Posts by CuddlyGoose
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
I'd advise against ever using the automatic scoping anymore.
Fast Loops and ForEach loops both run before other standard events. Fast Loops break scoping (so if you've selected a specific object by events and then run a fast loop, that object is no longer scoped and needs to be re-scoped within the loop). ForEach loops automatically scope objects based on the criteria set in the event that initiates the ForEach (ex. If "Example Object" flag "scope" is on, start ForEach "scope_loop" for "Example Object" will automatically only run on "Example Objects" that have the "scope" flag on).
ForEach loops can be a bit less process intensive, but also a bit slower than fastloops. It's basically running the same code a bunch of times in a row, so if you scope too many objects at once it's possible for the player to see the events unfolding. A ForEach changing the frame of an animation of 100 objects might not change all 100 objects fast enough that they appear to change at the same time, whereas fastloops halt the game until they finish running so all changes are applied at once from the player's perception.
Download audacity (free) and use the "fade out" and trim your sounds once they flatten out to remove that pop/noise.
Are you sure you don't even have Windows Defender running? It quarantined the file yesterday for me. On the steam version you can just verify your files and it will redownload the missing file. Then check Windows Defender alerts and allow the file on your least until the beta version is in full release. Unfortunately, until the fix is (fully) released, any exe files you build will get quarantined too until you allow them as well.
I just did a random test with a simple single field array and had no problem with punctuation if all the punctuation was contained in the quotes " ".
Is there any specific punctuation you're having a problem with?
Note that an array must be either a text array or a number array - can't be both. If you want both you need to use 2 different arrays or store the numbers as text.
And since [MENTION=34976]vertigokeyz[/MENTION] is new I'll just add that to convert numbers to strings and strings to numbers you can use the following: Str$( >Enter number here< ) or Val( >Enter string here< )
There seems to be at least one exception. Someone recently showed me Please login to see this link. where you can combine a fastloop with a forEach loop and, incredibly, it keeps scope across events. I was practically trembling with nerves when I tried it in my own code, but was amazed that it actually worked X)
Oh this is interesting. I do a lot of Fast loops + ForEach loops, but I just do the old trick of running a ForEach, grabbing the fixedID (and saving it to a variable) and then starting a Fast Loop and comparing the fixedID of the object to maintain scope. I use it for pixel perfect movement and collision detection of hundreds of bullets on screen at once and it works perfectly, but this way seems to cut out that extra step. I never knew you could put the ForEach right into the Fast Loop!
Just going to add my voice to the chorus here: My game builds are being flagged by Windows Defender now. Clickteam product executables have been getting flagged by Anti-Virus for as long as I've been using the programs, but this is the first time Windows Defender has ever done so for me.
After certain modern PCs failed to even recognize basic joystick connectivity with Fusion (using built-in and/or joystick 2 support), this proved to be a life saver! Was able to get this implemented quickly, and it seems more efficient. Thanks for sharing!
One note: It does not seem to work with sub-applications (at least in the configuration that I had them).
Are you developing for Android by chance? When you build and run an app through the android exporter a process starts that doesn't automatically shut off when you stop. It will prevent Clickteam Fusion from fully closing (which will prevent you from reopening it). You can use task manager to end the process, so you don't have to restart your computer, but I can't remember what it's called off the top of my head.
It's the "Set Zone" action, I believe. You'll need to run whatever events you're using after moving it to generate a new map for that area. Like I said, I've never made a map so large that I would need to do any of this so I can't really get into specifics.
You can update the grid start position (normally 0x,0y when there is only one grid needed) and size whenever you want. I've never done it, and if you have any objects still pathing but outside of the new zone, they will break.
The pathfinding object handles 1 object at time only.You'd be better off checking examples on "enemy chasing player"
Sort of. The pathfinding object can handle pathfinding for as many objects as you need. You can find a path and store it in the pathfinding object's internal array, and loop though objects and these arrays advancing objects one positions as they need to be, to control as many objects as the engine can handle. I have a game in production that can handle hundreds of objects using dynamic pathfinding (the level is destructible so the path map must be constantly updated) in real time with the pathfinding object.
Thank you for taking the time to help me. You have been a big help. Your game looks fantastic!!
No problem! Good luck!
Running too many loops and not keeping scope as narrow as possible can result in strain on the engine if you have too many objects at once, but everything in this gif is running using fast loops. From the player to the enemies, and every bullet and the particle effect generators and even the destructible terrain, and it stays at 60 fps (the gif is recorded at 33fps). (ignore the attachment, it's a jpeg, lol)
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Oh, and the yellow enemies are all using dynamic pathfinding and line of sight detection as well.
I cleaned some things up for you. This should be a bit more efficient. I don't have enough time to work on my own projects let alone others, so I won't be able to do much more, but I hope this helps. Please login to see this attachment.
Yeah, using this method (FastLoop movement) for multiple enemies is a little tricky. You gotta go with For Each Loops. Hopefully someone here can explain it better because I'm a bit confused about how it's done myself.
If you want the precision and speed of fast loops for multiple objects you can use a ForEach loop to trigger a scoped fast loop. Scoping is how you tell Fusion which object to affect when there is more than one copy. What you do is start a ForEach loop called something like "EnemyMovement" for your Enemy object (you can always run this ForEach, but if you don't need to it's best to figure out how often you do and avoid an "always" event).
On that ForEach loop you need to do two things:
1. You need to either use a global value or create an active object to hold an alterable value. This value will be called something like "ScopedEnemyID." On the ForEach loop you will FIRST set this value to the fixed value of your Enemy object. Fixed values are unique to every object created in the game, so this number will tell Fusion the unique identifier of whatever object you are scoping without you having to create one yourself.
2. In the same event (but AFTER you set the ScopedEnemyID value to the Fixed value) you then start a fast loop called something like "EnemyFastLoopMove."
Now you can trigger all of your movement code individually on each object, instantly, by simply using your code but with "On Loop "EnemyFastLoopMove" , AND "ScopedEnemyID = Enemy Object Fixed."
What is happening is that the ForEach loop, one by one, picks one of your enemy objects, sets it's fixed value to the currently scoped value, and then runs a fast loop for just that object. It does this over and over for every one of those objects. Fast Loops can not, on their own, be scoped to specific objects. So without the ForEach loop, the fast loop will run every event that mentions the Enemy object for every Enemy object and you'll get some very weird results. I hope that helps.
I realise there are similar questions asked on this forum, and each situation is different.
I'll try to stick with PMO for now, looking for ways to change the jumping behaviour outside of it without getting my character stuck in the ceiling. A hint is very much appreciated.
Also, the PMO has a help file attached that can get you started with how to handle some of the most common systems.
The platform movement object can easily handle that style of jumping. I've been able to get some pretty solid results out of it, and it has been used in a lot of projects. Personally, I do everything I can myself, as it gives me a better understanding of what can change and how to change it. Since you just started with Fusion, I'd recommend using the PMO as you learn the rest of the systems and get more familiar, and if you can't achieve what you want after playing with all of the PMO properties (double click it to change those settings), then look into fastloop platform movement for fusion 2.5 to get started on your own custom built movement systems.
I suggest you read up on fast loops, and once you understand that search for examples of custom 8 direction fast loop movement. There are several on the forums here, and around the net.
It's impossible to get pixel perfect movement without weird bounciness on the built in movements unless your character/s is/are only moving 1 pixel per frame. What happens is that if you move more than that, you are jumping that many pixels per frame, so you can move past an object before the engine detects that you have overlapped it (or it wont detect it at all if you're moving too fast, because you will essentially teleport past it). With fast loops, you can move multiple pixels and check for collisions on each pixel moved before the next frame is even rendered.
Sadly, if I go back to integers, then there is an issue where moving horizontally doesn't maintain the proper sort order with the moving player object (the light blue square in my image). Using floats actually did that part correctly, but didn't maintain the order among the purple squares themselves.
Hers is my mfa if you want to take a look.
Please login to see this attachment.Took a quick look. Sorry I'm a bit fuzzy on the details from when I did this, but you can simply increase your sort order values (I made them 50 as a quick test) so the X integer doesn't need to be a tiny float (you can still divide by 10 if you'd like to keep the numbers smaller with less issue for value overlap).
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