Posts by ducknet79

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Hi Simon.

    Thanks so much for this suggestion, I have faith in VLC's capabilities... :) now I just need to get it to work with Fusion haha.

    I've been experimenting with the VLC ActiveX object all night and I can't get it to play a file for the life of me. I assume I use the "SetMRL" command but no matter how I point to a video on my drive, nothing happens. I've read every wiki there is on the ActiveX object but I don't understand the syntax or how to get it to work.

    Do you know how to get it to play a file?

    I tried "D:/Test.avi" "file:///d:/Test.avi" "D:\Test.avi" "[[file][/avi]d:/test.avi]" - nothing happens no matter what I try and I don't know how to get it to work??

    I also tried using mpg, I tried SetBaseURL. I even tried uploading the video to my web server but still had no luck! I've literally ran out of ideas. :(

    dsilvers, you make some good points. I guess the video is the main thing holding me back at the moment because I'm aiming for an adventure game with lots of cutscenes rendered using DAZ and iClone. Believe me, when I made an animated movie which took me two years to complete, I learned a thing or two about patience but I admit, when technology or software holds me back, it really discourages and angers me because I feel like the entire project is a waste of time (I guess it kills my creative dream somewhat).

    I've tried loading frames into an active object but as you can imagine, 1080p 30fps 3D animation with lots of texture hits those memory limits in less than 1m30s of cutscene so that's not going to be a solution. I've tried encoding in every video format my editing and animation software can cover (and that's a lot) but it still makes no difference. Animation is painstaking and every frame counts when you can spend days making a 2 minute cut scene so when I see Fusion skipping half of those frames it kinda kills my hard work.

    If you can think of any suggestions in how to solve this using Fusion, believe me I am all ears as I've already spent three weeks building the game's engine and it is really coming together beautifully... but without smooth video playback for cutscenes, my entire idea seems unachievable the way I envisioned it. I find it more than a little disappointing that a product called "multimedia" fusion, fails to handle the external multimedia I'm creating for it. I'm sure you can recognise the irony...?

    I thought I had the perfect solution for an inventory interface but things haven't gone as expected.

    I have 14 identical looking active objects which span across my screen (they are empty boxes) - these are the slots for my inventory's interface. I have a loop which counts the number of items in the inventory and works out how many pages it needs and populates them accurately with item descriptions which are inherited from a save file in the build directory.

    For the icons, I created an active object called Inventory and I have made dozens of icons showing different items in which each item is displayed in a frame of animation. (Eg: Frame 1 is empty (no item in slot), Frame 2 is item 1, Frame 3 is item 2 etc...). In the loop, I create an icon for each slot and assign the item ID + 1 to the animation frame of that object... HOWEVER, every single icon is stuck on frame 1.

    Is this because all instances of an object will display the same frame once one item is changed? I ran a condition which says "If icon overlaps Slot 1 then change to frame 2) etc... but none of them are showing anything other than frame 1.

    Is there a way to solve this??

    I really thought this would work because if you create 20 enemies from the same object and a bullet collides with it and you say "destroy", only that enemy is destroyed and not all of them, why can't I call an animation frame using the same principal? I know the collision with the slot is being detected because I logged an event in a list box every time it happened, yet the animation frame isn't changing, or they all change at once, I'm not sure which.

    This may be the best idea I've ever had for my game engine for debugging purposes but I doubt if it can be done.

    I have a little text box which allows me to enter commands to help me debug my game. Certain words will trigger loops which write log files showing object values and other words show hidden objects which list values in my objects so I can see what is happening when things go wrong.

    Is it possible to add a function where I can change these values using this method?

    EXAMPLE: (if i typed...)
    set ActiveObject13 H 13

    Could I then - Store the value 13 in alterable value H in ActiveObject13 during the runtime?

    This would allow me to test all kinds of things live in the game.

    I'm thinking I could run a loop called [set-value] if my text box starts with set. Then strip two strings and an integer from words 2, 3 and 4 to store the relevant values in the relevant object but I doubt there's a way to write to a value in this way??

    Thanks lh37, I'll try tinkering with VLC some more. My videos play fine in Media Player but the DirectShow plugin is lucky if it manages about 8 frames per second in full HD.

    dsilvers, I tried experimenting with the ActiveDirectShow last night in both graphic modes but it wouldn't even display in my frame. The only extension which attempts to play them is the DirectShow object.

    Yeah, I'd pay $20 for a good video extension to make this work properly and I was surprised one doesn't exist. Fusion has been around now for about 20 year in one form or another. I remember when it was Klick & Play by Europress and to be honest, it hasn't really improved all that much since back then.

    I really hope Fusion 3 will finally be the product we all wanna see because it's got so much potential and the interface is pretty amazing, I just wish it was a bit more stable and robust. Having said that, in my despair yesterday I downloaded a trial of Construct 2 to see if that was any better and it's ten times worse.

    I too would like some advice on this. My game is 1080p 60fps yet my 30fps rendered cut scenes are lagging like a tortoise with a club foot using DirectShow. It looks choppy and terrible.

    I managed to use the VLC command line as mentioned above but the player is prompted by Windows "Are you sure you wanna run this application vlc.exe" and my game window and graphics go to pot when my runtime minimises and gets pushed to the back.

    Anyone have any idea how to get around this? Is it possible to use cmd directly maybe? Even then Windows security will probably have a fit.

    Why isn't there a better video plugin which can play at 30fps for this app!? It's a bit **** not being able to play HD video in 2015 with a £300 graphics card in my PC. Everything else plays the videos just fine but Fusion struggles with anything beyond 8 bit it seems (BOO!)

    I've been using this product on and off since it was Klick and Play and all I ever seem to do is skate around its limitations and lack of stability. I'm really starting to get pissed off with it!!

    PS: DirectShow won't play anything in Direct3D mode so I'm stuck with crappy Standard graphics mode without a decent video plugin.

    I only managed to tackle this in a different way but it had literally driven me INSANE. Why is the path movement so temperamental ?

    I wanted my inventory slots to scroll down from the top of the screen when the mouse cursor gets high enough and then to scroll back up out of sight when the mouse is moved down. This was ridiculously difficult to achieve!!

    The only way I could get it to work was by creating a third node (which would never be visited) so I could name the 2nd node "Bottom". I have to have a stupid event for all my inventory slots which say "when reaching node "bottom"... Stop movement. Then, when flag is toggled on or off I use the two commands, Reverse, followed by Start and it finally works correctly.

    Don't know if it makes any difference but I also turned on "loop, reverse and reposition" options in the path movement interface.

    Is anyone planning on fixing this bug or what? I just wasted over an hour of my weekend battling with the thing. :(

    UPDATE: I finally figured this out so I thought I'd share...

    The program doesn't have an open list, it only has a closed list so just set your map width and height to the number of nodes that fill your playfield, it will work just fine wherever your start node is and wherever your obstacles are.

    In order to stop my character walking above the horizon, I just added a condition when the user clicks to make sure the node value is greater than the upper bound node which I stored as a new alterable value in the pathfinder object. That stops the start icon moving too far up the screen.

    To change the speed of the thing, this part was a little tricky. Simply create a new value called multiplier or whatever in the start icon and add a new line of code in the (move horizontally and move vertically section BUT PLACE IT AT THE TOP). You want to store MOVEX *2, *4 (however many pixels you want) in this value. Then instead of dividing the absolute value of MOVEX or MOVEY from MOVEX or MOVEY, Divide it from the new multiplier number instead.

    My character is now running all over the screen beautifully and picking the correct paths avoiding obstacles.

    I want to thank Sketchy for this little program... it's amazing!! Now my point and click adventure game will have a bit of AI when my character is walking around my various rooms! :)

    UPDATE: I'm such a retard! I just realised I've been thinking about this all wrong. I can't change the value of my nodes because if I do that then my nodes are always going to be out of range. Instead I need to add some maths that trick the equations into starting the counting of the nodes 832 pixels down the screen (because that's where my walkable area starts).

    I notice there are a lot of times the code gets the x and y positions of an object and then divides those by tile width and tile height in order to identify a node area. If I add an upper bound value to some of those (ie: 832 in this case) before dividing... in theory it might then being to work again.

    I might be better off mapping the whole screen and just putting some simple code in to restrict the uses of nodes 0-25 in the Y dimension instead. Then again, it seems pointless putting nodes on an open list that are out of bounds for the game character to walk in the first place. I guess I could pre-list them all as closed nodes perhaps but again it seems like a silly workaround since there must be some values I can set somewhere to specify where the map should start.

    I'll have another fiddle with it tomorrow using this new thought process but if anyone can give me any hints or take a look I'd really appreciate it! - Cheers.

    I need to use Sketchy's brilliant pathfinding algorithm in my game because I'm nowhere near that clever but I am struggling to adapt it to fit my purpose.

    The only thing I need to do is to be able to start the map at a grid number larger than zero. You see, when I move my map to the bottom of the screen (where the character will need to walk) the whole thing breaks because it's probably mapping the top nodes starting from zero. I have studied the code over and over and tried lots of things but I can't seem to add 26 to the Y value anywhere in order to get it to work again.

    Please find attached my attempted modification. I have added an alterable string to the pathfinder which says "AGE Y start" and added the value 26 to it because ideally I would like to be able to change this at the start of a new environment to tell the code how far down the screen it should start the mapping process.

    I'm still a bit of a noob so sorry for maybe missing something which might seem obvious but I can't for the life of me find where I need to add this value in the event editor. My guess is that the loops are starting at zero (which would normally make sense) but I really need them to start at the new alterable string value which will change depending on the graphics of my game's level.

    Download my rubbish reverse engineering attempt at:
    Please login to see this link.

    I assume that by placing obstacle objects over the unwalkable areas that this should work pretty well once I attach my animated character to the node. Also.. is there any way to speed the movement up at all?

    I'd love to add a little feature to the start of my game by getting a short text file from my web site. I already have a marquee and I'd like to be able to make it scroll text saved on my web server.

    By doing this, I'm hoping to keep players up-to-date with (latest news) and if I download text such as (build0007.txt) from my web server, I could also add "You have the latest version" or "An update is available" as I iron out bugs in the game with each build.

    Does anyone know a way to retrieve text by html or ftp in order to do this?

    I'm working on this right now. So far I've got the walking thing to work from left to right but I wanna experiment with paths so it's not so 2 dimensional. I've developed a formula for scaling when the character moves up and down towards a vanishing point horizon and that works great (after a lot of tweaking). When I finish figuring things out I can find a way to share my techniques if you're interested?

    I'm a little concerned about how to tackle the inventory and dialogue trees but I'll figure it out eventually!

    Have you managed to make any further progress in this or have you strayed away from the idea?

    Thanks guys.

    Reversing the order broke it the other way around sadly... :( (now it stays invisible upon the key press)

    Flags works perfectly :) I love how simple that is... thanks ColdFire, this will save me a lot of headaches :)

    I did try searching the forums first but I didn't find anything. Apparently the word "else" on its own is too common to search and my "else statement" or "else condition" found nothing related. I also find the help files in Fusion rarely bring up anything I'm looking for :(

    Hi guys!

    Why is it always the really simple things that cause me the biggest headaches?? haha.

    Okay, so normally when I program, I simply put an else statement in my code but Fusion 2.5 doesn't seem to offer me any way to do that.

    I put in two statements;

    If user presses [I] on keyboard AND object is invisible THEN make object visible.
    If user presses [I] on keyboard AND object is visible THEN make object invisible.

    It works fine the first line but the second line doesn't work. I think that's because the condition was already changed by the previous line so it actions both lines in the same loop (so usually I would use an ELSE statement to avoid that from happening).

    I need:
    If object is invisible then make visible ELSE make invisible.

    How do I do that in Fusion 2.5 ?? Thanks

    After reading a lot of these forums, I've looked into it and I wasn't compressing the runtime. I've turned that on and set it to maximum and my project is now using 47.9mb of RAM - so happy days!! :) I turned it off because it was taking ages to compile in the beginning and thought that might speed things up... it just caused me problems apparently. Thanks for you help!

    Thanks a lot guys... looks like I've got some work to do to find the best method.

    On a side-note:

    Sorry to post this here but I just ran into a major problem whilst importing animations. I got an "out of memory" error and my entire project froze and wouldn't even save. When I checked task manager, my project was using 1.6Gb of ram but I have 16gb on my machine and was only using 22% of my RAM at the time. Is there a limit in Fusion?? I have a lot of intense animations for my character and am just getting warmed up... is there a way to avoid this from happening?