Greetings everyone,
I appreciate the willingness to help others on this forum, and I feel kind of bad because I have asked a lot of questions, and answered few - I will try to be more active!
In any case, I have a problem with a platform engine I am working on. In a previous forum post, I stated that I had problems with crashing... it turns out the only problem was with my program compatibility. So if your game is crashing, that might be the problem - compatability! I set the compatabillity mode to my current operating system, and it worked! My game is not crashing, but it is not working the way I want it to.
Here is the problem: By default, Fusion 2.5 uses integer values for x and y coordinates of an object. This is generally fine, but when you have objects using 360-degree movements that need very fine movement properties, you must have very accurate numeric values. In short, I want to convert the x and y coordinates of my player to real numbers, or in other words: numbers that have extended decimal places (up to as many digits as the program needs to be accurate). This is so they move more smoothly overall. My solution is to make a variable for the player called "Real_X" and "Real_Y," and the game always sets the x-position of the player to the value of "Real_X", and accordingly for the y-position. I have done this before, and it has always worked - in fact, it usually looks great! But for some reason, in my specific platform engine, it does not work, and I cannot figure it out.
The file is attached below. Any help would be greatly appreciated - you would be doing me a big favor!
(Note: The attached file has two frames, the first one is the "broken platform engine," I would like this one to be debugged because it uses the idea of real values for the x and y position. The second frame works, but it uses the Fusion 2.5 default x and y position values.)