Im having a hard time conceptualizing how this will solve my problem.
Anyone else have some ideas that may work?
It sounds like you are trying to make clones of multiple objects at one time, which to my knowledge, is not possible in Fusion.
You will have to clone objects one at a time.
Highlight the object you want to clone > right click > clone.
Or, highlight > edit menu > clone.
I'm not good with French, so I hope I understood your question correctly.
Good luck!
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)