Posts by MrHost56

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    So I'm currently trying to create a method that I can copy-paste throughout a small RPG game as a way to make menus. The method involves putting all of the menu items into a qualifier group (Group.Buttons), each item being an active object with text that has two animation sequences: highlighted and non-highlighted. As the user hits the up and down keys, a global value called "selection" is added to and subtracted from by 1. "selection" is then compared to a value given to each active object, "option1-4", called "number". If the two values are equal to each other, then the animation frame is changed to "highlighted".
    However, for some currently inexplicable reason, instead of starting at the first item in the list of options and then going down to the second, the highlighted text jumps all the down to the bottom of the list, then back to the second, then third, then back to the first item. I currently have no idea how to possibly theorize as to why this is occurring, having already de-activated a few lines that act to prevent the "selection" value from becoming greater than the available menu items without any change in the behavior.
    If anyone can help me out with this, I have uploaded the frame by itself in a .mfa file. Thanks and appreciation in advance.

    Chrille: Okay, that actually makes a lot more sense and seems significantly less complicate than what I was trying to do, thank you!

    The only issue I'm really having however is with this menu lists, they could get really long (I plan on doing a sort of RPG, with turn-based combat and thus an in-combat menu with all sorts of options), so what I'm worried about is having to do the code you listed for me for each and every active object. Do you think there is any way to avoid a lengthy process like that?

    So I'm trying to write something for a menu that will go by this list of steps to change an active object's text to a highlighted version (same text just going from black to orange) by changing its animation:

    1. Player hits the down button, this adds 1 to a selection value, 0 being the first selection (hitting the up button would subtract)
    2. The original object that was "selected" is changed back to its non-highlighted animation
    3. Through the method that I am trying to figure out, a loop goes through each active object that is supposed to represent a menu item
    4. When the current selection value is found (1 in this case) to match the given key of a specific object ("selection key 1", for example's sake), that active object's animation will be changed to "highlighted"

    Hopefully I have explained my proposed method so that you can understand what I'm trying to do. Have a fast loop sift through an index/list/group/whatever the term is until it finds an object that matches the given input from hitting the up or down (or even left and right, but that's probably gonna require a bit of math) buttons.

    Thanks to anyone in advance that helps me out with this, I really appreciate it.

    So I've posted here before with a question about switching the player's control between two characters, and now that I have the controls down I've started to add features to my game. The first thing I wanted to add was a jump boost one character received when jumping on top of the other while crouched, but the problem is when I have one character crouch they both crouch (despite having programmed that the currently uncontrolled character ignores player control :/). Plus you have to hold down the crouch button, which really renders this feature impossible.
    So the question I have is if there's a way to edit the crouch in platform movement so that it's toggled instead of held down, and how I can make sure the crouch only happens for the currently selected character.

    Please login to see this attachment.

    Thanks in advance.

    So I have a very, very basic pre-alpha version of a game I've been working on available for testing (specifically controls and core mechanics), and I was wondering if it would be possible to get an extension to allow me build the game as an application that can run on the Mac OS (which I believe is a .dmg file).
    I've already made a few posts on tumblr, twitter, and facebook to get this early version out there for mass testing, and I only have a .exe file for the game. I don't want to be limited to only Windows users though.

    Edit: I've now realized I also really need help with creating a custom control for switching between two characters. I thought I would be able to do it with event behaviors for objects, but I've failed on several attempts to use those or even the regular events screen for a frame. If there's any way to implement a control, aside from what can be assigned in active object movement properties, that can be activated at any time I would be incredibly grateful to anyone who can point it our for me.

    I'm currently working on a small platforming game with one of the mechanics being switching between the two characters the player is given, each with their own strengths and weaknesses (pretty standard fare I know). However, I need the current secondary player to tail the current primary character with a bit of a lag and make sure they will stay behind the primary character. The best analogy I can think of for this is Kirby, where you can absorb an enemy and then create an ally that tags along behind you. If anyone can possibly point me towards a tutorial, already implemented feature in Fusion, or give me a tutorial themselves that would be amazing.

    Thanks and appreciation in advance.

    I'm currently working on a small platforming game that requires resetting the current frame whenever the player gets through it. I need a way to count how many times the frame has reset, but naturally any counter I try to use just gets reset back to zero when the frame resets. Is there any way to work around this?

    Thanks and appreciation in advance.

    So I'm currently building a bare-bones functioning game that involves simple platforming. Quite literally a box moving left and right and jumping. I know there's an option to assign platforming movement to an active object, but I honestly would be more comfortable and would feel more in control if I programmed the movement myself.
    So instead I'm opting for simply adding or subtracting from the X and Y coordinates of the player object while the left and right arrow keys are held down for side-scrolling movement.
    However, I have yet to figure out how to use this same method for jumping and gravity. I know being able to jump would be running an event that occurs after hitting a certain key, which takes in the current Y-coordinate of the player and runs it through a parabolic formula. And then gravity would simply be constantly subtracting from (or I guess in Fusion's case, adding to) the current Y-value of the player object while the frame is running. So the question simply is where and how do I implement these things in order to create jumping and gravity. I figure there's a correct syntax for a parabolic formula when creating an event after "jump" is pressed, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. As for gravity, I'm completely lost.

    Thanks and appreciation in advance.

    I'm having the same error as Kracker, and did the same process with the zip file. I'm trying to test it by just having a python object in the first frame of my application that doesn't do anything. Would I be getting the error message "Cannot load Python.mfx. This object may need an external program or library not yet installed." if I'm not having the python object run or do anything?