It'd be nice if we could get some update on F3.
Posts by PixelABCD
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
I am getting crash on frame to frame transition (command: Jump to frame), where in non beta I had no issues before. In the latest beta my app crashes randomly (closes out of blue on jump to frame), when I add debugobject it returns me this error (attachement image). I couldn't figure out what is cause, seems it's latest build. Works on old version (without betas).
I wonder if a feature could be added for a string object that disables that Anti analysing. I'd like to use some Retro pixel fonts in the project but on different sizes, they are all blurred. Simply Turn the AA ON/OFF checkbox. You are forced to create a custom blitter or to use an extension.
Actually, that ( - ) pun can be confusing, I'd avoid that. @Naitor
If anyone from CT reads this, please consider adding value Index in front of Values names. (PROPERTIES of the active object).
Global value already shows the number of Indexes before the name of value. However Active objects (frame editor - properties) are missing this. This would be a helpful feature.
Brovic. I didn't know. So I tried this as the start of frame action: Window > Disable. This does not fix the control x issue, ControlX doesn't read input, so still no change. Anyway, I will use a hardcoded event and some actives strings as a list instead, it will be a bit more complicated than using a data grid but this way I have no extension conflict.
@CT Looking forward new F2.5 update, looking like one big and promising so far. Pity F3 is so far away, also hoping we could see more about it this year.
I wanted to use a Data Grid object, it looked very useful for my project where I wanted to have randomly generated objects combined from Data Grid object data values. However, I can't use this object because it breaks other extensions in fusion.
Just having a data grid object on the frame together with Control X will make the app behave strangely. Control X is not reading Input at all, or it reads input with random delays. So I tossed the Data grid object away from the frame and everything works again. Pity this extension doesn't work properly with others. Looked like it could be good.
Yves. There's a bug in Control X, where key INPUT get stucks for some reason. Will this be adressed eventually? I think you are aware of this bug, happens mainly on frame to frame transition.
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if we could only add brief notice here for flags, string and values. I often forget later what they're for and need to read the code to figure it out (especially when I browse some older stuff), trying to add comments, but I am not registering everything.----
Hoping Fusion 3 is moving forward and all is going as planned. All the best. It can be a flagship for many years to come.
Nvm x y mouse, it's really easy to create fast custom debugger in few minutes. Focus on F3. good luck with it.
Quick suggestion for debugger.
Could it Show X mouse and Y mouse somewhere?? That could acutally help debugging. -
I have feedback if we could have frame sorting into some sub-categories / trees. Now we have single list of all frames and if I'd have more of them it can be confusing. Could we have an ability to sort frames into folders ?? UI change on this, it'd be nice.Thanks for reply. I think F3 will have it, but now as we all know F3 is years away. So this would help.
You, guys, need to work better on PR and marketing. Because it somewhat looks as weak point of otherwise great product. Especially with F3 later on. All the best, wish u all the luck.
For this kind of operation I highly recommend to use debugger output window (2.5+ DLC feature), which will help you precisely track which line gets on and which not. I also recommend to check on saved/loaded values as part of this debug operation. :o) Hope this help, sometimes it is all about checking on
1) if value gets saved correctly and what is the value
2) if value gets loaded correcty, what is the value loaded3) you can verify anything in order in debugger output.
Improvements over years are ok. And Fusion 3 is very far away. Would it be possible to sort out multiple frames into some Folder/sub directory in 2.5 or would that be very complicated to add? F3 will have it, yet 2.5 is missing it and it can be bit troublesome in larger projects, if one decides to go with multiple frames. All the best, thanks for quick notice yves.
Yet another suggestion how to create current 2.5 tool. When you create object you set its X/Y, can we have an option to Create at X/Y mouse at this tab?? This would speed up process of some debug processes a lot.
Just suggestion:
If we can't have sub frames in 2.5+. Could we have at least have an option to sort frames in folder(s) in frame editor??? just visual thing if not direct sub frame. this could replace sub frame sorting for the moment. Not ability to organize your frames can be chaotic, if you decide to go for multi-frame thread. -
Seems this bug is more likely random, managed to build 1.exe out of 7 builds, that actually launches. Might as well be related to some Hardware/OS malfunction.
Just to add other old fusion exes built before this problem, run as they should. So it is some issue related to the build process/pc/os or I don't.
Lately, I can't build .exe file properly.
After exe is built, I double click it to open but nothing happens. Someone else tested it and also nothing happened after double click. It was blank frame (new project). (Packed)
On unpacked I am getting .dll error message, tho this .dll is present in the subfolder.No clue, I rolled back from beta to 293.1, same issue. Reinstalled Fusion, same issue.
Maybe my PC is broken. Anyone had these problems??