Posts by tk22

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Yes, I noticed this also and I am not comfortable uploading a game update to Google Play using a beta version of Fusion.

    Google says: "Update your target API level by 31 August 2023 to release updates to your app", so when is the Fusion 295 available as a release version?

    It may help to request additional time

    Please login to see this attachment.

    No, it's still crashing randomly as soon as it asks for the info, so i guess it's something we can't fix on our side. Might be a Fusion issue....

    Thank you Dobermann for sharing! I really hope it can be solved soon.
    the amount of crashes on the IAP frame is very high. These are the ones reported in the last 30 days only:
    Please login to see this attachment.

    I guess all we can do is wait and let Fernando do his magic X)

    Fernando if there is anything you want us to test please let us know :)

    Hmm, i'm speaking about the IAP object. When using "request information for product", 1 chance out of 10 it will crashes instantly. Even if you only ask one product. I'm testing different methods...

    Currently i do ask for IAP products when the user open the shop and scroll to the IAP part. Then once the IAP are loaded and ready to buy, i ask for admob video reward. And 1 time on10 it crashes.

    Now, I'm trying a new version were i ask for IAP products as soon as the user open the shop, then ask for admob video only when the user scroll to the part of the shop where you can play a video. Fingers crossed!

    Did the solution you are trying solve with the issue?

    I am glad someone else brought this up I thought I was the only person having the issue. I reported this 3 years ago here: Please login to see this link..

    In the video I was holding down a single letter and it would change after the first letter to English. I had to use the same solution restarting the PC but it will return after a while.

    So I found some interesting bugs that I noticed long time ago (some time last year) but did not get the chance to test further! Anyways I finally got to test and here is what I found


    • The "is Video Loaded?" triggers without even requesting a video
    • Negating "is Video Loaded?" does not seem to trigger at all
    • Dismissing an interstitial ads triggers "On Video Dismissed" (for Reward Ad) instead of "On Dismissed Screen"
    • The opposite of the above is true showing a reward ad and dismissing it triggers "On Dismissed Screen"
    • When a banner ad changes it triggers "On Received Ad" everytime


    • Separate "On Received Ad" so banner has its own and interstitial its own to reduce incorrect mixup
    • Include which google mobile ads SDK version is supported on the admob object "comment" or "help" section or perhaps in the "Change long"
    • Another solution is to include a podfile with the exported xcode project so we can run "pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK'" to get the correct SDK version and frameworks and Other Linker Flags automatically which means less bugs and customer support
    • Add Action "Set interstitial Ad ID", "Set Reward Ad ID", etc. this can allow us to run same type of ad but with different IDs it helps with A/B testing and also allows for better analytics (example two different interstitial ad one at mid level and one at finish to see performance easily on admob dashboard)


    • If I want to have two different ads of the same type (e.g. interstitial) on the same frame is there a way to do that?
    • Any way to make use of "Mediation" currently?

    More Info:
    Xcode 13.3
    Admob SDK 9.10
    iOS 15.3.1

    Thank you for going through this wall of text XD

    Something went wrong with copying and pasting XD
    Anyways this is the thread debug log clearer:

    Thanks for the information, it doesn't show any crash in the log output view. I see your crash report though, have a doubt, are you having the AdMob ON while processing InApp?

    Yes, I have Admob on that frame. But what do you mean by ON? Is requesting the ad a problem or showing it is the problem?
    I disabled all Ads in the app (on all frames) and still got the crash though :O

    Thread debug log:

    Thread debug log:


    I think the answer from server is being received when the object is being destroyed, I will check, but locally never got a crash, that is why I need is your output (the bottom right view that you show me in the images), when this crash happens to you locally, grab the whole content from this view and zip in a file for me, thanks in advance.

    Thank you Fernando. I have zipped the console log output and also Thread debug here: Please login to see this link.

    I have a lot of extensions on that frame maybe that has anything do to with the issue?
    iOS Store
    iOS Plus Object
    Get Object
    String Parser
    String tokenizer
    Multiple Touch

    Dobermann which ones do you have in common?