Posts by Dowpag

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!



    I searched the forum but did not find anything that would help me on this, so here it is :

    I'm tiring to build a list/an array with all the character position of a specific substring in a string. For example, it the following : " mfiduA dkdjfA dkA sd " I would like to create an array which would contains [6, 13, 17], which are all the position of each "A" occurrence in that string.

    I basically know how the "Find ( STRING, SUBSTRING, INDEX) works, but I'm only able to use it in a case with a single occurrence of the substring (which would only return a single number).

    So is there an other way to return all positions of all occurrence of a substring ?

    Thanks !

    Hi clickers!
    I'm just releasing my first official project! It's called "Cyber Tower" and it's a old-school style arcade game. It's available for free on both iOS and Android! ( I heard that, even if the android version is 100% stable, some specific iPhone users were getting random crashes ... I'll try to solve that as soon as possible! )

    iOS : Please login to see this link.
    Android : Please login to see this link.

    It's not a BIG game, this one took one moth and a half to complete, but i'm still proud of it! :) Something bigger is coming next ;) Rating it 5 Starts to help me start would be VERY appreciated :)
    If you like it, like my new facebook page to stay tuned for my next games :) :

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    Thanks a lot!

    Ok I just tried the one you just posted (2852i) and we are on the good way! But something wierd is happening :

    Please login to see this attachment.

    On the first line it should be written "playerName" and on the second one "5". ( Like on my previous post ).

    The resampling is sharp like it should ( :) ) , but some data is lost. Some pixels are lost. Why is one lost and the other not lost? That I don't know. Maybe still something wrong in the resampling.

    For exemple, when expanding, strings forget some pixels. Some unique white pixel (in the text) will become 4 pixel, 9 pixels, 16 pixels ( well, a square, depending on the screen size ). But some pixels are forgotten and 1 pixels becomes 0 pixel.

    Again, that kind on data loss only happens on string and never happends on other types of object.

    Maybe there is still a little something wrong with the resampling, or i don't know.

    Thanks again

    Argg :( That's bad :( Since active objets do not do the same kind of thing, I really don't get how it could not be possible ....

    At least, can you tell me which java file in the android runtime is responsible of that behavior? I may try to mod it by myself then, since it logically 100% possible.

    ( I think it IS 100% possible since it only happens to strings, and it only happens on android runtime ( on windows, everything stays sharp ). ) So the problem is very specific and not "normal" considering the behavior in other runtimes and objet types )

    Hi Fernondo,

    I tried your new android update, and it still doesn't work. It's a little bit better, but it's not not it.

    Here's a picture of what it SHOULD look like, with Smooth Resizing OFF :
    Please login to see this attachment.

    Now, with Smooth Resizing OFF, still the same blury resampling, which only applies to strings (Here, STR, DEF, and all the sharp text are not strings, but PNG... only strings gets blur):
    Please login to see this attachment.

    But with Smooth Resizing ON, there IS anti aliasing, but it's more clear than before... let's say it is almost LESS blury with Smooth Resing ON. Looks like it does not resample, but it does anti-anlias.

    Please login to see this attachment.

    Would there be a way to do none of them? No resampling and no anti-anlias? ( Like on my first screen shot?)

    Thanks again

    Ok... Because ...let's say you create an active object, the main frame being a PNG showing text at low rest. It stays sharp while scalling at runtime. So there's something different for sure between strings and actives ( But using actives will be a pain in the *** since there are a lot of strings in my project )

    Damn, I tried with 480 x 853 and there is still blur. It's less noticeable, but it's still there. The problem is the way string resizes at runtime. It's like "bicubic"-like resampeling instead of using "nearest neighbor" like every other objects do. Isn't there something that could be changed in the android runtime for that? Somewhere is src/Objects/ I'm not a good enough java programmer to modify this, but I think it might be possible to change the way it resamples to make it use the nearest neighbor?

    ( I see a lot of french annotations on those java files... are you french too haha? Aren't you the one that made that? )

    Well, my string problem may be still real, but charboost problem is solved.

    Using the most recent android runtime, chartboost object and fusion version didnt worked at all. I had to manually replace the charboost extention and the in my android runtime folder for the one that were there before my update. Now everything is perfect again.

    Actually, like I said, I tried a lot of things because it was not working at first, but I first tried with the most recent fusion, most recent android exporter and most recent chaftboost object ( The one that came with the new fusion beta ). And did not work correctly. :(

    And also still having problems with my strings...

    Oh god, I'm a problem magnet hahaha

    ( Oh, and BTW, since I updated, my charboost doesn't work properly... If I completely close my application, and then open it, charboost will work on my first frame ... but then, whatever I do, charboost is completely disable. That's weird because if I build my exact same project with the older version (284.1), charboost is fine.

    I even try to chance my object to the "charboost 2.1" you posted some days ago. And also tried with the older charboost object I was using on 284.1. Still nothing :( ( I did replace all my events with the correct object every time I tried to change )

    Here's an update: I updated my android exporter and fusion to latest beta, so I am up to date :P

    The "smooth resizing" being unchecked, my strings looks better, BUT still not what I want :/
    At first, with the old version, it looked like this ( It still looks like this if I check "Smooth resizing") :
    Please login to see this attachment.

    Now, with smooth resizing UNCHECKED, it's less blurry, more like this :
    Please login to see this attachment.

    But what I want, is to be like on my computer, so like this :
    Please login to see this attachment.

    Much more crispy on this last one. Actually, I build my game at a very low resolution : 240 x 427 ( Like a NES resolution, but with HD ratio ). I test it on a nexus 5 so the strings are definitely scaling. But everything else except the string are scaling to the "nearest neighbor", so it all looks good and crispy. The clearly a problem only on strings :/ Any idea then? ( BTW my anti-aliasing and turned-off on every string object )