Posts by HomelessGoomba
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
My next goal is figuring out how to simplify my method of determining the player's major sector among all 400 and setting a global value to the corresponding ID, using the X and Y coordinates. Each sector will be 2500x2500. I'll be having fun brainstorming that one and come back here with a new thread if I am stumped for too long!
Once that is finished I will be fully prepared to create scenes and locations, and they will be randomly chosen! Exciting stuff! Once the groundwork is finished, adding will be fun and easy.
Ah-ha! Now it's working perfectly! Thanks, you helped me fix the main issue as well as an additional one! So I did use your advice and pulled it off through a qualifier.
I gave each of the 400 objects a unique ID. When the player is in a subsector E1, the game will figure out which major sector's E1 value it should extract by looping on each object and checking if the player's sector number matches the object's ID. If so, it will activate the scene based on that object's E1 value! Thanks again!
I am very pleased to know there are workaround ways such as this to extract values from a specific object among hundreds.
I'm still working out the kinks on reading the randomized data, but this qualifier tip sure helped a ton! I can randomize my entire massive 10,000 sector grid with a single event! Just wow. Thank you! haha I'm not super experienced with this stuff.
I'm still trying to figure out the bit I mentioned where the game finds out where you are, and what sort of location you should be in.For example, I have code defining all of the 400 major sectors of the map already. And based on which one I'm in I have a way to calculate my location within that sector.
Even better, I have a way to make the location number within a sector generic, so that I won't have to create many events. So, if the global values (SectorTravelX) and (SectorTravelY) are each between certain numbers, then the game knows that you
are within a subsector E1 of one of the 400 major sectors.So then I have a code that says, if you're between certain SectorTravel coordinates, set value of (Scene Activation Check) to the value of the corresponding value (E1, B3, D4, etc.) However,
I want it to be that value from the item that corresponds to the overall major sector.So here's the breakdown
--- Randomizing values for map generation - SOLVED
--- Calculating which major sector the player is in - SOLVED
--- Calculating which subsector the player is in (regardless of which major sector) - SOLVED
--- Based on the above information, using SectorTravelX and SectorTravelY (the values determining your subsector), as well as X and Y coordinates (values determining your major sector) to determine which specific object and value to set the global value (Scene Activation Check), therefore activating the appropriate group of events for that randomly chosen scene - UNSOLVEDI'll let you know if I figure it out.
Hello there! So I have a game that uses an interesting invisible grid system to dictate your location on the map.
There are no actual moving objects. The grid has 20x20 sectors, Sector A1-T10, and each one is represented by an object of that name. "Sector A1", "Sector J10", etc.
And each object contains 25 values that define subsectors within these regions. I know it's a bit complicated, but it is for random map generation, and the code works just fine. That is not the issue.
It is not difficult to reference these objects' values manually, but it will be very time consuming for my large grid, and also it will make it more difficult to expand my map if I ever decide to.So, if I could simply have it search for the values of these items like I already am, except do it all while replacing the name of the object in the expression with a string, it would cut my work load down to a fraction of the time,
and my event editor would be much more neat too.Here is an example of what I know works. The manual way; Searching for each object and its 25 values one by one. 400 objects * 25 values. I'm sure you can imagine why I'm seeking a different method. haha
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If I could get it to function more like this, then I would only have to account for 400 instead of 10,000 events for my massive map.
Please login to see this attachment.For example, the player's coordinates are between Y500/X500 and Y1000/X1000, so the global value "Biome Activation Check" is set to a certain value, dictating a region.
Then, based on this region (perhaps it's J10,) each of the 25 subsectors within this region will be generated based on numbers pulled from each of the 25 values of the object (Sector J 10).
I'm only giving so many specifics so you can see the importance of what I'm looking to achieve.Without this shortcut it would take forever.
So everything is going according to plan. But I'm looking to save loads of time and be able to work smarter and not harder!Thanks for reading! Even if it's impossible to do what I'm wanting, I'm open to hear about alternative methods. But if there is a way to change which object is having its value extracted based on a factor, such as a global string, then it will help me a ton.
Thank you very much! You just helped me a ton. I didn't know how to call numbers into a string, I wasted so many hours trying to fight with it and just couldn't figure it out. Thanks! I am creating a little test project that will be a game with an online leaderboard. I wanted to tell a certain edit box to always be the same as the score, since that edit box is what will be sending the score to my server. I appreciate the post.
The timers go far beyond the monster simply being released though. The monster has stages.
-Inside Coset
-Inside Room
and then various timing to make it walk throughout the house at a random pace.
With all these timers I'm just hoping for a way to make all of them reset each time rather than keep running. -
Hello! I am making a video game where when a certain thing is happening, every 10,000 + random(10,000), a monster will be released.
But I do not want this to keep counting up. I will block the monster once, and then the next time it completely gets released and kills me before I even have a chance,
because the counter stayed from the last time when I stopped it from getting out.For example, the monster will be released in 10 seconds if I do not stop it.
I stop it in 9 seconds, which makes it so it will be released in just 1 second next time it tries,
how do I make this event start over fresh from 0?Thank you!
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I am making a click adventure game using changing frames on an object.
When I click the left button, it will move to the left, but there is an event for each
frame saying that if I click the left button I will go left. So in the end I spin entirely around by clicking the button.
I have encountered this problem countless times with Clickteam fusion. Can anyone tell me how to limit this from happening?
If I press the button, I want only one frame change at a time. -
Is there any way to keep their mouse from leaving the screen to stop it from ever happening?
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I created a video game and put it on GameJolt. It works great! Aside from the fact that if I click
off the edge of the screen when playing on HTML the game pauses with no way of unpausing it.Any idea how to fix this?
"Cannot load extension OpenGL.mfx"
At first I was missing the "Overlay Redux," but now that I have that I still
cannot seem to load that example.I also got my Raycaster program to work with loading in textures, but now it crashes if
I try to load a saved map. -
Thank you! I'll be sure to take a look as soon as I get the chance.
Would that be your 3D Maze example? It said "OpenGL" in the description, so I figured that was it. -
Yep, it seems to be broken. I am a bit late realizing this, since I've already bought it.
The raycasting object is very nice for making the kind of game I'm working on at the moment.
Do you know of any other objects that do a 3D-like FPS style? It doesn't have to be real 3D, I was actually very
interested in the fake 3D style of the Raycasting object.