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Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Hello guys , I'm new on the world of mobile and I don't know that much ! Btw I was inspired by the 360 youtube video and I wondered if there was possipble to make such thing with fusion ! If you have a smartphone you probbably have the youtube app and if you go to 360 videos that's just amazing ! Some how they track your position and when you rotate in real world you rotate in the you tube video ! My question was is it possible to make such thing in fusion with the accelerometer ??? So I started testing how does accelerometer so I made a simple app .apk where you get the 3 coordinates x,y,z for each option what I foun out is that even the smarphone is on the table the values keep changing ! That means that somehowe the acclerometer isn't working well or that the accelerometer obj isn't that precise !
Now is there anyway to simulate that 360 accelerometer tracking ? That would be awesome !
If anyone want's to talk I'm also on discord you can finde me Please login to see this link.
You should use global values and than load them / save them in the ini file ... on start of frame > -load ini file (config.ini) -set global a to the ini values
Now I don't know what exactly you asked btw I think They are in the memory ! I just made a test with 170 ini obj they use something like 3 mb of memory during runtime !
Because you are always setting the X coordinate of your active to the Xmouse ! So every moviment you would make in the x-axe it would always re-setted to the Xmouse . To avoide this just add a variable :
var "move"
move = 0 > Set X position to XMouse
Select on your active the eight direction , then just change the variable to one when you want it to work with the keyboard
Hello guys ! I'm using an .ini file like binary file ! I'm trying to save some variables on the ini binary file but unfortunatelly it seems that it isn't possible to save the data ! Has anyone / does anyone know how to achieve this thing ? Please Help me Please login to see this link.
Now , I just lost a lot of time understanding the events , Too many flags and things non comented , after trying to figure out I decided to rewrite your events .... I used a "dialogue timer " variable to prevent accidentaly paragraf adding / changing ! And used variables to make the choise ! Give a look it would be easier to understand !
e lo so ! Per quanto riguarda i suggerimenti beh a mio parere dovresti aggiungere i nomi degli oggetti/ npg quando il mouse va sopra cosi uno sa cosa è l'oggetto in questione / personaggio ...poi per come la penso io a mio parere dovresti proprio usare un altro software per creare un avventura grafica punta & clicca tipo visionaire studio o wintermute engine (gratuito da quello che ricordo ), questi richiedono almeno un minimo di programmazione , pero hey click fusion puo fare anche questo solo che questi software sono fatti a posta per quel genere di gioco e di conseguenza garantiscono risultati migliori ! Titoli come deponia o comunque tutti i titoli della deadalic sono fatti con visionaire ...mentre per quanto riguarda wintermute engine un titolo che ho giocato e che mi viene in mente è alpha polaris ... Dai un occhiata nel caso ...
ps. Per quanto riguarda il tuo vecchio post a riguardo del inventario io sono riuscito a farlo dinamico con soli 46 righe di eventi piu o meno nel caso ti servisse Please login to see this link. ma purtroppo non è commentato perché non ho avuto tempo (esami di università)