1. Thank you. I didn't know about google game objects.
2. I am using "Fit inside and adjust window size".
3. Ok.
4. Thank you.
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1. Thank you. I didn't know about google game objects.
2. I am using "Fit inside and adjust window size".
3. Ok.
4. Thank you.
I released my mobile game to iOS few days ago and now I think about release to Android. I have Android Exporter for Fusion 2.5.
How can I convert my game from iOS to Android ?
1. In iOS Exporter I used below objects. What alternatives objects should I use in Android Exporter ?
- Game Center Connect (to connect with Apple GameCenter network)
- Game Center Achievements (to Achievements in my game)
- Game Center Leaderboard ( to Apple leaderboards in GameCenter)
2. In iOS I used main app resolution (window size) 320 x 480 but my frame have 360 x 693. It's good for all iOS devices. What about resolution on Android ? It will be fit or not ?
3. Controls in game (touch gesture). In iOS i used Multiple Touch object. Will it work on Android ?
4. Any other tips ?
In android please don't make a request so close to start of frame where the object are being created and asynchronous operation need some time to set up
you may use an event after 50 ms or so and shoudl work Ok too.
this apply to inapp, gpg command and others that work with server information
Ok Fernando. But I use iOS, not Android. So It is not possible preload video before click Add Watch ?
I can't edit my first post so I uploaded example what I mean.
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I use AdMob for rewarded video. In my game If you want earn coins you have to click "WATCH ADS" button. The problem is when user click "WATCH ADS" then ads loading about 3-5 seconds before starts. It's really annoying. It should works different. Video should be loaded before user click "WATCH ADS"
Anybody know how Can i preload video before user click "WATCH ADS" ? Any ideas ?
Ok, my game is available in App Store
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Gameplay video:
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Hi There,
My small game for iOS - Sailor King. The game is almost finished.
What do you think about my game ?
NOTE: It's simple drag and move mechanics. Move to the left/right and avoid obstacles and land edges.
I would like to invite people for "beta" testing by TestFlight [ just send me your e-mail address ]
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Will the command in the picture below solve your issue? it works on counters
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Hey. Thank you very much - It's working now
Sorry, to be clear I can't really give any answers other than what we've already made public. Until we release a final feature set publicly everything is subject to change and so we can't give any answers just yet. Thanks for your enthusiasm though
When you release F3 ? 2019 is possible or not ?
I need help with iOS Object (object from clickstore). I found this info in help.txt ( If you want to share dynamic content (Score,...) please write the final string to a String Object or Global string upfront to avoid problems with some sharing apps. Then simple point the Share Object to this final string). I use counter to show result. Anybody know how can I convert counter value to string object or global string ?
Thank you. It works.
I need to find value „Counter” as a percentage of „ Counter 2” value. I’ve got three counters. Counter (my variable value) , Counter 2 ( This is my 100% value – it’s stable) , Counter 3 ( result in percentage ).
I used -> Set Counter to :
( value( "Counter" ) + 0.0 ) / ( value( "Counter 2" ) + 0.0 ) * 100
It works. But result is value with decimals. Is it possible to set „Counter 3” without decimalas (only full figures) ?
Done and tested, available later
are you only using this feature in iOS or Android too?
Do you want to try this feature and provide me a report after your test?
I am using this feature only on iOS and I can test it but I don't have "live" app on iOS store [I can test this feature on simulator]. I am waiting on this feature before i release my app
Hi Guys,
Any news about AdMob Rewarded Video for iOS ? I read about it on Android but what about iOS object ?
Do you have example ? I Can help you but I need more information.
-> Olivier
Thank you for your help. I tried you idea with Active Object and Center Frame for this object before I posted on forum but it did not solve my problems.
I deleted conditions " Center Display at ... " and use for all objects conditions:
X Left Frame
X Right Frame
X Bottom Frame
X Top Frame
When I don't use "Center Display at..." form Storyboard Controls everything works great. I tried my app on iOS Simulator and Real Device with my resolutions and I found good solution for it ( I set counter to Y Bottom Frame and X Right Frame. Then I tested this small app on all iOS Devices - simulator - and checked real resolutions).
Below I show you my solution. Using these events I can fit everything in my game. About resolution (portrait):
360 x 480 - for all iPads
320 x 567 - for iPhone SE and 5S
320 x 567 - for iPhone 6,7,8
320 x 568 - for iPhone 6 Plus, 7 Plus , 8 Plus
320 x 692 - for iPhone X
320 x 693 - for iPhone X
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I need help with resolution in my game. I’m creating game for iOS and before iPhone X was released everything was good. Now I have to filled all frame space.
I use on my project – portrait - resolution 320 x 480. My frame resolution is 360 x 693. I use on my project „Display properties” for iOS – Fit inside and adjust window size, so my game should be fitted to all Apple devices (iPhone X, iPhone , iPad).
1. How Can I identify the type of device ? I would like to events like -> If this device is iPhoneX (Condition -> Set object „Player” position on X or Y coordinate). Is it possible ?
2. Does anyone have an idea how Can I Set Camera on the centrer of the screen (x coordinate) and on the bottom (Y Coordinate) without using Center Display at …. ? (When I'm not using Center Display at.... then I can't see right part of the display.
3. How to properly arrange active objects depends on the type of device or display ? ( I use Set X Coordinate to X Right Frame / 2 but it is not working when my width resolution is 320 px. It is working only when width resolution is 360 px.
4. I prepared example with my problem. You have to change project resolution to 320 x 693 or 320 x 569 or 360 x 693 and then you’ll see what I mean. You have to click on the black Player object then green object sholud be set on the center of the screen. ->>>> Please login to see this link. <<<<-
5. Is it possible to determine the position of the camera without events ?
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I wouldn't hold your breath, Clickteam seems to have given up on it's mobile exporters (for Fusion 2.5).. they give really poor support for basic features like Facebook and especially now Androids lack of Google leader-boards/achievements etc after years of waiting.. I can only guess they're devoting 95% of their resources to Fusion 3.. (my opinion here) Fusion 2.5 is billed as software that non-programmers can use to create commercial iOS/Android games easily - but they don't provide the basic tools (that all their competitors do) to help our apps in an extremely competitive market. (please if anyone from CT reads this, do not mention FNAF success, that is a major exception to the rule)
I think Clickteam should have at least one staff member solely dedicated to developing+maintaining all the popular monetization/social media API's/Extensions across all platforms, all the time.. broken monetization/social media extensions is a deal breaker for many.
I'm going to stick around and finish my projects - by that time I'd say Fusion 3 will be out - I think by then all these issues will be resolved with the new runtime.. so I hope to stick with them, but it would be nice if we weren't left in this abyss in the mean time.
I completely agree with DaveC. We need more extensions to monetization / social media etc.
MagnetoX according to this link:
Please login to see this link.Someone with the same issue just added the launch images for the iPhone X's resolution and that solved the problem.
It looks like right now Fusion doesn't add that launch image so iOS assumes the app doesn't support that resolution yet.Try manually adding the launch image in xCode and see what happens.
I haven't had a chance to test this yet myself.
I tried this solution and it works. So, you have to add manually LaunchImages for iPhone X then your app fill the screen. But in my case I have problem with it because now my app fill all screen without safe area and I don't know how Can I build app with SAFE AREA. It's important to properly set all buttons in my app.
I used in my APP these events to change object position on iPad and iPhone and it works ( App resolution 320 x 480 , Frame resolution 360 x 569 and now I have to change frame resolution to 360 x 693 for iPhone X )
Event 1 ( works on iPad )
Start of Frame
Y Top Frame > 43
-------------------------> Set object to X , Y position
Event 2 ( works on iPhone )
Start of Frame
Y Top Frame < 43
-------------------------> Set object to X , Y position
Anybody know what EVENT Can I use to change object position when I play on iPhone X resolution ?
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)