Posts by ierofei

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    I've been pondering over this all day.. I'm trying to compare the value saved in an array position to a number saved in a string. I thought I was on the right track with this:

    ValueAtXY("array", 1, 1) = Val(string$("string"))

    That, however, does not seem to do anything for me.

    I've tried:

    ValueAtXY("array", 1, 1) = Value("string")

    as well and that doesn't do it..

    Anyone have any insight for me?

    Is there an expression to add up all of the values in a column or row of an array without typing out each position individually?

    What I've been doing so far was:
    Set Global Value A
    >ValueAtXY ("Array", 1, 1) + ValueAtXY ("Array", 1, 2) + ValueAtXY ("Array", 1, 3)

    .. And so on. I'm sure there's a shorter way to write that out, am I correct?

    Hey guys I've got another question. I am trying to make a menu that asks you if you're sure you want to quit and I figured I could just drop an extra layer down on my frame with the interface on it to do that. It works great except I want to basically pause the original layer or at least prevent interaction (mostly button presses) on layer 1 while layer 2 is visible. Is there a simple way to do this or am I going about this the wrong way trying to use a layer instead of a subapp?

    I've been working on this project for a little while now and I'm worried I might need to rewrite a whole lot of my code to work with arrays.

    Basically what I'm trying to do is this: I have a log menu that I can record numbers and notes to in my app. It starts out with a default of three pages but extra pages can be added at any time. When you click on an area of the log it'll give you an edit box to work in and a "okay" button to save what you've input and that's where the array comes in. I'm tracking the pages of my log book using a list object and whatever page is currently selected in the list object is the page that is displayed. I want the information that is typed into the edit box to be saved in an XY array that corresponds to the current selected line in my list object.

    What I thought would work is this:

    (For a value)
    When user clicks on button
    >Set Alterable Value A to Val(Edittext$("editbox"))
    >Write Value Alterable Value A("editbox") to (1, List Select("list"))

    I have a counter set to always display what's being stored in the array at 1,1 (since both the list object and the array object are set 1-based index) but it seems that nothing is being written there. The only thing I can think that would be messing it up is the "list select("list")" expression. I have another counter set up that uses that same expression to display the current line number so I know the expression works.. it just won't work in my array for some reason.

    Anyone have any idea where I'm going wrong here?

    Hm.. it makes perfect sense but for some reason I'm not getting the desired result! As soon as I click the left mouse to hold it over the active object it immediately sends me to the next frame. I'm trying to debug it but I can't come up with an answer just yet. Here's what I've tried:

    Repeat while left mouse-key is pressed AND mouse pointer is over "active1"
    >add 1 to alterable value a
    >set alterable value b to 1

    (negate)Repeat while left mouse-key is pressed
    >set alterable value a to 0
    >set alterable value b to 0

    Alterable Value a of "active1" = 10 AND alterable value b of "active1" = 1
    >Create "menu"

    User clicks with left mouse button on "active1" AND alterable value b of "active1" = 0
    >Jump to frame "2"

    I think I have to prevent it from looping to the click event but still allow the click event to happen somehow I'm just not seeing a clean way of doing that. Any ideas?

    I really feel like I'm missing something here.. I've been trying to make an active object that will send you to another frame if clicked but will open up another menu if long pressed. Is this not a possibility or am I just not getting clever enough with my events?

    I've been playing around with optimizing my code by using groups for everything. I've started to add groups inside groups and was wondering: is there a way to activate a group and all subsequent groups inside that group or do I need to just make one event and activate each group individually?

    I'm having a bit of a conundrum here. I am attempting to make an ini file and an event that stores previous values that it collects and lists them in chronological order. Kind of like a high score list but instead of high scores I want to make it previous attempts.

    So far I have an ini set up as such:

    What I want it to do is as soon as soon as a new value is obtained it is stored in the ini as set1. If there is already a set1 value there, however, I want to move that set1 value into the set2 slot to make room for the new set1 value. The same for set2 to set3.

    For the life of me I can not find a way to do this. Does anyone have an experience trying something like this?

    Hey guys. I'm having a little issue getting my timer to work. Basically I've got an event that makes a timer open up. I'm trying to cut down on the amount of clutter I have on each frame so I have it set up as a subapp that contains a "date and time" item. Basically it works like this: Button is pressed and sets a global value (time), creates the sub app, grabs a global value that's been set for the timer and then start the countdown. For some reason whenever I try this with the subapp it won't grab the global value. It works fine when I set the timer up in the original frame, however.

    Currently I'm trying it this way:
    Start of Frame
    >Set count down to ( Global Value A )
    >Start Countdown

    Seems like it should be pretty straight forward to me or am I missing something?