Posts by Kev

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Its practical for my game. I have an active object that pastes frames to make backdrops as my game engine is one frame and loads levels from blocks saved with an array. There are about 80 layers making a parallax effect with almost 10-20k backdrops per level sometimes. I do this to create a fake 3-D effect. My game is really pushing Fusion to the limits and is not normal compared to what I usually make. I also wanted to have all the alternate blocks for different themes be the frames of the animation but splitting it up to separate objects is fine, it just took me by surprise one day and I couldn't figure out what was happening and why my tiles were not being pasted. I also had these problems as my updates were outdated by a year, and it seems the limits have increased by possibly 25 percent with the updates? I also noticed that backdrops over 512 pixels in size are very taxing to the runtime when I have hundreds of them on the screen at once, is this a Fusion thing or a computer graphics card thing related to loading images? Thanks for the support guys, I'm understand this more and more and this isn't a normal thing hitting limits and such, and it's fairly easy and probably best for the runtime memory to split it up. Also could someone post a new thing on the max limits of Fusion Dev 2.5+? I would like to plan ahead with what I got to work with.

    I made an active object, pasted 50 frames per direction. When I press a button, a animation at the bottom of the list should show an image. It fails to display after the limit is 14,854 frames is reached. I have an active object in my game that pastes level objects, and it fails to display after a much lower number, therefore it must mean that because some of the images are larger this must be taken into account and maybe has something to do with the memory that causes active objects to fail to display frames at the lower end of the list. Is there a way I can tell if my active object is becoming overloaded by viewing the size? mine fail to display new tiles after under 1000 images per active.

    Maybe a new Max Limitations is needed for the new versions?
    It says 1000 unique active objects per frame. Some of the info on limits seems outdated, I was told its 30,000 event lines with the new upgrades and I have a levels over 32,767 pixels. I have a level loader where I use an active object to paste animations and frames as blocks, but this fails and I have to make another one because one object cant handle all the images. If I delete some of the early images, the later ones will start to show up again. I'm going to try and find out the exact number, fails after maybe under 1000 frames per active object, maybe around 200 animations in total that simply store block pictures with the different directions, the images are small too.

    Is the max number of events 20,000? How exactly does this work, I have passed it (20,053) and it still works, I understand the comment lines don't count for the total. About half of the code is for the many enemies. If I have a group of events for an enemy deactivated that is only activated if the enemy is spawned, will this help? Not all the enemy types are out at the same time, so could activating and deactivating their code groups save me? The entire game is on one frame, and I would still like to add a few more things and I'm worried about the limits.

    Thanks guys I found the solution! It dropped when I used V-sync, so first I tried right clicking on my desktop, then "AMD Radeon Settings" option and played with anti-aliasing mode and vertical refresh options under gaming/global graphics for about an hour. This didn't work and sometimes crashed the game. Then I clicked the Display tab and turned on GPU Scaling, and this is when the magic happened! I can't wait to post some videos of my game!

    I currently got a new computer, but when I run my game it lags at 30 fps from its original 60 fps when its run in full screen mode. I tried all option combinations and the only thing that works is "machine-independent speeds" but this skips around and it looks bad. My old graphics card was a N550 GTX Ti Cyclone and my new one is a Radeon RX580. I was using Fusion 2.5 Dev version 288, and I upgraded it and neither works... Do I have to buy a new graphics card? My motherboard is a ASUSTeK PRIME B450M-A. What graphics cards are compatible with clickteam fusion? what should I do? I was hoping to finish my game before the holidays.