I'm getting some Landstalker vibes based on what I saw in the demo. Looks great so far! Also, is that brief bit of music mid way through the video going to be part of the soundtrack or is it a placeholder? It really fits in with the tranquil yet mysterious feel of the game.
Posts by Megabeard
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
I don’t think there is a difference, building an audience is super hard these days and having a free game does not automatically work in your favor, the main lacking resource is your player‘s spare time and free games are often associated with low quality standards, even if that is not true. Most people would rather try to play one of the 50 games bought and never installed on Steam than going for a new hobby project on Gamejot or Itch. Some free games like AM2R were hugely successful tho, but in this particular example the game had more than average commercial quality.
100% agree with this. Usually the free games that become famous are older titles that had a lot of time to circulate and came out when there wasn't so much competition. The other famous free games have special reasons. Having Metroid attached to the name certainly doesn't hurt, for instance. My first game was free and over an hour long, so I thought it might be successful with some luck. Couldn't even get it to over 500 people playing it. Even when your game is free, I think you have to have something very unique, or preferably multiple unique things about the game.
[MENTION=12521]Julian82[/MENTION] I noticed that you ran a successful kickstarter campaign for Outbuddies. Would you say that having a kickstarter helped get more of a base for your game? Or do you feel you already had that support before the campaign?
This program is designed to restart the application after the third frame is done playing. But when the third frame is over, the program closes down. I tried using go to frame one and it did the same thing. Is this a bug or is there something wrong with the code.
Its really all very simple code and has no extensions.
Interesting. It works fine for me. It restarts the program at the end of the third frame when I play the application. Maybe I'm being too simple, but the symptoms you speak of sound a lot to me like when Fusion tries to switch frames when only running a single frame from the program (In this case, your third frame). Any chance that's what's happening here?
Hello again everyone,
I was hoping someone could help me with a particular method of pathfinding - The easy version uploaded by Patrice Cervellin on the Clickstore. Long story short, I needed pathfinding for my game about a year and a half ago when I was still pretty new to fusion. I was struggling with the pathfinding object and upon realizing that it would get even more complicated with multiple enemies going to different destinations, decided to look for an easier, more organic method. It has worked well for me most of the time, but there's this bafflingly silly thing that happens when the pathfinding runs into a wall sticking out from another wall.
As you'll see in the example file provided, when I try to make the NPC path find its' way to a specific point, it tends to get caught on pieces of wall sticking out, and makes the NPC walk in endless circles. If this is simply the weakness of using easy pathfinding (I'm too far into the game to be making major changes to how the NPCs move), then I can accept that and simply change the level design. But before resorting to that, I wanted to see if anyone on the forums more skilled in programming might know a way to correct this.
Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Example is Please login to see this attachment.
A flashlight (aka "shadowcasting") effect is actually very tricky to pull off - especially with multiple light sources (which is also likely to make it slow).
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Please login to see this link.You'll note that the best stealth games, like "Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines", "Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun" and "Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive" only show the viewcone of one enemy at a time, and are much better for it.
Also, you'll have to handle the line-of-sight calculation for enemies separately. You'd use a ForEach loop to check for a clear line-of-sight between each enemy and the player, one at a time. The standard approach is to use a 1px detector object, scale it along one axis (width or height, but not both) to the distance between the enemy and the player, and then rotate it to the angle between them (that draws a line between them). Then just check if the detector is overlapping an obstacle or anything else that would block line-of-sight.
I see, so it would seem that I need to make a compromise either way. Maybe it would be better for me not to display it as some kind of flashlight then. I don't want that slow down after all
Thanks MuddyMole, I will use your method for line of sight. Sounds better than what I'm currently doing!
In my game (Which is in a top-down view similar to older Zelda titles), there are stealth missions where players have to avoid an enemy's line of sight. This is depicted in the game as a flashlight effect of sorts. If the flashlight active overlaps the player, they get caught. The problem I have though, is that it doesn't act like a real flashlight would. When light bounces off a wall for instance, it distorts. At the moment, I have the active changing size constantly, as I am detecting when it overlaps a wall or obstacle and making it smaller when it does, then slowly returning it to normal size when it's not overlapping.
I have come across a few Please login to see this link. that suggested using overlay redux to achieve this effect, but I have been unable to make that work for multiple enemies on screen at the same time. It also seems that I'm unable to create the flashlight effect without a dark background, although this could be entirely due to my inexperience with overlay redux. Furthermore, I'm unsure I could use this to detect overlaps of the player and trigger the game over I would need.
Are there any alternatives to give multiple enemies a realistic "flashlight" effect in fusion? Specifically one that could trigger other events when the flashlight overlaps the player? Any ideas are appreciated!
That's definitely a unique idea I think I will try out. Any suggestions of good youtubers to hit up?A good way to find smaller youtubers that would be willing to play is to search for let's plays and reviews of a game or games that are similar to your own on youtube. The smaller the channel, the more likely they are to play.
Wasn't 100% sure what to pick here. I do consider myself a game developer, but I've also never released a game that wasn't free. In addition, I've always made games while working a full-time job, at least up until this past July when I officially went into business. Now I work part-time on games, and part-time actually making money. XD
I know a bit of programming, but I went to school for design. I feel that most of the time I understand the logic behind coding, but learning other languages has always been difficult for me. That includes programming languages! So I was drawn to programs like Fusion early on.
made a very quick example:
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if you still have issues you can perhaps try to prepare a little .mfa we can check?
This worked perfectly! Thank you!
Turns out I was misunderstanding you. I thought you were referring to the ForEach object, but your method ended up working once I saw the example. Thanks again!
Thanks for the responses guys! I am willing to try a new method, but first want to see if ForEach will work.
[MENTION=18866]schrodinger[/MENTION] I can almost get ForEach to work, but something is not quite synching up. In your example, am I creating ForEach instances in two separate names? Or is it all the same ForEach on the enemy object?
I didn't mention this earlier, but enemies in this case would be spawning in different areas at random. So essentially what I do is set a random range for a value (1-4) and depending on what value comes out, the enemy would spawn at a certain "Waypoint" of sorts. This also happens once every second. I believe this is what is causing things to not synch up correctly. That, or I misunderstood your example.
I am getting enemies to spawn and mostly stay where they're supposed to, but sometimes the enemy itself goes rogue and abandons the sprite for some reason. Animations also seem to not be matching up properly.
Hello, I'm having an issue in my game where I'd like to have randomly spawning enemies acting independent of each other. Normally, this isn't a problem. I can just spread a value or use the ForEach object. But in my case, I have two separate objects for the enemy: The enemy hit box, and the enemy sprite. I attach the enemy sprite to the invisible hit box as I feel it makes for better game play.
My initial strategy was to spread values for both the sprite and the hit box's values "ID", but the problem with this came with events that came afterwards.
It would go something like:
ID of enemysprite = 0
ID of enemy = 0
> Set position of enemysprite to (0,0) enemyBut I would have to do this for each number. At points in the game, there can be upwards of 20+ enemies on screen due to random generation. With the above method, animations in particular would be very cumbersome to add in. I figured there had to be some quicker way to do this, but everything I've tried so far hasn't worked.
Here's what I tried:
> Spread value 1 in ID for Enemy
> Spread value 1 in ID for EnemyspriteID of "Enemy" = ID of "Enemysprite"
> *Do animation stuff*This usually works briefly when an enemy is first spawned, but eventually the sprites stop following along with the enemy and the hit box goes rogue from the sprite. I end up with a bunch of spawned enemies moving independently of their sprites which should be following them. I am unsure if this is because I am constantly spreading values, but it seems to me like it starts out working and then for some reason fusion forgets that particular sprites and hit boxes are supposed to be paired together.
I have also tried spreading values when the object and sprite are first randomly spawned. That didn't work either. I have tried ForEach as well, but that seems to only work on single objects unless I am missing something.
The extra factor of making my sprites separate from the actual enemy hit box seems to be complicating things for me. Is there an efficient way I can handle multiple instances of the same randomly spawning enemy while maintaining sprites separate from their intended hit box?
I appreciate any help that can be offered!
CT, I beg. Don't go subscription. Please.
I could be remembering wrong, but I do believe they mentioned at some point it would be a one-time payment. I hope it stays that way. Subscription based software is like a plague to creativity. Unfortunately it's a model a lot of companies are starting to try because it consistently gets them revenue. That's probably why Scirra went this route.
I was thinking the same thing when I saw Construct 3's announcement. There were a lot of complaints about C2's HTML5 only nature going into this (A key reason I jumped to Fusion last year) and unless I missed something they seem to have not listened at all to the criticisms. Now it's operating out of a browser (Online or off) for a yearly subscription. It doesn't feel like they're a competitor to Clickteam anymore. They feel more like Stencyl now. Oh, and longtime members getting half off, while people buying C2 at the last second get it completely free for the first year is probably going to rub a lot of people the wrong way.
What I have seen of Fusion 3 on the other hand is the exact direction I was hoping it would take and reaffirms that I have made the right decision... so long as they keep the Event List Editor and don't make me use checkboxes
Many thanks Popcorn! Though it does take using a good amount of objects, this does make it a lot easier for me to understand. Thank you!
Hey everyone,
First and foremost I want to say that yes, I know of the older threads involving typewriter text and word wrapping. The thing is, they're all older topics and missing some crucial example files that I think could have helped me solve my issues with it. I found some example files which led me in the right direction, but I still can't quite get the hang of it. So I was hoping for a fresh perspective on it as I'm really struggling to understand how to do it properly.
The typewriter effect I refer to is the text you typically see in rpg games, kind of like it's being typed out as you read it. I have that down just fine. The problem is when the text being output goes on for more than one line. The text will keep writing out until a word overlaps the edge of the text box, and then bring it down to the next line. This doesn't necessarily sound bad on paper, but it looks really sloppy and gets hard to read in execution.
I have an attached an mfa to show you guys and example of what I have right now. I have followed a few different examples and still can't get the text to wrap properly as I'm having some trouble grasping how the code works.
Any ideas of what I am doing wrong? I appreciate any help at all!
Using the hi-score object in my app, when players get a high score a box pops up asking for their name. However, if they tap anywhere but the text box to enter their name, it automatically closes out the box and they are no longer able to enter their name. It just comes up blank. Is there any way to manipulate the object so that the box doesn't go away until they've entered their name? I've been searching around but can't seem to find something within Fusion that stops such a thing from happening on my own.
Any ideas? Or would I have to do something custom?
I appreciate any help!
Hey everyone,
Just had a quick question about the built-in hi-score table and how it functions on Android.
In my game, I have high scores for each level, so what I did, was within the hi-score table properties, make it so each level saves to a different file. This seems to work correctly when I test on the desktop. However, for some reason, when I test the game on my phone, the high scores for each level are always the same as each other when they should be different, which tells me Android isn't saving the other hi-score table results into separate folders for some reason.
Is there a particular way this needs to be done? Or is it just not possible yet on Android? Or maybe I'm missing something?
Any help is appreciated as always!
Please login to see this attachment.Please login to see this attachment.Please login to see this attachment.
Yeah, I'm building as ios final and I have attached some images to give you an idea of what I'm seeing.
Hey Marc, thanks for the response. I tried what you said, but I still get the same strange rotating rocket ship and nothing else on the display. I did notice a weird error showing up: "[scenekit error] displaylink thread seems stuck". Any idea what that might mean?
Hey guys,
I've been following this tutorial: Please login to see this link.
To test out my mobile game for ios. However, when I try to simulate on my mac, I just get a strange animation of a rocket ship continuously rotating after the simulated phone loads up. I'm told the build is successful, so I feel as if I've missed something? Any ideas?
Also, does anyone know of some good guides to put the game on other iphones for testing? I've been trying that for a couple of days now, but can't get it to work. I can only seem to find tutorials for publishing, which I want to hold off on for now.